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Tasha and I were at the hospital, visiting my grandma. We both were suspended for a week. Kani, however, didn't get in trouble since I was the one, who started the fight. Stupid, bitch. My grandma wasn't happy when I told her the news.

I was happy that my best friend had my back. On the way to the hospital, she told me how she beat that bitch ass. This is why Tasha's my bitch. She stays always looking out for me.

Not only was she my friend, but she was the only female I'd ever hang out with. You can't trust people nowadays and Tasha was someone I could trust.

Our fight was recorded and posted all over social media platforms. It got so many views. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. That bitch had it coming and that punch I laid on that bastard, well, I just knew he'd feel that for a while.

"Make that your last time fighting. That goes for you too, Natasha." She said to us sternly.

Yes, ma'am." We responded in unison. She coughed violently, spitting blood out of her mouth.

I quickly got up, getting a napkin and placed it up to her mouth. I wiped the excess blood from it. Tasha watched with a hurt expression.

"I'm alright." My grandmother said. I sat back in the chair that was next to her bed. My parents were going to visit her after they got off from work.

A knock on the door was heard and in walked a nurse. She walked in and checked my grandma's vitals. She was Will's mother.

"Okay, your vitals are looking good." She said. She then turned her gaze towards me. "Hey, Leah, who's your friend?" She asked.

"My best friend, Tasha." I answered.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Ms. Pierce."

"Hello." Tasha responded.

"Okay, well I'ma be on my way. I'll check on you later Ms. Johnson." She then left.

~Later That Afternoon~

Tasha soon left because her mom needed her, so it was just my grandma and I. "You're going to have to apologize to Will." She said.

"Why?" I questioned with an attitude.

"Watch your attitude lil girl. Don't think I won't knock some sense into your ass." She said, sternly.

I sighed and sat quietly. "What you did was wrong. Your parents didn't raise you to act a damn fool." She raised her voice.

"What will they think of you getting suspended from school?"

They'll be furious when they find out. There's no telling what they'll do. I sighed and just listened.

"Don't let that happen again, your hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am." I mumbled.


I looked in my mirror, checking out my black eye. Damn, this shit hurt. Can you imagine having to sit through classes with one damn eye shut and the whole class staring at you? I look like I belong in a damn circus.

After school got out, I asked one of Kani's friends if they'd seen her. They told me that she had to go to the hospital because her nose was broken. I felt so bad. If I had stopped the fight sooner, her nose probably would've been fine. I quickly dismissed that thought. Nah, it probably would've still been broken.

I tried calling and texting her, but I didn't get a response. I didn't know if she was still at the hospital or home, so I decided to visit her house. Maybe, she's home already. I should go visit her I thought.

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