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"You coming to the game tonight?" Brayden asked.

"Nah, I'm working tonight."

"Your ass always working." Danny replied.

"Money needs to be made somehow." I shrugged.

We sat at our usual spot in the cafe. Leah was sitting with Tasha per usual. I glanced over at her as she talked to Tasha. Now, that we're a couple, it's about time we sit together during lunch.

I know she doesn't really care for my friends, well Danny mostly, but still I want to spend as much time with her as possible. English class and catching up with her before she started practice wasn't enough.

I threw my tray away and grabbed my book bag.

"Where you going?" Danny asked.

"To sit with my girlfriend. I'll catch y'all later." I walked off before any of them could respond.

I approached Leah and Tasha's table.

"No, Tasha I'm not doing your History homework." Leah said.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known. Leah turned around and looked at me.

"What you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to sit with you. Is that okay?"


I sat next to her and put my arm around her waist. "Sup, Tasha." I greeted.

"Aw, look at the cute couple. I gotta hand it to you, Will you have a good one. Even though you got her before me, there's no hard feelings here." Tasha joked.

Leah threw her napkin at her, making her laugh.

"Thanks, I know she's a keeper." I looked at Leah.

She blushed mad hard and I kissed her cheek.

"Aw, baby." She grabbed my face and kissed my lips.

For a minute, we forgot where we were and got lost in each other as we made out.

"Okay, forget I'm sitting here." Tasha said.

We broke from our kiss.

"Sorry, bestie." Leah said.

"Mhm." Tasha replied before looking at me.

"So, Will. Now that you and my girl are together and you'll most likely be around us, I guess I should consider the thought of you and I being cool."

"Yeah, I know we've had a rough start with the whole Kani situation, but that's dead now. I'm willing to be cool with you if you are."

She nodded. "Yeah, but I must add that if you hurt my best friend, that's your ass. I don't play about her, so you mess up, I mess you up. Got it?"

"I love Leah and I wouldn't do anything intentional to hurt her, but duly noted."

"Look at my best friend and my boyfriend getting on the same page." Leah smiled.

For the rest of the day, I walked Leah to her last set of classes. It's been a good day and I've been in a good mood so far.


"Don't go." Leah pouted as she held onto me.

"I have to go, bae. I have to get ready for work." I hugged her into me.

"Call out and stay."

"I can't."

We were in the gym, chatting for a lil bit before she started practice.

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