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After practice, I raced home to freshen up. After taking a hot shower and getting dressed, I went downstairs to get a snack. I quickly found some Oreos in the cabinet and placed them on the counter. I took a few out of the pack and placed them in a small plastic bag. Afterwards, I placed the cookies back where I found them, grabbed my purse, and quickly ran out the of house, locking it up.

I got in my car and took off towards the hospital. After finding a park, I hopped out of my car with my bag of Oreos and sped walked towards the entrance. I got to the floor Will was on and headed towards his room. I noticed his room door was open, so I knocked on it, gaining both him and his nurse attention.

He smiled when he saw me.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You can come in, dear. I'm just about finished with him." The nurse smiled at me. She was replacing his old bandages for new ones.

I entered the room and stood against a wall.

"Okay, dear you're all good." She looked at Will.

"Thank you." He responded.

"You're welcome." She left, closing the door on her way out.

"Why are you all the way over there?" Will asked.

"I didn't want to be in the way." I shrugged.

"Man, come here. Get in with me." He patted the bed next to him.

"You want me to get in with you?"

"That's what I said."

"I don't know." I said, unsure.

He sucked his teeth. "Come on, there's plenty of room."

"Fine." I stated, giving in to him as I went and got in the bed next to him.

"What you got there?" He asked, looking at my snack.

"Oreos, you want some?" I offered.

"Yeah." He took the bag out of my hands and ate some.

He was enjoying the hell out of my cookies. I looked at him like he lost his mind and snatched the bag from him.

He looked at me with a puzzled expressionism his face. "What?"

"You're trying to eat all of my shit." I stated, annoyed.

"They're good." He shrugged.

"Whatever." I placed the bag down.

I made myself comfortable and gently placed my head on his chest. He winced, causing me to instantly lift my head up and look at him with worry.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry."

He laughed. "I'm just playing."

I hit his arm. "Asshole." I returned to my position.

"Comfortable?" He looked at me.

I met his eyes. "Yes, very."

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I stared into his eyes. This boy made me feel a way without even doing anything. I didn't even realize I was leaning towards him and he was doing the same.

Within an instant, our lips crashed into each other. Damn, this felt good. It's been a while since I felt his lips on mine. He gripped my waist as he bit my bottom lip asking for entrance. I parted my lips and his tongue invaded my mouth.

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