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~The Next Morning~


I woke up and got ready for another day at Liberty. I got out of bed and headed into my bathroom to take care of my hygiene. After brushing my teeth and taking a hot shower, I went to my closet to pick out my outfit for today.

After doing that, I got dressed, fixed my hair, and did my makeup. I rocked a white top with a light blue jean jacket, light blue jeans, and white shoes. I checked myself in my full body length mirror, satisfied with my appearance.

My phone chimed from my dresser, indicating I received a message. I grabbed it, seeing that it was from Andre. We've been texting all last night, discussing any and everything.

A small smile came across my face as I thought about us hanging out. I was quite anxious to see how this was going to play out. Things could go either good or bad. Guess I'd just have to find out and see. Sig, just two days until Saturday. I responded to his text.



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I went into the kitchen and saw mama sitting at the table. "Morning, Mama." I stated, fixing a bowl of cereal.

"Morning, Lee."

"How's Grandma?" I asked as I sat to the table with my cereal.

"She's doing good. You know she has her good days and bad days."

I nodded my head, eating my cereal. "I'll call and check on her after practice."

She nodded. My father walked in and kissed my mom's cheek. He fixed himself some orange juice before replying. "Good morning, daughter."

"Hey, Daddy."

"How's school going?"

"Fine." I replied as I finished eating. I got up and washed my bowl. Afterwards, I grabbed my book bag and keys. "Well, it's time for me to go, so I'll see you guys later." I stated as I walked out.

"Bye." They said in unison. I got in my car and headed to liberty. Classes were a breeze. The day seemed to be going fast. Next thing I knew, it was lunch time.

My heart pumped quickly as I grew nervous and thought about Andre. I shook all thoughts of doubt from my mind and headed to the cafeteria. I got my lunch and sat in my usual seat by Tasha.

"Hey, bestie." I greeted as I dived into my burger.

"Hey, angel. I got something to tell you."

"What?" I took a sip of my drink.

"I have a girlfriend now." She smiled.

I rolled my eyes. Tasha always had a new girl on her arm. She could never keep a relationship. Every one always failed with her being heart broken and me having to pick up the pieces. "Oh, good for you." I stated, unenthused.

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