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I managed to get through English class, even while Will was trying to talk to me. I ignored him though. I was still upset about last night. I still couldn't believe it. Him and her kissing? I should beat both of their asses. It is what it is though. I'm not going fight over a dude. It's not worth it.

Will thinks a few apologies is going to win me over, but he's sadly mistaken. I'm not the kinda girl to let things slide under the rug. That's just isn't me. If he wants to get back in my good graces, he needs to put in the work.

"You've been staring and playing with that ring for a minute. You okay?" Tasha broke me from my thoughts.

We were in the cafeteria and Will wasn't sitting with us today, which I was glad for. I didn't want to be near him anyway, yet part of me still missed his ass.

I sighed. "I'm fine."

"Then, why you look so sad?"

I shrugged.

"Tell me what's wrong, angel."

"Will and Kani....kissed." I mumbled.

"What?!" Tasha exclaimed, shocked.

"Last night after the game, there was some commotion going on in the parking lot. Of course, me being nosy, I went to check it out. Come to find out, Danny was yelling at Will about something and that something just so happened to be that he and Kani kissed."

"What did Will say?"

"That she kissed him. Shit, I don't care who kissed who. Regardless, they still kissed." I said, getting mad.

"I'ma fuck him and that lil bitch up." Tasha said.

"Hi, Leah how are you and Will?" Kani's hoe ass asked, coming up to our table.

"Bitch, you got some nerve." Tasha replied, mad.

"Leah, control your dog." Kani said, unamused.

"Dog? Hoe, you lucky I don't wanna get suspended again, but if I see you in the streets it's poppin'." Tasha retorted.

"Whatever." Kani said, walking off.

"Tasha, just leave it alone." I stated, over the situation.

"No, I told him that if he hurts you I'll hurt him and that bitch better watch her back."

"There he go." She quickly got out of her seat and rushed over to Will.

He was sitting at a table alone. I quickly got out my seat to catch Tasha before things escalated.


I was listening to my music, when a fuming Tasha came over. I took my earbuds out of my ears and gave her a confused look.

"So, you think you can just hurt my girl like that and get away with it?!" She shouted.

"Yo, she kissed me." I pleaded my case.

"I don't give a fuck. Yo lips were on hers and not my bestie's."

"Tasha, let it be go." Leah came up behind her.

Before I could respond, my drink was being thrown at me.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, wiping my face.

Eyes were on us, but I didn't care. This girl really threw a drink in my face. I looked at Leah, who had a shocked look on her face.

"That was only the beginning. Keep fucking up and I will do worse." Tasha replied, walking off.

I just shook my head. I'm gonna be sticky for the rest of the day. Just great. I glanced at Leah to see her holding her hand out.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Do you want me to help you out or not?" She asked with an attitude.

I thought about it for a minute before grabbing her hand and she led me out of the cafe. We got to her locker and she put in her combination, opening it. 

"Here." She said pulled out a shirt, giving it to me.

I looked at her confused.

"Remember when I left your house in your clothes?"


"Well, I used your shirt one day for practice. Don't worry it's clean."

"Thanks." I went into the boys bathroom and changed my shirt.

I came back and stood in front of Leah. She stood there rubbing her arm.

"Thanks for that. I didn't think you'd care enough to help me."

"I wouldn't let you stay in a spoiled shirt, William."

"Yeah." I rubbed the back of my head.

"I'm sorry about Tasha's actions. That was wrong of her."

"Nah, it's cool. Don't sweat it."

She nodded. "Well, I better get going." She replied, starting to leave.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back gently.

"Yes, William?" Leah said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry about last night. You know I would never hurt you intentionally."

She just stayed quiet.

"I don't want her."

"Are you sure about that, William? Is there any part of you that may still have feelings for her?"

"I'm positive. I'm over her."

"Okay." She replied after a long pause.

"I wanna spend time with you. We haven't hung out since our date. I'm off this weekend, how about we do something then?" I suggested.

"I don't know, we'll see."


The bell rung, indicating lunch was over. Students soon flooded the halls.

"Want me to walk you to class?"

She shook her head. "No thanks, I can manage."

Before I could say anything, she walked off. I sighed to myself. It sucks that I'm on her bad side. This weekend I'ma show her that she's the only one for me and the only one I want. Just watch.

I went to my next class, thinking about my plans for Leah.

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