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Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm rang exactly at 6 a.m., waking me from my slumber. I reached over, shut it off, and groggily sat up in my bed, wiping the crust from my eyes.

Sigh, another year of annoying teachers, homework, and dumb ass kids to deal with. Whoopi 😒.

I got out of bed and went into my bathroom to take care of my hygiene. After brushing my teeth and washing my face at the sink, I hopped in the shower.

The shower is my favorite place to be because it's where I do most of my thinking. As the hot water hit against my skin, my thoughts immediately went towards him.

I sighed as I thought of him. He's been on my mind since the incident. Ugh! Why can't I shake this nigga? Months without talking and I can't get him outta my head! It's driving me insane!

It's like he has some sort of hold on me. I'm bound to run into him at school today, since I missed the first day back yesterday. It's just that I've been busy dealing with my grandmother's illness, so it's been rough.

I sighed as my thoughts trailed to her. My mom and I found out about her sickness a month ago. It didn't go so well because she's been sick over a year and she just told us about her disease. She has stage 3 of breast cancer.

I've been trying to be strong, but Lord knows how difficult it is. 20 minutes later, I hopped out the shower, dried off, and went into my room to get dressed.

I decided to wear a white shirt, matched with green camo pants, and paired off with white sneakers. I ran my fingers through my blonde lace front, straightening it.

I looked at myself in my full body length mirror and took a selfie. "Yesss, bad bitch." I hyped myself. I posted it to my Instagram and watched my photo get many likes and comments.

"Lee, breakfast is ready!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I answered. I went downstairs and greeted my mom.

"Good morning, Mama." I stated, sitting at the table.

"Good morning, baby." She replied as she sat my plate filled with pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of me. "Ready for school?"

"Yes and no." I responded as I began to eat.

"Why yes and no?"

"Cause, Ma I'm not ready to run into Will, but I can't wait to see Tasha."

My mom rolled her eyes. "Y'all are being childish. Y'all need to quit acting like that."

"Ma, can you not? I don't want to talk about him. I'd be lucky if I don't see him at all today."

"Alright, I'll let it go. Just try and have a good day."

I finished up my breakfast and washed my plate. "I'll try, Mama, but in the meantime I gotta go, so I'll see you later." I said as I grabbed my book bag and keys and headed to my car.

"Okay, be careful." She said as I closed the front door.

How rude of me to not introduce myself. Hi, guys. I'm Leah Armani Smith and I'm a 17 year old Junior at Liberty High as well as a cheerleader. I'm brown skin and stand at 5'4 with brown eyes and shoulder length hair. I'm an only child and I live with the both of my parents, so that's a lil about me, now let's get back to the story.

I got in my car and headed to school. Once I parked in the student parking lot, I walked in the building with my book bag in tow, heading to my first period class.

~English Class~

When I got to class, I noticed a few students sitting in their seats, typing away on their phones. The teacher wasn't here yet, so they were in their own lil world.

I noticed a girl sitting at the front on her phone. I've never seen her around before, so she must be a new student.

New or not she was in my seat. The classroom we were using was the same classroom we had last year, but for a Math class. I always sat in the front however. I walked up to ole girl and cleared my throat. She looked up from her phone and glanced at me.

"Excuse me, but you're in my seat."

"I don't see your name on it." She responded, smartly.

A few eyes were on us. God, don't let me slap a bitch this morning.

"Bi...girl, like I said, this is my seat. Everyone knows I sit here."

"Girl, you better move." A random girl chimed in.

"Yeah, Leah always sits there." A boy added.

"I don't care, I was here first. If she wants to sit so bad, she's gonna have to move." The new girl remarked.

"Look, girl I'm not in the mood for your shit today. Now, either move out my seat or I'll help you move. Your choice." I was getting irritated.

The girl rolled her eyes, got up with her things, and moved to a seat in the back of the classroom. I sat down and pulled out my phone, waiting for the teacher to come in.

I see this was gonna be a long day.

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