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The weekend came and went and it was now Monday morning. Another day of torture, so I thought. I was currently in first period, zoning out Ms. Jones as she lectured.

I completely ignored William and that bitch he was "going out with." After what I've learned about those two, I decided to just forget all my feelings and do me.

Fuck him! He knew I wanted him from the very beginning and what does he do? Break my heart. Bastard!

I couldn't believe him. That bastard! He was dating her?! That annoying high pitched voice trick?! How could he easily go out with her and not even give me a chance!


~One Saturday Night~

"Can you be serious for once, William." I was getting annoyed. He was always goofing around.

We were currently in his room, sitting on his bed. "Ight, wassup?"

"Don't you want to take our relationship to the next level?" It's obvious that we want each other." I sat on his lap. He wrapped his large hands securely around my waist.

Will and I have been best friends for a while now. Our bond was very solid and somehow, someway our feelings grew the more we spent time together. I couldn't fight them anymore and neither could he. It was time we took this best friend stage to the next level, but ole Willy here kept playing.

We've done small things, like kiss here and there, flirt, and even felt on each other. Hell, with all that we might as well had become official. So, here I am, trying to see what was up.

"Yeah, I want that, but-"

"But, what, William?" I asked as I got off his lap and paced his bedroom. Calling him by his whole name was a sign that I was either irritated or mad. I was tired of these reindeer games.

"I don't know." He said in a low tone. I continued my pace, my anger rising.

"Come on, Leah chill." He said as he tried to grab my hand. I quickly snatched it from him.

"Don't touch me." Anger filled my voice.

"I'm dirty or something?" He joked.

However, I wasn't in a joking mood. This was his problem. He always wanted to play. He could never have a serious discussion without all the extra shit.

I grabbed my shoes and placed them on. "You're leaving?" He questioned.

"What does it look like?" I replied smartly.

"Leah...I-" He started, but I cut him off.

"Forget that I even came here. All you do is joke around, William. Yeah, I get that's your personality and it's one of the things that attracted me to you, but damn you couldn't at least have one serious conversation with me?"

"I'm sorry." He stated with his head down.

"Let's just forget this ever happened." And with that I left.

~End of Flashback~

Since then, I never mentioned anything about becoming something more. Yeah, I was hurt, but I eventually got over it. Some time past, and things were getting back to normal.

We got back to our old selves before our feelings got involved and it was like we were the old Will and Leah. It was fun while it lasted until our fallout.

"Alright, kiddos that's all for today." Ms. Jones said.

I was too zoned out to even hear what she lectured about. When the bell rung, I got my things and quickly headed out into the hallway, going to my next class, trying to get through the day.

~2 Weeks Later~

It'd been 2 weeks since the incident with Will. As promised, I ignored the fuck out of him and his bitch of a girlfriend. I focused on school and cheerleading, like my grandmother said and things were okay so far.

It was now a Thursday afternoon and I was at cheer practice. We had our first home game next Friday. We've been doing cheers since school got out and my body was killing me.

Stacy wanted our routine sharp as sharp can be. So, we practiced until we were sore. The guys were in the locker room with their coach.

We continued our practice until the double doors of the gym opened. We turned our heads in the direction and I instantly got pissed. In, walked that bastard's lil "girlfriend" and seeing her made me irritated.

She was dressed in gym attire, carrying a gym bag in her hands. "Excuse me, my name's Kani and I'd like to join the squad." She said with a smile.

Instantly, my mouth dropped. This bitch couldn't be serious. Her on the same squad as me? Hell no!!! "Sorry, but tryouts aren't open." I said.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Can I speak with the captain please."

Stacy stepped forward. "I'm Stacy, the captain of the Lady Bruins. Like my co captain, Leah said, tryouts aren't open."

"Oh." The Kani bitch said in a sad tone. "I really wanted to join and help the team." She replied as she turned and started to walk out.

Thank you, Lord. I thought to myself.

"Wait!" Stacy yelled.

What is she doing?

"Show us what you got." She said to ole girl.

"What?!" I yelled. "Are you fucking serious, Stacy?! All these girls worked their asses off to be apart of this squad and you're giving this bitch some easy opportunity to join?! Fuck no!!! I screamed.

"Leah! I'm the captain and what I say goes!" She yelled back.

"Afraid of a lil competition?" Ole girl stated with a smirk.

"Afraid I'll beat your ass?" I asked going for her, but before I could reach her, two fellow cheerleaders held me back.

"Calm down, girl." One of them said.

"I'm good, but I won't be here for this bullshit." I retorted as I grabbed my gym bag from the bleachers. As if on que, the boys came on the court. I swiftly stormed out of the gym, ignoring their stares.

"What's her problem?" Was the last thing I heard as I made my way to my car.

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