How to survive winter

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Let me just say that I HATE WINTER!!!! I'm cold and I get headaches from the cold and arggghhhhh!!!!!!! But I do know some easy hacks to help me survive winter. So I'll teach my ways to you!

1. You get a lot of dry skin during the winter. Mostly everyone does. Moisturizing is the key.

2. To prevent your self from slipping on ice, just walk slowly and put a the tiniest bit of honey on the bottom of your shoe. Not even the size of a pea. Since it's sticky, you will stick to the ground more than slipping on it.

3. To prevent your lips from getting chapped, wrap your mouth in a scarf. And if they do get chapped just load up on the lip balm.

4. Gloves, coats, scarves, etc. They sometimes make your hair frizzy. Spray your ideas with some hair spray so your hair won't frizz as much.

5. Always watch the weather channel!!!! This helps you soo much. Everyone needs to know if it is 5 degrees outside or snowing hard.

6. Hats are lifesavers. If your having a bad hair day just because of the cold, a hat is why you need. Plus because it's cold you can get away with it.

7. To survive in winter you need hot chocolate.

8. Beauty tip of the day: Winter edition- If you want your wet nails to dry faster then keep them in the cold. The air will dry them quickly.

9. Before you leave the house, put your coat, hat, scarf, and gloves on a heaters 10 minutes before you leave. You will barely be cold when you go outside.

10. If it snows outside and you need to be somewhere, leave as soon as possible. Don't leave during rush hour traffic because that's just plain chaos.

11. Now because you checked the weather channel, you know there is going to be a blizzard tomorrow and everyone will be snowed in. Go out and buy as much food as possible. Be prepared and also make sure you have a shovel with you so you can shovel the snow every once and a while.

12. Don't want to shovel? Have siblings? I got you. After 10 minutes of shoveling, say that your arm or leg hurts. You parents will think that you worked so hard that you sprained something and your sibling can take your place. Score!!!

Those are my tips on how to survive winter. I hope that you make it out of winter. Love ya!

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