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~The Next Morning~


I was standing at my locker, talking to Leah before our morning class started. I was still a lil tired from work, plus I had another shift later, damn.

"Aw, poor baby tired." Leah giggled.

"I am. I just wanna sleep."

"Just get through today and you can go home and sleep." She kissed my cheek.

As we continued to talk, Danny walked up.

"Good morning, to the beautiful couple." He said.

"Wassup, D."

"Good morning." Leah replied.

"Um, bro can I talk to you for a second alone?" He asked.

"Come on, now whatever you can say to me, you can say in front of Leah."

"No, that's okay. I need to go to my locker anyway. I'll see you in class." She said before walking off.

"Ight, what do you need to tell me?" I asked, uninterested.

"So, I've been hanging with this girl-" He was saying before I cut him off.

"You've been talking to a girl and you're just now telling me? Wow and you're supposed to be my best friend." I said, shocked.

"See, that's the thing...the girl I've been talking to-"

"Does she go here? I wanna meet her. Do the twins know who she is? Have they seen her before?"

"Yes, she goes here and no the twins don't know, just listen damn." He looked around.

"Fine, go ahead." I closed my locker.

He was about to talk, when Kani came from around the corner and stopped right at my locker.

"Hey." She smiled.

"You need something?" I asked her.

"No, I just thought that-" I cut her off.

"Thought what?"

"So, you still ain't tell him?" She asked Danny.

"I was telling him now."

"Telling me what?" I asked, confused.

"That me and Kani talk now." He replied.

"Talk? Like y'all friends?" I looked at them side by side.

"We're friends, but we talk more than that." He said.

"We have feelings for each other, Will and we didn't want it to be awkward." Kani said.

I started to walk off.

"Where you going? We're talking right now." He raised his voice.

"Yeah, but I don't wanna hear that shit, so I'm gone leave before I get disrespectful."

"Say it." He walked up to me.

"Just leave it, D and go be with Kani. Have fun."

"Is it a problem? Do you still like her?" He asked with a slight attitude.

I scrunched up my face. "Hell no, I'm done with her. I never thought that you'd try and mess with her even after the fucked up shit she did to me. You're worse than her."

"She made one mistake. If you were giving her the attention and love she needed, she wouldn't have had to go looking for it from Andre." He retorted.

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