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~A Few Days Later~


It's been a few days since shit hit the fan at Jenny's. Everything's different now. I tried talking to Leah everyday since then, but she wasn't trying to hear it. I missed my girl and I wasn't going to stop until I got her back by all means.

It was about forth period in school and I was talking to Danny by his locker.

"Did you talk to Leah yet?" He asked.

"No, she won't talk to me. She even moved her seat in our English class."

"What you gone do?"

"I don't know, bro. I can't lose Leah. I love that girl." I expressed.

"You just gotta keep trying to talk to her, bro. Show her that you messed up." Danny said.

"I'm trying, but she saw that video, which is making this forgiving process harder."

"Was the video really that bad?" He asked.

"Yes, but the worst part is I don't remember it. I don't remember leaving the club or getting to her Airbnb. I sure don't remember fucking her."

"Maybe, you had too much to drink or something." He shrugged.

"I barely had anything and the drink I did have, she drugged."

"Damn, bro she basically raped you." Danny said.

"Leah ain't believing me either." I rubbed my hands down my face.

"Maybe, she'll only believe it if it was coming from Kani herself." Danny closed his locker.

"Like, Kani's going to tell her that she set me up."'I shook my head.

"Well, how about you try and trick Kani into confessing, record it and show Leah. I don't know if that would work though." He shrugged.

"That's actually a good plan. I think I could make that work."

"Shouldn't you guys be in class." A teacher said, walking down the hall.

"We're going right now." I replied.

"I'll see you later, bro." I said to Danny before walking off.

~Hours Later~

The school day went by fast and all I could think about was the plan to get Kani to confess.

I texted her to see  if she could come over to talk about everything that has happened.

I texted her to see  if she could come over  to talk about everything that has happened

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Great! The plan was about to be in affect.

~Later That Night~

Ma already left out for work and I was in my room looking for the best spot to hide my phone for when Kani came over. I found a good spot behind the picture frame of Danny and I. She's not gonna look there.

I continued to straighten up my room, when the doorbell rung. I went to open the door to see Kani with the biggest grin. I couldn't stand this girl, but I didn't want her to think that right now. I needed her to believe I'm feeling her, so she can spill the beans.

"Hey." I said with a slight smile.

"Hey." She exclaimed.

"Come on in." I moved to the side.

She came in and stood by the living room while I closed the door.

"Been a while since I've been here." She looked around.

"Are we sitting down here?"

"No, we going to my room." I replied.

"Ooo, okay. I like that." She held a slight grin on her face.

She proceeded to go upstairs while I followed behind her. We went in my room and she sat on my bed as I closed the door behind us.

"Okay, so what's this about, Will. Why am I really here?" She asked, suspiciously.

"Because I wanna talk about that night in Miami. I really don't remember what happened after I left the club, so can you tell me?" I asked.

"We talked by the bar and afterwards, I saw you go outside and you looked out of it." She said.

"Out of it how?" I raised my brow.

"Like, you drunk too much or something maybe."

"Or maybe I was drugged or something." I replied.

"Yeah, maybe someone put something in your drink." She said, nonchalantly.

"Did you put something in my drink?"

"Why would I do that?" She asked, looking confused.

"Because you wanted me to go home with you, which I did and now look." I said with a slight attitude.

"No, I saw you outside the club and was checking on you when you said you wanted to go home with me."

"You knew what you was doing. Get me to go with you, so you can record us messing around."

"No, I was just trying to help you. The sex was a added bonus." She smiled.

"This is obviously not getting anywhere, so you can just go." I rubbed my hands down my face.

"I don't have to leave. We can have a part two of what we did in Miami." She smirked.

"I'll pass. Lemme walk you out." I opened my room door for her.

"I get that you're still stuck on Leah, but we can finally be together now. So, when you finally come to your senses, I'll be waiting." She said as she walked out and went down the stairs.

I followed behind her as she left out the front door. She got in her car, but before she pulled off, she blew me a kiss.

"Just let me know when you're ready" She said before pulling off.

That girl needs serious help. Why can't she understand that I don't want us to be anything. I just wanted that confession, which I didn't get. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

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