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~The Next Morning~


"I don't think your friends like me too much, Will." I stated as I ate my vanilla ice cream cone.

We sat in an ice cream parlor, chatting it up. Will and I've been stuck like glue ever since we met. When you saw me, you saw him and vice versa. We'd always hang out, whether it's at my house, his house, or wherever, we'd be chillin.

He's been a really good friend to me. He's super nice and very funny. I fucked with his personality one thousand percent. Over the short time I've known him, I'd say that we're really good friends.

We do have a few things in common, like not seeing our parents often since they work so much. I think it's safe to say that we understand one another. The lil bond we have was great and I knew it would turn into something greater later in the future.

"Why do you think that?" He questioned, eating his hot fudge sundae.

"Because I see the way they look at me, especially Donnie."

He chuckled.

"Danny." He corrected.

"Whatever." I said with an eye roll.

He smacked his lips and shook his head. Will hated when I rolled my eyes at him. It annoyed him a lot.

"You always rolling them shits."

"So?" I licked my ice cream.

"It's annoying." He ate some of his sundae.

"So?" I raised a brow.

He just shook his head and said nothing else.

"Seriously though, they give me weird looks. I'm sure you've noticed."

He shook his head.

"Nah, I haven't."

"Wow, Will you're blind."

He smacked his lips.

"I'm not blind and don't worry about them. I'm sure it's nothing."

I just shrugged.

"Okay, if you say so."

I finished my cone and wiped my mouth with a napkin. Will still had some of his sundae. He eats so slow. Minutes later, his phone chimed on the table. He grabbed it and looked at the screen.

"Who's calling?" My nosy ass asked.


"Nope." I snatched his phone and turned it off.

He laughed.

"Yo, what you do that for?"

"I'm hanging with my best friend. We won't be interrupted. Donnie can wait."

"Danny and best friend, huh?" He smirked as he stroked his beard.

"Yes, unless you don't want to be my bestie." I smiled.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Yeah, I'll be your best friend."

"Good because you had no other choice."

"Yeah, yeah." He waved me off.

"Gimme some of your sundae." I eyed his treat.

"Hell nah." He said, eating in my face.

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