๐— ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ป๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜

By glitterbabezz

2.1M 106K 137K

๐•€๐•— ๐•€ ๐•ค๐•’๐•ช ๐•™๐• ๐•จ ๐•€ ๐•—๐•–๐•–๐• ๐•ช๐• ๐•ฆ ๐•ค๐•™๐• ๐•ฆ๐•๐•• ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•’๐•๐•๐•ช ๐•๐•š๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•–๐•Ÿ, ๐•š๐•— ๐•ช๐• ๐•ฆ ๐•จ๐•’๐•ค ๐•’๐•๐• ๐•ž... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty four
Fourty Five
Fourty six
Fourty seven
Fourty eight
Fourty nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty three
Fifty four
Fifty five
Fifty Six
Fifty seven
Fifty eight
Fifty nine
Sixty One
sixty two
Sixty three
Sixty four
Sixty five
Sixty six
Sixty seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty nine
Seventy One
Seventy two
Seventy three
Seventy four
Seventy five
Seventy six
Seventy seven
Seventy eight
Seventy nine
Eighty one
Eighty two
Eighty three
Eighty four
Eighty Five
Eighty six
Eighty Seven
Eighty eight
Eighty nine
Ninty one
Ninty two
Ninty four
Ninty five

Ninty three

13.3K 742 1.2K
By glitterbabezz

Omniscient pov:

Dior sat in her room staring in her vanity mirror as she did her makeup and listened to music.

Kd walked in the room holding a crying kasani and turned her music down making her look up at him.

"What you do that for?" She asked him as she put concealer around her eyebrows.

"I only turned it down to ask you have you see his pacifier." He said and she looked up at the ceiling frowning then back in the mirror.

"It should be in my purse he kept throwing it at the park so I took it." She said.

"Ight." Kd said going on her dresser than in her purse.

As he rummaged her purse for the pacifier he ran across something that made him frown.

He looked over at her doing her eyebrows and frowned looking at the pack of plan B's in his hand.

"Dior what's this?" He asked her and she looked at him through the mirror seeing him holding them and then turned around.

"Plan b's." She said keeping it short as she stood up looking at him.

"I know what they are but what you got them for?" He asked and she scratched her head.

"I've been taking them since we been you know." She said as kasani sucked his pacifier and stared at her.

"You didn't think to tell me that?" He asked her.

"Kd I didn't see the big deal it's not like i went out and got birth control or my tubes tied I'm just taking a pill." She said.

"You missing the whole Dior that shit selfish." He said shaking his head.

"Kd how is it selfish? I just pushed out not 1 but two babies if I don't want anymore right now I don't want any."

"I'm only 19, and your not the one who have to carry babies kd I do and that shit is painful."

"I'm not trying to slip up and get pregnant." She said.

"But you didn't think it was right to tell me like you tell me everything else? Oh hey kd I'm taking plan b's just to let you know." He said.

"Kd it's not that big of a deal." She said rolling her eyes turning around and he shook his head.

"Dior I think we need a break." He said making her turn around and look at him.

"What?" She asked as she frowned.

"We just not clicking right now I think we need to take some space from eachother." He said.

"Over some damn birth control kd are you fucking serious?" She yelled at him.

"It's not just because of that but look at us we not there mentally or physically and you know it." He said.

"We just got engaged kayden." She said and he looked around.

She nodded her head as a tear slipped down her face and she looked at her ring taking it off.

"If that's what you want to do then fine." She said throwing the ring at him.

"Give me my baby and get out of my house." She yelled snatching kasani.

"You need to calm down you acting like I said end things for good I said take a break your overreacting."

"You know we're not in a good state right now Dior and you know we got some shit to work on so don't be like that." He said.

"I'm not being like nothing now get out of my house and take the ring with you." She said picking it up and placing it in his hand.

Kd walked up to her giving kasani a kiss on the cheek and then left out of the room going to kiss kori goodbye.

Dior watched as he left out of the house and she slammed the front door locking it as she cried.

"Back to square fucking one."


Kd pulled up to the trap getting out the car sighing.

Him breaking up with Dior wasnt for good it was temporary.

He just wanted her to get herself together before rushing into a marriage and he wanted to work on himself.

He walked in the trap seeing Chris sitting on the couch with his phone to his ear saying "mhm."

"And I understand that but we already talked about that shit." Chris told the person he was on the phone with.

"We will talk about this when I get home I got some shit to do."

"I'm hearing you bruh."



"Love you too." He said hanging up the phone and throwing it on the table.

"What's wrong with you nigga?" Kd asked sitting down.

"This girl driving me fucking crazy with this baby shit."

"Everyday she bring up the fact that she want a child and I keep telling her not now but she not listening." Chris said.

"Why you so scared to have kids right now?" Kd asked laughing.

"I'm not scared to have kids right now I just don't want none right now."

"Me and Jaylen dated two years we was ready for a child me and shorty ain't even hit a year yet we not ready for no baby." Chris said.

