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It was a Tuesday morning and I was standing by Leah's locker, waiting for her as she got her books.

"Could you move any slower?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Shut up, hoe. You don't move any faster." She responded.

I was staring at a girl's ass as she walked past us. "Ouch! What you hit me for?" I asked as I rubbed my arm.

"I asked you a question." She said, annoyed.

"What was it?"

"Are you coming with me to see Grandma today?"

"Yeah, of course." I answered.

She nodded. "Okay."

"Stop, Will." A female voice said that started to giggle.

I turned in that direction to be nosy. There was a boy and girl hugged up against each other. The guy had his face buried in her neck.

"You know you don't want me to." He responded.

"You know them, angel?" I asked.

"Who?" She responded with a question.

"Them." I pointed. After she placed her books in her book bag, she looked up to see who I was referring to.

"That's Will and his girlfriend." She stated in a non caring tone.

"Let's go to class before we're late." She added. We walked down the hall and conversed. I really wasn't  listening to Leah since I was too focused on that dude and his girl.

Before we walked past them, I interrupted their lil conversation by clearing my throat.


"Ahem." Some girl I've never seen before said as she stood behind Kani and I. Leah was also there.

I wondered what this was about.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"So, you're the bitch ass that hurt my angel's feelings, huh?" She questioned, aggravated.

"Uh, your angel? Wait, who are you anyway?" I asked, confused.

"The girl that's going to beat your ass!" She yelled.

"That bitch ain't going to do nothing." Kani said, unbothered.

"Give me a second, hoe your ass whooping is right after his. Your ass won't get away with being disrespectful to my angel."

"Fuck you and that bitch. Y'all ain't gone do a damn thing." Kani retorted.

"Tasha, let's just go. I don't want to cause a scene." Leah stated.

"Ohh, you're the angel? Yeah, fucking right!" I laughed.

"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" She asked, offended.

"You know what it means. I hate when people act dumb." Kani said with an attitude.

"Bitch, you're the fucking dumb one here!" Tasha yelled.

From her outburst, a crowd of students surrounded us. They all had their phones out, recording the scene before them.

"Great, a crowd." I rolled my eyes.

"Good! Now, everyone can watch me beat your ass." Tasha replied, rolling up her sleeves.

"Tasha, I don't even give a fuck about him anymore, so let's go. "Leah said, unbothered.

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