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It was finally Friday. Game night! Liberty vs. Infinity. It was a decent matchup, but I knew my school was gonna come out on top. The gym was packed full of people. One side cheered for Liberty, while the other cheered for Infinity.

I wasn't going to let the altercation I had with ole girl get to me. I was here for one thing and one thing only. To cheer. I could careless about that bitch and her boyfriend. Word got around and they're officially a couple now.

Congrats to them. I wish them nothing, but the best. Me on the other hand, I've been focused on school and visiting my grandma. She's been in the hospital because she's gotten worse. Her doctor said that her cancer progressed to stage 4. This had really taken a toll on my family, especially my mom.

They're really close, so to lose her mother would be very devastating. I constantly pray that she gets better, but we have to leave it in God's hands.

I was on the sidelines, doing a lil bit of stretching before the game started. I lowkey dreaded being here since I'd have to see Will's ass, but I'm gone pretend he's not even here.

Plus, I'm gone do my best to ignore Kani's ass since she'll be cheering with me. Ugh, I should've quit the team when her ass got put on, but I love it too much. I guess I'll have to suck it up and deal with it. This some bullshit right here.

Both teams lined up on the court, ready for tip off. Let the games begin!


Hey, y'all

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Hey, y'all. It's your girl, Tasha here in the building! Yeah, I know, 14 chapters later and I finally have my own POV. That's a damn shame. Anyway, here's a lil bit about me. I'm Natasha Isabella Cruz and Leah's bestie. She probably told y'all that, but who cares! I'm reminding y'all. Anyhow, I do have a lil crush on my bestie, which she probably told y'all about too. I've made it known several times, but each time she shuts me down. It's all good though I still love her. She's still my angel.

I was currently on the sidelines talking to my bestie. She was warming up, doing stretches and shit. She was doing a split and she reached her arms out to me. I grabbed and pulled them forward.

I watched her intently, biting my bottom lip. My best friend was bad. "You can hit a split on my tongue." I said as I eyed her down. looking at her.

She looked up at me with her face scrunched up. "Gone with that bullshit, Tasha."

"I'm just saying bestie, you sexy as fuck." I stated as she stood up. She put her left foot on the bleacher and tied her shoe lace. Damn. Looking at her bent over, had my mind going crazy. When I'm with you all I get is Wild thoughts.

I couldn't contain myself no longer, so I smacked her ass, watching it bounce in that lil skirt she had on. Leah's head snapped in my direction, so quick, I thought it'd break.

"Tasha, I will beat your ass if you do that again."

"Girl, shut up. You say the same shit and don't ever do anything about it. Shit, you got a fat ass." I smacked it again. She went to hit me, but I ran laughing.

"Dumb ass." She retorted, rolling her eyes. 

"What are we doing after the game?"

I watched as the players warmed up on the court. "We can chill at your house, watch movies, and get fat off junk food. Is it cool with your mom if I stayed over the weekend? She asked.

"You know she's fine with it. You're family, plus she won't be home. She'll be on a business trip, but I'll let her know you're staying over."


I was glad she was coming over. We haven't really spent much time together. I knew something was off with Leah, but I was hoping she'd come around and tell me. I'd find out later tonight, when I pry it out of her.

The players stepped to the middle of the court for tip off. "Well, that's my que, fuck it up angel. I'll be watching you shake that ass of yours." I said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes as she hugged me.

I grabbed a handful of her ass and just before she could swing on me, I ran to my seat.

"Bitch!" She yelled. I chuckled to myself, that's my bestie.

~Fourth Quarter~


It was the last quarter with 5 minutes on the clock. The game was neck and neck. 36-33. We were up. We had possession of the ball and I watched from the sidelines as Brayden had the ball.

"Timeout!" Coach yelled to the referees.

The whistle blew and both teams went to the benches.

"Why you call a timeout coach? I was just about to shoot that shit." Brayden said, slightly aggravated.

"One, you watch your mouth when you're talking to me. I'm not your friend, I'm your coach. And two, the score is too close to be shooting anything. We need to be strategic." Coach grabbed his mini white board.

"Pierce, you're gonna pay attention or you're gonna keep staring at your lil girlfriend?" He asked in an aggravated tone."

"My bad, coach you can continue."

"Now, they know that Brayden and Will are the best shooters on the team. We just need to run plays to get y'all open." Coach said as he drew on the board.

"What if we get Danny open instead? They wouldn't expect that." I suggested.

"Danny? Are you fuc...I mean are you serious right now, bro? Danny never shoots and this is our first home game and I'll be pissed if we lose to Infinity." Brayden said, angrily.

The whistle blew, indicating that the timeout was over.

Coach shook his head. "Just stick to the plays I showed y'all. Now, Bruins on three, 1..2..3"

"Bruins!" The team yelled in unison.

We ran back on the court to start the game back up with 5 minutes left and us only being up by three. The entire time, the score kept changing, either we're up, tied, or up again. We were up by two until the other team shot and tied the game.

There was only 23 seconds left on the clock and we had to do something. We tried to run the play coach showed us, but we were too guarded up, so I passed the ball to Danny.

"Shoot!" I yelled.

He shot the ball and the entire gym became quiet as time felt like it went in slow motion. However, Danny being nervous, rush his shot and I knew it would miss. As the opposing team stood confused to see Danny shoot, I went to the basket.

The ball hit the rim and dropped. Everyone was shocked that he missed and boo'd him until I got the rebound and took a shot in the last 3 seconds and scored.

The whistle blew, signifying the game was over. The score was 40-38, us being victorious. Everyone from our school flooded the court, running to me.

"You did it, bro!" Brayden yelled, excitedly.

"Yeah, I guess I did."

Even Kani ran up to me and gave me a kiss.

"You did it, baby! Great job!" She said.

"Yeah, thanks." I said with the biggest smile I mustered.

"Let's go to Jenny's and celebrate!" Brayden yelled to the crowd.

I looked around for Danny, but he was nowhere to be found.

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