Life tips/hacks

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Hey guys! Today I'm going to give life hacks. These are just some basic things you need to know. Btw I'm not putting any bag or purse essentials because that will be in my next chapter. Hope you love my hacks.

1. Carry a bag/ purse with you at all times away from home. (next chapter will be the essentials.)

2. Follow this quote:
The only person you should be better than, is the person you were yesterday.

3. Babysit at least once. Without any adults around. It will be handy in the future. I promise.

4. Start thinking about high school(if your in middle school) and college (if your in high school).

5. Try different beauty products to express yourself.

6. Don't always do what people say. This is very important.

7. Wash your face almost everyday. The results are great.

8. Be creative. Don't be the same everyday with your style. Change it up a bit.

9. Try to eat your favorite healthy food. Then you're eating healthy and it's something you like.

10. Use petroleum jelly to make your eye lashes longer.

11. Use Chapstick on a mosquito bite and the itching will stop.

12. Spray perfume in your hair brush. Then use it. It will make your hair smell really nice.

13. Take old jeans and make them into shorts for the summer.

14. Pluck your eyebrows once or twice a month.

15. In the winter and fall, don't shave your legs as often because you have long pants to cover them. In the spring and especially summer, shave your legs at least once a week.

16. Foundation for the winter and fall. BB cream for the summer and spring.

17. Put a bag or cup to hold your garbage in your car.

18. Use windex to clean your eye glasses.

19. Turn your airplane mode on to get rid of all those annoying ads.

20. If you a buy a game ad of one of your apps, you will never have that specific ad again.

21. Scents in candles, perfumes, etc. makes you calmer. So smell scents often.

22.Make all your passwords your name. You'll never forget it.

23. Put your emergency money in your phone case. That way, you will never forget it and it's save.

24. Always have a snack with you.

25. Kool aid hair dye is healthier than regular food hair dye because the food can make your hair oily.

26. Press F9 to zoom in on a report when typing.

27. Shave your legs with conditioner. It will leave your legs really smooth, smoother than shaving cream.

28. Do anything for your family. They are the most important people in your life who will always be with you.

29. If you have allergies, use Claritin. It really works.

30. Put a headband on your forehead when you have a headache. That way, the pressure of the band will message your head, making it feel better.

31. If your sad, mad, confused, or any emotions, your pets always will make you feel better.

32. Use an empty tic tax container to hold bobby pins.

33.Never wash your hair every single day. It will make your hair oily and dry.

34. (Goes with #33) Wash your hair every other day.That will make your hair healthier.

35. A toothpick will get stuff out of your teeth better than flossing. Trust me, it works.

36. When you don't know which thing to choose, make a pros and cons list,

37. When something scares you, open your eyes wider. If something disgusts you, close your eyes. This helps. I don't know how but it does.

38. Wishing on stars is for suckers. Believe in yourself and what you want will come true.

39. Organization is the key.

40. If any shoes or clothes .don't fit you, save it. Then when a younger sibling becomes older, you can give the stuff to them. That's what younger siblings are for! XD If you don't have a younger sibling, give it to the poor. I promise you it will make you feel good inside.

41. Put your fingers inside the bottom outline of your bra. If it's tight, your bra doesn't fit.

42. Customize your keys so you know which one is which. That way, it's so much organized.

43. Put Vaseline on a red nose to make it not so red.

44. DIYs are always less money to make than to just get ready.

45. Use magazine clippings to make sweet collages. They do work.

These are my life hacks. I will try to make more if you wish. AQ? I'm always here. Coming next is what I and you should carry in your bag/ purse. Bye loves!-TDG

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