"Do me a favor get me some advice." He told kd and kd tilted his head at him.

"What y'all got going on ain't got shit to do with me." Kd said.

"Nah kd I'm serious cause it got to be a reason she want a baby so bad and it's a reason she ain't telling me but you g it kids you know ." He said.

"She probably just really want kids bro I don't know." Kd sighed.

"Nigga what's wrong with you?" Chris asked.

"It's Dior and the kids?" He added on to his questions.

"They good me and Dior on a break right now though." He said and she looked at him.

"What kinda break I thought you guys were engaged?"He asked confused.

"It's just temporary nothing to stress about." He told her drinking his drink he brought.

Changing the subject Kd looked at Chris.

"Tell your girl this family shit look all sweet but trust me having kids is harder then it think and you on the outside looking in ."

"I got 4 kids and 3 baby mommas and I'm only 23."

"It's hard running to one baby momma and buying her stuff for my child then another then picking both of them up and dropping them off and then having the twins."

"when you have kids it's a lot of stuff you can't do no more, you can't go out when you want, sleep all say, have things to yourself."

"It's a big responsibility not nothing to play with and it's worse for the woman raising a baby then the men."

"And Chris you my boy but a baby not gone make y'all relationship stronger she needs to understand men often get more distant when you trying to change they life around,we don't care about all that extra shit we just want our girls to be happy." He said.

"Damn man thanks." Chris said.

"Ain't no problem." Kd said lighting a blunt.

"But a baby not gone make you happy, if your relationship going good she should be happy with or without." He told her.


2 weeks later:

Kd walked up to Dior front door knocking and ringing the door bell as the door swung open.

He looked at Dior seeing she had no make up on and dark circles around her eyes like she haven't got any rest and her hair a mess all over her head.

"Hey." He spoke and she just handed him the kids diaper bags and then them as they sat in their car seats.

"When are you bringing them back?" She asked as her voice cracked.

"I'll bring them back in a few days." He said and she nodded her head closing the door.

Kd took the twins to the car placing them in the backseat and strapping them in as he shook his head.

In his opinion Dior just wasn't going to ever change her attitude and until she did they just simply won't be together.

Dior sat on her couch laying down as tears fell down her face.

She was suppose to be getting dress so Mya can pick her up for lunch but she couldn't even bring herself to leave the house.

She was so hurt about everything with kd that she cut ties to the real world.

She just couldn't function correctly without him and it bothered her.

She heard her phone vibrate and sat up seeing she got a text from Mya.


-We still on for lunch?

Dior responded yes to her text and then got up throwing her phone down.

She picked up her anti depressants off the table and dumped the last four in her hand and then took them with her water bottle that sat on the table.

She went upstairs to her room in the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror.

She didn't even look like herself anymore she looked a mess.

She got in the shower and did the rest of her hygiene and then heard the doorbell ring.

She went to the door and smiled as she saw Mya rubbing her belly.

"Awww two more months until my baby here." Dior cooed.

"Well hello to you too." Mya said laughing following her to the living room.

"How you been holding up?" Mya asked looking around Dior living room.

"I'm great happier then ever." Dior said smiling and Mya raised a eyebrow.

"Baby are you sure you don't look okay." Mya said confused.

"Mya I'm fine life goes on, I'm not worried about him he made his decision oh well." Dior said and Mya frowned seeing a empty pill bottle on the table and picked it up.

"Dior what's this?" Mya asked reading the bottle.

"Anti-depressants I been told you about those." Dior said.

"You said you didn't take them so why is this bottle empty and they just sent this 4 days ago?" Mya asked confused.

"They fell on the floor?" Dior shrugged.

"Then where are they now?" Mya asked Dior who bit her nails.

"In the trash." She said.

"Dior I really hope you are being smart and not popping pills you can overdose of this shit." Mya snapped.

"Why are you snapping at me Mya? I just fucking told you what happen." Dior yelled.

"And you think I believe that shit? Dior you have two fucking kids you have to make better decisions."

"This is why kd wanted a break from you because your still a child at heart." Mya said.

"Kd wanted a break from me because he want to do him while I'm stuck with two fucking kids." Dior said.

"At some point you need to hold some accountability.

"You and kd have so many problems in yall relationship and I'm starting to assume it's not just him anymore." Mya said.

"I do take accountability, kd wanted a fucking break over birth control Mya fucking birth control all because I didn't tell him." Dior yelled.

"It's the principal Dior, he's your boyfriend and I'm all for your body your choice and shit but that's something he should've known to be aware."

"You need to work on yourself, that's all he wants you to do." She said and Dior started to cry and she went up to her hugging her.

"I know baby let it out." Mya said hugging her.

"I just don't understand Mya I try to be a good girlfriend, a good mom, a good daughter, a good friend, and bestfriend but everybody keep leaving me or want nothing to do with me." Dior cried.

"Baby it's okay fuck those people."

"Once you get yourself together mentally you will be ready for a relationship, just fix yourself for your kids."

