How to make money over the summer

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Summer is coming to a close. ( WAAAAAAAA!!!) So before summer ends I'm sure we all want a little dough in our pocket to do some shopping or whatever. So below are some ways and tips on making money in the summer.

1. Start a lemonade stand. I have heard so many people say their too old for them. But they're wrong! I am in the middle of a lemonade stand with my little sister right now. Don't do a lemonade stand alone because it's so boring. So do it with your sibling or friend. You will definitely make some money on a hot day.

2. Start a babysitting service. If you love kids, this is the job for you. You get payed to get to hang out and take care of little kids. You can't get any better than that.

3. Start a car wash. Find a big, empty parking lot on a Sunday and have a car wash. You need about four to ten people, car soap and wax, a hose, towels, big posters, and energy. Some people can wave big signs up in the air and others can wash the cars. Plus it's super fun when you do it with your friends.

4. Do odd jobs for your neighbors. Are you good at cleaning or moving a lawn? Why don't you do odd jobs for your neighbors. Just go door to door asking if they need help planting their garden, cleaning, or anything.

5. Teach kids how to swim. Swimming is a big part of summer. So teach a kid how to swim and get payed for it. Make sure that the kid has a pool of their own.

6. Sell bracelets. If you can weave or make Rainbow loom stuff then sell bracelets or charms. Believe it or not, people do want that stuff.

Now below are some tips on getting jobs, keeping jobs, and starting a business:

Tip #1 Always be awake. You can never be too tired to work. You just have to keep in going.

Tip #2 Take your time when you are learning how to do something. When you need to learn how to work the cash register or learn how to do something at your new job, always take your time when you are learning. You don't want to rush and then mess up when you are really working.

Tip #3 Work together. If you are starting a business with your friends or siblings, always work together. It gets the job done faster and you'll have much more fun if you all do something.

Tip #4 Stay focused. Don't let yourself get distracted so easily. By focusing on what's important, you will never make mistakes and you'll be the best you can be.

Tip #5 Always be honest. You can never lie to anyone or lie on your resume. It's always better to be honest. In life, honesty is the key.

Tip #6 When starting a business, always be open. You can never start a business by yourself. So be open to any ideas. I promise it will help you.

That's it! I hope you make some money before summer ends. I also hope each and every one of you has been having a great summer. Comment if you want me to start my back to school series. AQ? Comment your questions.

TDG in and out

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