Friendships (True or fake)

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Hey guys. So recently I have been dealing with a lot of friendship things and over the past couple of days, I learned a lot. I am finally starting to realize who my true friends are (of course one of them has always and will forever be my true friend. MDElwis btw shoutout to her. It's her birthday!) Here of my tips to realizing your true friends and ditching the fake.

👭They treat you the same all the time. They cannot treat you one way in school or sports and then completely different in let's say FaceTime. I know that has happened to me. They can't change because of the people they are around.

👫 Friends can make mistakes. Let me just say this, no one is perfect. So if they make a mistake and it's their first mistake, don't be so hard or stay so mad. One of my friends sided with the popular side when I was the one who was right in our fight. She did eventually apologized to me later, which meant she still cared.

👬 Getting back to them acting differently around you, they cannot like you one day, hate you the next, become your best friend the day after that, then not talk to you. You see what I mean? Usually popular kids do this to me, but it could be anyone. If they can pick between love or hate, it's neither.

👭 They actually talk to you. When I was growing up, I had to start all of the conversations between my classmates and me (except for MDElwis ) As I got older, it still happened except not with just everyone. Now I only have to do that a few times because I found friends who actually care about me and want to hang out with me. They text me, FaceTime, even speak in person. Those are what real friends are.

👫 If they can't admit in public that their your friend, ditch them. I think this is very important because they could be your "friend" in secret and not tell anyone else. And maybe their okay with being your friend they just don't want you to be called your best friend. Ask them one day, "Are we friends?" If they say, "Yeah why?" Then their your friend. If they say, "Yes why are you asking that?!?! Then they are hiding something possibly. If they say no, then it's no.

👬 They have your back. If you are in a fight or are in trouble they always defend you and help you. If you are upset they will ask what's wrong. They should always have your back and care for you.

👭 Some friends, are meant to stay friends. I have some friends who don't talk to me 24/7 but when we do talk we talk for hours. What I mean by this first sentence is that if they don't talk to you 24/7 and they don't always have your back, but you talk to them as much as you can, you are just friends, not best friends.

👫 Pick and choose your friends wisely. My last tip is to be aware of your friends. I have made some bad friendship choices but I got over them and moved on. I wasn't careful enough to realize what I was doing. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID!!! Please I want you to have amazing friends.

Those are my tips to realizing true friends and differing them between fake friends. I hope you enjoyed it. Comment below what was a friend that was so bad to you and how did you handle it. If this gets to 1o likes, I'll tell you a story about one of my "friends". XOXO

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