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"Can I come in?" Kani stood by the door.

"Yeah, sure."

She walked in and stood beside my bed.

"Can I sit?"

"I think it's best if you sit in the chair." I chuckled.

"Yeah, your bed looks wet anyway. Were you hot? Cause you're sweating."

"Yeah, it was real hot in here."

I hit my nurse's button on my bed and about two minutes later, a nurse walked in.

"Is there a problem in here, Mr. Pierce?" The nurse asked in a worried voice.

"No, I just wanted to see if I can get some new sheets."

"Of course, I'll be right back."

She left for like 3 minutes and came back with new sheets.

"I could change them for you if you want." She walked into the room.

"No, that's okay. I can do it myself, but thank you." I took the sheets from her before she left out.

"Ight, so why are you here, Kani?" I took the old sheets off my bed.

"I heard you were awake, so I had to come and see you again."

"Oh, yeah I heard you came to see me when I was in a coma. That shocked me to be honest."

"Why would that shock you? I was worried about you."

"Worried about me? I didn't think you still cared since you didn't care enough not to cheat." I shrugged.

"I never stopped caring about you, Will. I know I fucked up and I admit that. I'm sorry for hurting you. I just couldn't live knowing the fact that I didn't apologize." She started to tear up.

"You said it and it's whatever. It happened and I just wanna move on from the shit." I put the new sheets on the bed.

"Listen, messing with Andre was the worst thing I ever did. If I could take it all back, I would." She cried.

"Well, you can't. You not only hurt me, but you made me look stupid as fuck. Then, had the fucking nerve to lie about it. You're not sorry that you did it. You're sorry you got caught." I was getting frustrated with her.

"I ain't do shit for you to do me the way you did. I admit that I wasn't the best boyfriend when it came to spending time with you, but I didn't cheat! Shit, I wish I fucking did!" I added.

"But Will-" She was saying before I cut her off.

"But nothing, Kani! There's nothing you can say that will make things better! You might as well leave now and not come back." I pointed to the door.

She walked to the door, crying.

Out of nowhere, I got a sharp pain in my chest. I dropped to my knees from the pain coming from my gunshot wound. I guess the stress of that conversation, mixed with the recent activities of me and Leah, had put some strain on my stitches.

"Fuck!" I screamed as I gripped my chest.

"Oh my God, Will!" Kani shouted, running to my aid.

She helped me up and back into my bed.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah, just been moving too much. Thanks for helping me up."

"I hate to see you in pain physically and mentally. Everyday, I feel horrible about what I did and what happened to you. I'm not going to stop until I make it up to you and you give me another chance." She wiped her tears.

"Another chance? You think you can get another chance with me?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, I know I can. Once you see how loving and caring I truly am, you'll give me another chance."

"Yeah, whatever you say, Kani." I scrolled through my phone.

"Well, I'm gonna go. Let me know if you need anything or just want to talk."

"Mhm." I said, dryly.

She walked to the door and opened it, coming face to face with Danny and the twins.

She walked around them, leaving out my room.

"Why was she here?" Danny asked.

"That's not important. Why are y'all here?"

"We miss you, bro, so we had to come see you." Brayden said.

"Plus, Danny wouldn't shut up about coming to see you, so here we are." Aiden added.

"Now, back to why that hoe was here." Danny looked at me.

"She just came to visit and see how I was..." I was saying when the nurse walked in.

"I came to pick up the soiled sheets." She said, picking up the sheets that were on the floor and then walked back out.

"Soiled sheets? What, you pee'd on yourself?" Danny laughed, followed by Aiden.

"Shut up." I continued scrolling through my phone.

While Aiden and Danny laughed at me, Brayden just sat there staring at me.

"Why you keep staring at me?" I asked him.

"Because I'm not stupid."

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Kani were in here alone and you had messed up sheets. Y'all were fucking!" He shouted.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed.

"See, you're laughing because I'm right."

"No, I'm laughing because you honestly think I'd fuck someone that cheated on me."

"Well, unless Leah was here or you fucked a nurse. My money is on Kani."

"I hope you didn't fuck that girl. She ain't worth it. Plus, she played you." Danny added.

"You don't think I know that? I'm not stupid." I grew aggravated.

"Well, shit if you just needed to fuck, she's easy. Just ask Andre." Brayden said, carelessly.

We all looked at him with a mean mug.

"Sorry, too soon?"

"This is why we don't take your ass nowhere now." Aiden said to his brother.

I started to stretch and yawn. I was getting tired.

"You look exhausted." Aiden said.

"He just finished fucking, of course he's gonna look exhausted. Was it good?" Brayden smirked.

"Shut up, bro I'm just tired."

"Well, we'll let you get some rest then." Aiden said, heading towards the door.

"Don't be fucking no more." Brayden said, following behind him.

"I'll talk to you another time, and you can catch me up." Danny said, joining them.

"Ight, I got you."

They left out, closing the door behind them. Finally, some peace and quiet. Three visits in one day. I'm beat. Now, I can sleep and dream about my earlier activities with Leah, which was great. Shit, I just wish I knew what this meant for us.

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