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The first week of school breezed rather quickly. It wasn't so bad, despite the awkwardness during first period every morning. I tried my best to keep my cool and so far I've been doing a hell of a good job.

Even cheer practice was hard to concentrate on. Since the school's gym was huge, there was enough room for both players and cheerleaders to practice. Chile, when I say the atmosphere was tense, believe me I kid you not.

I remember the first day of practice after school. The cheerleaders, along with myself, were practicing our cheers for the upcoming games in the next few weeks. The guys weren't there yet, but when they arrived, things were...weird.


Goooo, Bruins!!! We cheered.

"Alright, ladies take 10." The head captain said. I was co captain. We all got out of formation to take a water break.

Moments later, the gym doors opened and closed, causing our heads to look in that direction. My breath got caught in my throat as my eyes laid on my ex best friend. He was in his practice attire, jogging on the court alongside his teammates.

At that moment, time became still. Those large, muscular arms would make any girl want to be held in. My eyes then traveled up to his pink and plump lips. Lips I once imagined on both sets of lips on my body. My eyes slowly went from his lips and rested on his eyes, which were surprisingly on me.

Damn, those brown eyes. We were having a staring battle, neither of us wanting to look away from the other. His stare was so intense that it was getting me hot and I didn't want to look away.

"Okay, Lady Bruins let's get back to work." Stacy, the head captain said. I tore my eyes from Will and went on to practice with the girls.

It was hard trying to focus during practice. I kept glancing at Will as he ran plays. Sweat beads ran along his face and trickled down his arms, which was a hot sight no cap. So, before he caught me drooling over him, I quickly looked away.

Soon, practice was over and I rushed out of the gym to go home.

~End of Flashback~

I sighed reliving that memory. I've got to have more self control, but when it comes to Will, it's just so damn hard. He and ole girl look like they're becoming quite acquainted with each other.

It was hard listening to her laugh and watching her smile, knowing that MY William was entertaining her. The same way he used to entertain me. Sigh. Damn, I missed that boy, but whatever fuck it. I've been good all this time without his ass and I'll continue to be just that, period.

It was Friday and school was over. Tasha wanted to hang out, but I had plans already. I was going to check on my grandmother. Since it was the first week, teachers didn't assign much homework. If they did, it was a simple assignment.

Both of my parents were at work. Mama being a therapist and daddy being a mechanic, their jobs could be very demanding. I made a ham and cheese sandwich and devoured it before making my on out the door. I locked up the house and got in my car, making my way to my grandmother's house.

My grandma lived alone. Her husband died a few years ago. She refused to up and leave the house she shared with him for 30 years, so she stayed. When I arrived, I headed to the front door and knocked on it.

I was greeted by Lisa, the caretaker my hired. She allowed me inside and I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my lips. The once warm and loving atmosphere was now cold and eery. "She's in her room laying down." Lisa said.

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