"I know you hurt right now but it don't rain forever, y'all are just on a break y'all aren't broken up." She said.

"Now how many of those pills you took today?" Mya sighed.

"Four." Dior mumbled and Mya shook her head.

"Come on baby we going t-." Mya started but stopped feeling something run down her leg.

"What the fuck my water just broke." Mya said frowning.

"We need to get you to the hospital." Dior said shocked.

"I'm only 7 months how is that possible?" Mya asked confused.

"I don't know but we better get going and ask questions later." Dior said helping her out of the house.

Mya wobbled to the car as she called Jeremy getting an answer on the second ring.

"Hello?" Jeremy answered.

"My water just broke I need the baby bag and for you to meet me at the hospital." She said feeling an contraction.

"Send me your location I'm about to call my mom to come get me." He said and she just hung up as Dior pulled off towards the hospital.

"This is worse then when my water broke with Mariah." Mya said takin deep breaths.

"How was it when you gave birth to Mariah?" Dior asked trying to make conversation.

"It was hard I was only 15 and homeless at the time since my mom had died and my dad disappeared and Rio was in jail."

"My water broke while I was asleep on the train I had road the train all the way downtown and went to the hospital."

"I had to have one of the church people come get me because after I had her they wouldn't let me leave since I was so young." Mya said.

"I didn't know you were homeless when you had Mariah." Dior frowned.

"Yeah the church gave me a hotel to live for about a week but once that was over wasn't much they could do." Mya said feeling a contraction.

"But once I found a job at the trap and Rio got out i was Gucci." Mya said as Dior parked helping her out the car.

They walked in the hospital getting directed in the room for Mya to give birth and she switched to an hospital gown.

"She giving me a hard time I might have to get epidural." Mya said as the door opened and Jeremy wheeled in with his mom behind him holding Mariah hand.

"Mommy the baby here yet?" Mariah asked.

"Not yet baby but soon." Mya said as Mariah hopped in the bed next to her.

"I can't wait for her to come I'm going to play dress up with her all the time." Mariah said.

"Well not until she one." Mya said as she groaned in pain.

"My princess need to hurry up." Jeremy said and Mariah frowned.

"I thought I was your princess that's not fair." Mariah pouted mugging her mom stomach.

"Y'all both are don't be like that." Jeremy said and she turned away from him and started crying.

"Nobody is going to love me anymore when the new baby comes everybody going to forget about me." She said.

"Baby that is not true I can never forget about you." Dior told her drying her tears.

"And I can't either so don't say you my big girl and I love you." Mya said kissing her nose.

As Mya dried Mariah tears the doctor and nurses came in And looked under the blanket at Mya.

"Your baby is ready to come ma'am." They said as Mya sat up.

"Let us know when your ready to push." The nurse said as Mariah hopped off the bed and sat in Dior lap.

"Isn't it to early to be having the baby?" Jeremy mom asked confused.

"It's only two months early so it's not bad the baby just most likely will come out premature." The nurse explained.

"I'm ready." Mya said grabbing Jeremy hand.

"Push." They said and she did as told and gave them a big push.

"We can see her head she has a big one too." The doctor said and everybody looked at Jeremy.

"What?" He frowned.

"Okay 1...2...3 Push." They said and Mya squeezed the hospital sheets as she pushed making her baby slip out.

"Congratulations it's a baby girl and she's healthy." They said smiling cleaning her off and then handing her to Mya.

"How are you not crying I was bawling out." Dior said laughing.

"Because only the contractions hurts it didn't really hurt pushing her out." Mya said breathing heavily as Jeremy held the baby.

"What are y'all going to name her?" Jeremy mom asked as they passed the baby back to the nurses.

"Jariah." Jeremy said.

"That's cute it's like Mariah name but with Jeremy first initial." Dior cooed as they bring the baby back fully clothed.

"Here go the birth certificate congratulations mom and dad." The nurse said and Jeremy and Mya filled it out then grabbed the baby.

"Mommy? I can hold her?" Mariah asked and Mya nodded her head.

"Be careful put your hand right here and don't touch the middle of her head it's really sensitive." Mya said and Mariah grabbed the baby.

"Damn Mya she got your head." Jeremy said.

"Boy that's yo big ass bug head." Mya said laughing.

"Mommy isn't she suppose to come out with broken legs since daddy has broken legs?" Mariah asked confused.

"No baby daddy is one of a kind." Mya said making them laugh.

Dior smiled watching them communicate and laugh as Jeremy made small comments about Mya.

She just wished she could be that happy.

Author pov:

•Ion like this chapter but Mya had the baby❤️!!!

•It's 2-3 chapters left this really suppose to be the last one but I split up the plot a little🥳!!

•What y'all think about kd breaking up with Dior?

•What y'all think about Mya advice to Dior?

•What y'all think about Dior and the pill situation?


•200+ vote and comments or I'm not updating🤷🏾‍♀️.

•Vote, comment, follow me❤️.

excuse all mistakes!!!

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