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"I felt like I've been in this hospital forever! Where the doctor at?"

"He's on his way, just be patient." My mom said as she sat next to me.

Today was hopefully the big day. The day they say I can finally go home. I still can't go to school until my stitches heal a lil more, so I'm not going back until after Christmas break, but at least I'll be out of this building finally.

I haven't talked to Leah since that day she came to visit and we 😏 you know. She doesn't know that I may come home, but she'll be the first one to know if I do get discharged.

After what felt like forever, the doctor finally walked into the room.

"I heard you're very eager to see if you get to go home today, Mr. Pierce." The Doctor said, walking up to my bed.

"Yeah, doc I hope you can clear me to go. I'm tired of looking at these walls."

The doctor checked under the bandages on my chest.

"Alright, your stitches are healing nicely and I don't see any problems." He poked around the area.

"Soo....that means?" I asked, nervously.

"That means I'm finally clearing you to go home."

"Yes! Finally! I can't wait to hang with my friends and play basketball again. I can't wait to get back on that court. I'm going to be unstoppable!" I exclaimed.

"Basketball?" The doctor questioned.

"Yeah, I told you I played, Doc. I needed to get better, so I can finish my season."

"I thought your mom would've talked to you about it." He said in a worried tone.

"My mom would've told me what?" I asked, confused.

"I just couldn't bare telling you the bad news." Ma said, tearing up.

"What bad news?"

"Your wounds are healing and you're getting better, which allows you to go home, but your wounds are nowhere near ready enough for you to play any sports right now." He said.

"What are you really saying, Doc?" I felt my eyes start to tear up.

"I'm saying... you won't be able to play basketball this season. You must wait until next year."

"Next year?! I can't wait until next year! My stats would be so behind, which might get college recruiters to overlook me!" I shouted.

"I know it's a lot to take in and that it sucks, but if you want to be able to play sports next year, you need to rest for a while. Meaning, you have to take it easy." He added.

"Man, this some bullshit!" I screamed.

"William! That's enough! Don't be rude now." Ma said.

"Don't be rude? Ma, I can't play ball and you knew! Why didn't you tell me?" My voice cracked as a few tears fell from my eyes.

"I know you love playing basketball, but I couldn't be the one to crush your dreams, Will." She wiped my tears.

"You can still play next year. I don't think it's that much of a setback. You just need to-" The doctor was saying before I cut him off.

"Can you just get my discharge papers, Doc?" I asked in a sad tone.

"Okay, again I'm sorry about the news. Ms. Pierce, when you get a chance, we need you to sign a couple of things and then you can take your son home." He said, walking out the room.

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