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~That Night at Jenny's.~


"Damn, bro y'all need to get a room doing all of that." Brayden said as I made out with Kani.

"My bad, dawg." I wiped her lipgloss off my lips.

We've been at Jenny's for over an hour now and there was still no sign of Danny. I even texted him, but he didn't respond. He was probably mad at me or busy with something, I don't know, but I hope I hear from him.


I sat in my Uber on the way to Jenny's
to confront Will. I coached myself on what I was going to say over ten times during this ride. I was ready to become my own person.

I arrived at Jenny's and walked inside. Will was sitting at a table with the twins and Kani. I debated to go over there or not. I could waited to have a private conversation instead.

"Fuck this, never mind." I turned to leaved back out.

I was walking out until my thoughts consumed my mind. If I don't do this now, I would always be Will's little bitch. I walked back inside and headed towards their table. It was now or never.

"Hey!" I said with an attitude.

"Hey, D where you been at? I've been texting you." Will said.

"Cut the shit, Will!" I yelled.

Jenny's became silent as all eyes were on our table.

"You okay, Danny? Did I do something?" He asked, confused.

"You know what the fuck you did! You set me up that game. You just wanted to make yourself look good for this chick." I was getting more pissed off.

"Chick?" Kani asked, offended.

"Yo, ain't nobody embarrassed you. I'm the only one that vouched for you. I'm the only one that even gave your ass an opportunity to shoot. It ain't my fault that your dumb ass missed." Will said, unbothered.

"You know I'm not a shooter, so you did set me up. You know what, fuck you and your bitch!"

"Now, it's one thing to be mad at me, but when you start disrespecting my girl, we got a problem." He stood up.

"We been had a problem, Will! Everybody thinks I'm your fucking sidekick and I'm tired of it, and I'm tired of you." I started to tear up.

"Danny, listen-"

"No, you listen I've been by your side for three years now, but when people see me they actually only see you. I live in your amazing shadow, but it's dark back there. I can't keep living like a side piece to you, Will. So, I'm done! I'm done being your best friend! I'm done being your bitch!" I yelled, holding back tears.

Before he could say anything back, I left. I called another Uber and went home. The entire ride, I cried cause I just lost my best friend. He was the only person that gave me a chance when I first moved out here. Now, he was about to become a stranger.

But, then I started to think. This was my chance to show people who Danny really is. This was my introduction back into the world without the help of Will. I was jumping into the deep end to build my character. I just hope I could swim.

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