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I was sitting in History class, bored out of my mind. The teacher was lecturing, but I wasn't paying attention. My mind was on Leah.

I couldn't believe she curved a nigga. I thought we had something. Shorty was bad man. Having her by my side, we'd be unstoppable. I had no chance now since I've been fucking with Kani.

It was just that though. I felt no way about her. My dick just needed to be wet and she was available. She was just easy to get at. Now, that I got what I wanted from her, she was no use to me.

I think she caught feelings cause her ass didn't get the hint yet. She's been clingy too. A nigga couldn't breathe for shit. It was time for her ass to go.

Then, there's that nigga Will. Nigga got skill on the court I'll give him that, but he's in my way of getting at Leah. Yeah, I knew about their friendship. Hell, the whole school knew, but I thought that shit was over. I guess I was wrong. They were getting closer and my chances with Leah were slim to none.

The bell rung, indicating lunch. I grabbed my book bag and left the classroom. I stopped in my tracks, when I saw Leah and Will. They were a few feet away from me posted up against a locker.

Leah looked so happy. She was smiling from ear to ear as she was talking to Will. Anger quickly washed over me as I stared at their interaction.

"Hey." A voice said.

I broke my stare from them and glanced down at Kani.

"Sup." I stated, nonchalantly.

"I was thinking we get together after school." She smiled.

"Nah, I got shit to do." I returned my gaze to Will and Leah.

"What are you looking at?" Kani questioned as she turned around.

They walked off in the direction of the cafeteria. Kani turned back and rolled her eyes.

"When can we hang out?"

"Look, we done ight?" I stated, making sure she understood.

"What do you mean we done?" She scrunched her brows.

"Just what I said. It was just sex between us, nothing more." I shrugged.

"But...I cheated on Will for you." She said with tears in her eyes.

"That's not my problem. You were easy." I laughed.

"You asshole!" She shouted.

"Bye, Kani." I walked off.


Will and I were in the cafeteria eating our lunch and talking.

"So, I have my interview at Jenny's today." He said.

"That's good. Let me know how it goes. I hope you get it."

"Yeah, me too." He ate his chicken.

"You know what would be cool?"

"What?" He questioned.

"If I got a job there as well. Two best friends working together. That gives us more time to spend together."

"Hell yeah, I'd get to see you even more." 

I felt eyes on me. I turned my head and was met with Will's crew. I grew annoyed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Your peeps have an eye problem." I nodded my head in their direction.

He turned his attention towards their staring eyes, then turned back towards me.

"Don't worry about them."

"I take it they're shocked at the sight before them."

He shrugged. "It is what it is."

"Will, I'm not dealing with the bullshit when it comes to you and Danny." I stated, seriously as I looked into his eyes.

"I know, Leah. You're my number one priority. I'll balance you and the crew. We won't have a repeat of last time, I promise. And if they have a problem, that's on them. I'll do anything when it comes to you and I won't fuck shit up just because my friends have an issue."

I blushed. "Aw, you'll do anything for me?"

"Anything." He said with a serious face.

That made me happy on the inside. We carried on chatting until it was time for us to go.


I was walking back to my mom's car that was parked in Jenny's parking lot

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I was walking back to my mom's car that was parked in Jenny's parking lot. I had just finished my interview and I think it went pretty well. They told me that it would be a few days to get my answer, but my chances looked good.

Walking to the car with my head down, I heard a group of voices approaching. I looked up and it was Danny and the twins.

"Why you looking so spiffy?" Danny asked.

"You look really nice. That shirt is perfectly fitted." Aiden smirked.

I laughed. "It's just some blue slacks and a white button up. Nothing too crazy."

"What, you had a date? All dressed up coming out of Jenny's, that has to be a date." Brayden stated.

"A date already? You just got out of a relationship. Who got your attention that fast?" Danny asked, confused.

The three of them looked at each other and then back at me.


"Leah!" They shouted in unison.

I started to laugh. "It's not like that."

"We're just friends, very good ones at that. Nothing more, nothing less." I added.

"Y'all were basically a couple last time, so I'm pretty sure y'all would finally be an official thing." Danny said.

"Well, where she at?" Brayden questioned.

"I wasn't on a date with Leah. She's not even here."

"Then, with who?" Aiden asked, confused.

"I'm not on a date. I had a job interview."

"At Jenny's?" They asked in unison.

"Yes, I wanted a job to have some money in my pocket."

"That's great, we're about to get free food now!" Brayden said, excitedly.

"Umm, no. I'd like to keep my job, plus that's only if I get it. If not, I'm not sweating it." I said, carelessly.

"Well, I hope you get it." Aiden said.

"Yeah, me too." Danny agreed.

"I want free food, so of course I hope you get it." Brayden said.

"Well, do you want to hang out?" Danny asked.

"Not tonight, I'm pretty tired. I'm just going to call it a night."

"Okay, well next time then." Danny replied.

"Of course." I walked to the car.

They left going into Jenny's and I left to go home.

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