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~Thanksgiving Day~


Finally, Thanksgiving was here. What better way than to come together, get fat off of delicious food, and enjoy loved ones. I was looking forward to Mama's cooking. She could throw down in the kitchen when she wanted to.

My parents and I were at my grandma's house, along with other members from my mom's side of the family, which consisted of my mom's sister, her husband, and two sons.

The gathering was small, but it was good enough. I was just thankful that we were together as a family and was able to see one another on this holiday. This year was going to be amazing.

The only difference was that Will wouldn't be joining us. Last Thanksgiving, he joined my family and I and it was one of the best Thanksgivings for the both of us. Well, for me, I had my best friend by my side of course, but for him I could tell that he experienced something that he hasn't had in a while.

I didn't know if he was going to have a Thanksgiving dinner with his family this year. Knowing him, he probably wasn't. His people doesn't make time for him, so he was always by himself.

"You look lost over there, Lee." My grandma stated.

We were sitting in the living room, while my mom and aunt were in the kitchen and the fellas were outside chatting.

"Just in my thoughts, Grandma."

"What are you thinking about?"

I sighed. "William. I'm debating on whether or not I should invite him. You know at times like this he's alone."

"Well, why not invite him over? I'm sure he'd like that."

"I don't know, Grandma. He might have plans anyway." I shrugged.

"It still wouldn't hurt to send an invite, Lee. You need to be the bigger person and put aside your issues because at the end of the day no ones wants to be alone on Thanksgiving or any holiday."

"You have a point there."

"I know, now handle that while I help my daughters."

She got up and went into the kitchen to help my mom and aunt with the food. I pulled out my phone and went to Will's contact. I paused and stared at the screen.

I took a deep breath and exhaled it. Well, here goes nothing. My hands shook as I typed out my message. Once I was done, I hit send and waited for his response.


I woke up to the sound of 90's RnB and the smell of food cooking. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Afterwards, I headed downstairs to the kitchen. Ma was cutting up vegetables.

"So I creep, yeah! Just creepin' on,
On the down low..." Ma sung.

"Ma, whats all this?"

"Hey, hunny I didn't even see you come in here."

"You cooking for Thanksgiving?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Yes, you want to help?"

"Yeah sure, but what time do you have to get ready for work. You don't wanna be late."

"I'm not going to work." She cut up more vegetables.

"What you mean? Did you get fired? Did something happen?" I asked in worried tone.

"No, I took the day off."

"The day off? You haven't had one of those in a while. I'm shocked."

"I know that I'm always working, especially on holidays. I just wanted to spend some time with you."

"You didn't have to take off, Ma. I would've been fine like I am every other holiday. I'm used to being by myself." I shrugged as I washed my hands.

"I hate the fact that you're used to that. You deserve more than to be alone all the time. I know I work a lot, but it's only to take care of you. I'm not just leaving you alone for fun." She expressed.

"I get that, Ma and that's why I don't complain." I peeled the potatoes.

"I know you don't complain, but I also know it makes you feel a type of way. I just want to make sure you're set and don't have to worry about helping with the bills or groceries. I want you to focus on school and sports." She responded.

"I wouldn't mind helping out if it meant you home more."

"Well, let's worry about that another time. Let's just spend this time together and enjoy this meal." She  started to dance.

"You're right." I danced along with her.

Soon, we completely forgot about cooking and just danced. We were in our own lil world until my phone went off. I stopped my movements and checked it. To my surprise it, was a text from Leah.



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She actually invited me to Thanksgiving with her family and I'm shocked. Maybe, we can be friends after all. Of course, I'd love to hang with her and her family for the holiday again, but my mom took off work for me, so I'll just spend it with her. She'll understand.


I just got done helping with the food, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw Will's contact on display. Nervousness took over me instantly. Oh, well it was now or never. I quickly opened up our thread and read his message.



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I was glad that he was going to spend time with his mom. It'd be nice since she's always working.

"Lee, tell the rest they can come and eat." My grandma said.

"Okay." I stated as I went to tell the fellas dinner was ready.

"Dinner's ready guys." I went back into the house to wash my hands.

After everyone was settled at the table with their plates and grace had been said, we dug in. Laughs, jokes, gossip, and storytelling occurred throughout the whole dinner.

It was another great Thanksgiving for my family and I. I enjoyed our time together as it was another successful year full of happiness and joy. I was looking forward to my warm bed with a belly full.

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