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~A Week Later~

It's been about a week since Leah's grandmother's funeral and it still feels unreal. Ma and I attended to show our respects, but it was extremely hard to keep my composure. The service was nice and her send off was very beautiful and heartfelt. I sat in the back and Leah sat in the front, consoling her mother during the entire service. It was a real tear-jerker.

I couldn't even focus on my school work cause I was too worried about Leah. She never talked in class and when school's over, she goes straight home. I don't even see her at practice. I've been so worried about her that I haven't even made time for my own girlfriend. I ain't gone lie, but she's been acting kind of weird lately. She probably feels some type of way about us not spending much time together. I'll make it up to her.

Today's classes were going by so fast and before I knew it, it was lunchtime. I've been zoned out the whole time that I didn't even realize time had flown.

I went to my locker to change out my morning textbooks.

"Wassup, bro. How are you feeling?" Danny asked, walking up to my locker.

"I'm doing okay I guess."

"I'm sorry to hear about Leah's grams. I know losing a family member can hurt."

"Yeah, I can't imagine what she's going through right now." I replied.

"Yeah, but I need to talk to you about something, bro." Danny leaned on the locker next to mine.

"About what?"

"Kani, I saw-" He was saying before I cut him off.

"Yeah, I know already, bro."

"You know?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah, I haven't been the best boyfriend to her lately, but I'm going to fix that." I closed my locker.

"No, it's not that. Remember the day the twins and I went to the movies and you were busy?"

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked, starting to walk away.

"Kani was there....with Andre." He mumbled.

I stopped in my tracks and turned towards him. "What? With who?"

"Andre! She said they were just friends hanging out and that you knew. I think she's messing with that dude, bro." He asserted.

"Really, bro? She wouldn't do that. You got any proof? Did the twins see them too?" I asked, getting mad.

"No, the twins didn't see them. They don't even know, but I wanted to tell you first." He shouted.

"Listen, bro are you jealous or something? Are you mad that I was busy that night or something?" I asked, confused.

"What? No! I'm trying to come to you as a best friend and tell you what's up and you think I'm lying?!" He continued to shout.

"Well, you're not showing me any proof to prove to me otherwise, so yeah I do think you're lying. Actually, I'll just ask her myself." I replied, walking to the cafeteria.

"She's just going to deny it!" He followed me down the hall.

We walked into the cafe and Kani was sitting at the lunch table with the twins.

"Hey, babe." She said with a smile.

"You fucking around with Andre?" I asked with an attitude.

"What? Why would you think that. Of course, I'm not. We hang out from time to time, but nothing serious. Where's this even coming from?"

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