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"Yo, cuz what you getting into tonight?" I asked.

"Shit, I don't know. Probably get neck from that bitch Keisha. What you finna do?"

I shook my head. "I don't know man. You know I can't go out with the cops on my ass."

He nodded.

"Aye, thanks for letting me crash here." I said.

"No problem, lil homie. You know I got you." He dapped me up.

I've been M.I.A. since the altercation between that nigga and I. I've been trying my best to stay outta sight, but it's hard when five-O's looking for me. My mom kicked me out because she didn't want a "criminal" in her house, so I've been staying with my cousin.

After I shot that nigga Will, I quickly fled the scene. The shit happened so fast. I didn't think it would get that far. Word on the street is that he's okay. That nigga should've minded his business. Because of him the cops are looking for my arrest. I swear, one day he'll get his.

I was sitting in the living room, staring at pictures of Leah on her Instagram page. She was so beautiful. I missed her like crazy. One of these days, I'll see her again and we'll be together.

"Yo, cuz I'm going to take a nap." My cousin snapped my out of my thoughts.

"Ight." I looked back at my screen.

He left, leaving me alone in my thoughts.


"Why are we in the female section for clothes?" Danny asked, confused.

"I'm looking for clothes for a girl, duh."

"What girl? Is the rumor true? She gives you pussy and now you're buying her clothes?" He looked me up and down.

"Danny, ain't nobody out here fucking Kani or got nerve to buy clothes for her ass. It's for someone important." I looked through dresses.

"They must really be important to you cause you're looking at dresses right now." He laughed.

"They are. They mean a lot to me and I just wanted to show my appreciation for our friendship."

"Friendship? Are you talking about Leah?"

"Yes, now help me look for something."

"I'm not helping you look for anything that's for that girl." He said, walking away.

I jogged up to him and pulled him back.

"I heard about what you said to her, bro and that shit wasn't cool."

"Well, it was that bitch fault that you got shot. You were good when y'all weren't friends. As soon as y'all became friends again, all hell broke loose."

"Listen, me becoming friends with her had nothing to do with me getting shot. If it was you or one of the twins, I would've done the same thing. So, don't blame her for that and don't disrespect her." I said with a slight attitude.

"I guess you're right, bro I'm sorry. I was just upset at the moment. I could've lost you and I just reacted in a crazy way." He responded.

"You don't need to apologize to me. You need to apologize to Leah." I stated, still looking through the clothes.

"Yeah, you're right. Next time I see her, I'll say something."

"Ight, good. Now, let's go I'm not seeing anything she would like in here."

We walked around the mall, hopping from store to store. Nothing, caught my eye for Leah. That's when we past a jewelry store and I decided to look in there.

"Wait! Let's stop here real quick." I said and headed into the store.

I browsed around, checking stuff out, when this ring caught my eye.

"Excuse me, Miss can I see this ring right here?" I pointed at the ring in the case.

"Ohh, yes lovely choice. This is our three stone promise ring. It's fitted with diamonds and 10k white gold. We just got it in the store this week." The sales lady said.

"Damn! That shit is nice. It looks like a lil wedding ring to be honest. You're not thinking about getting that for Leah?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, I'm thinking about it."

"What?! Y'all aren't even a couple. Y'all just friends and you want to get her something like that?"

"Actually, I want to be more than friends with her. I always have, but I guess I was just too scared to really commit. I took a bullet for this girl and I would do it a million times. My feelings for her are indescribable and I think this ring will help me show her how I feel."

"Oh my God! That's so sweet!" The sales lady shouted.

"How much is the ring?" Danny asked.

"The ring is $430 after tax, but it's a floor sale, which makes it $250." The sales lady said.

"Goddamn! I'd never spend that much on no girl." Danny shook his head.

"She's not just a regular girl, but I'll take it."

"Great, I'll ring you up." The sales lady said, walking to the register.

"Hold up, how do you even have that kind of money? You don't even have a job. You sell drugs?" Danny joked.

"I just saved up all my money ma gives me, plus the money my pops sends me from time to time."

"When's the last time you've talked to your dad? Does he know you're better now?"

"He never knew I got shot. Ma was too nervous to tell him. She thinks he'd try and make me move with him if he found out." I walked to the register.

"That'll be $259.97 after tax." The sales lady said.

I handed her my card and waited for my receipt.

"Will, you got to talk to your dad about what happened. That's something he needs to know." Danny expressed.

"I will within time." I grabbed my card, receipt, and bag with the ring in it.

"I'm serious!" Danny stated.

"Ight! I'm gone do it, just chill out. Let's get some food, I'm hungry and you're buying cause I'm broke now." I laughed.

"Yeah, your ass broke now after spending a stack on your girlfriend." He laughed with me.

I just shook my head.

We walked out of the jewelry store and went to the food court. I really hope Leah likes the gift because I can't return it. I'm more nervous about her reaction when I confess my feelings for her. We'll see how this goes.

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