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~2 Weeks Later~

It's been two weeks since I spoke to Leah and being around her even for a lil while, made me miss her. However, I had to keep reminding myself that she didn't want me around anymore. That night at Jenny's when she tried to start a conversation, I tried kept it dry and short. I even told her I was dating Kani. Why I told her that? I honestly don't know.

Kani and I aren't even dating. I guess a small part of me wanted her to be jealous and fight for me or something, I don't know. The color literally drained from her face when I told her. I lowkey felt bad, bad enough that I wanted to fix my mistake, but I couldn't since she left so quick.

I felt horrible after she left. I wanted to run after her and tell her I was lying, but what good would that do? She still didn't want me in her life, so I was like fuck it. From that day forward, I was only going to focus on school and basketball. Even though, I'd still have to deal with seeing Leah everyday at school, she was the last thing I wanted to think about anymore.

So, for the past two weeks, I've been walking past her, ignoring her presence whenever we were in the same room. I even stopped having flashbacks about her. I was finally moving on, which was great cause now I can focus on my girl. Did I just say my girl? I sure did. Kani and I made it official last week during a study session.


Kani and I were in my room, studying for an upcoming quiz in English class. My mom was at work, so we had the house to ourselves. All the time we were spending, grew my attraction to her even more. We were both sat on the bed and I started to fall asleep from the reading material.

"No, your ass ain't falling asleep right now. Get your ass up!" She yelled.

"Girl, shh...I'm tired and this shit is boring." I replied, closing my eyes back.

"Boy, if you don't get your ass up, I'm going to fuck you up." She said, playfully.

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled in my sleepy voice.

Out of nowhere, this girl jumped on me, hitting me with a pillow. I grabbed it from her and started hitting her back. Minutes later, we were in a full blown pillow fight. Soon, all of the pillows were on the floor and I was on top of her, pinning her down.

She started to laugh. "If you don't get your big black ass off of me, I'm gonna call the cops."

"Go, ahead." I replied.

She tried to get up, but she didn't have any luck. We sat there and stared at each other. I saw me how beautiful Kani actually was. I started to get this feeling that told me to make a move, but I didn't wanna make the wrong one.

"Hello...Will...are you going to move Or do I-" I cut her off with a kiss.

Once we pulled apart, we sat in complete silence. I felt like I made the wrong move, so I went to get up, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

I leaned down and slowly kiss her beautiful pink lips. Our sexual tension started to rise the more we kissed and I felt myself getting hard. However, I quickly jumped off of Kani before things got too far and paced my room.

"Is there something wrong? Did I do something?" She asked with a puzzled face.

"No, not at all."

"Then, why'd you stop?" She asked with a confused face.

I sat next to her. " Listen, I really like you, Kani, but I don't want to ruin what we have going on by having sex too early. Don't get me wrong, I do want to have sex, but I want us to do it right, as a couple and not a quick fling."

She looked at me with a blank stare, which actually made me kind of nervous.

"You want to go out with me, really?"

" I do. I think our chemistry is there and I think we'd work."

"Well, okay then let's give it a try, Will" She had the biggest smile on her face.

"Great, now let's get back to studying." I replied with a cheesy smile.

~End of Flashback~

At this moment in time, I'm genuinely happy, but I can't say the same for Danny. Once I told him I asked her out, he was pissed. He told me that he was scared that she'd take me away from him and I told him that he'd always be my best friend and have nothing to worry about. Only time would tell how this goes.

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