| Fall Of Felicity | Erwin Sm...

By ilovecoffeeXOXO

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Every single human to ever come alive in this life has a deck of cards representing the character traits that... More

Before We Start
A New Friend
An Unexpected Turn
Two Minds One Dream
Every Fathers Wish
Instructor Rafael Pavlov
The Devil's Spawn
The Devil's Lair
Eyebrows and Lambchop
Training Day One
Was This A Good Decision
The Outside World
Hand To Hand Combat
Somebody To Love
Goodbye My Friend, Hello Heartache
The Real Marie
Blinded By Beauty
First Sip
Erwin's Sweet Sixteen
3D Maneuver Gear
Mina (Mike x Nanaba)
Sex and Pain
A Deal With the Devil
Anka Rheinberger and Thomas
Time Is Ticking...
A Sweet Victory
Commander Keith Shadis
First Expedition
The Eagle's Feather
Bianca's Wedding
Forever Mine
The Bitter Truth
The Moon and Stars
A Twisted Truth
An Exception
The Pastries
What Happened Now?
Garrison Branch
Life's Full Of Tough Choice's.
I Can Hear The Bells.
October 14th.
Baby Elourea Zacharias.
Mr and Mrs. Dok.
I Don't Dance.
I Want You.
Grandma Smith's Blessing.
The Ring.
A Bitter Truth.
My Prince.
Life And Death.
Elourea's First Birthday.
Street Rat to Survey Corp Rat.
A Talk.
Round Two
Dinner Date
I Can't Give Up
Save Me Erwin
Shower, Sex and Satisfaction
Black Or White
Young Love
Nature Vs. Nurture
Erwin's Ring
I Do
Love Me Aurora
The Moutain's Top
Commander Pixis
One Night, Two Beginning's
Forever Home
The Fall of Wall Maria
A Compromise
Baby Number One
A Broken Man
Long Ago
Repairing an Old Wound
Baby Number Two
Goodbye Grandmother
Edwin's First Birthday
So Long Jack
Happy Birthday Aurora
Gym Bros
Eustace's First Birthday
Harder Erwin
Authors Note! Important Please Read 🙏🏻

Naive Aurora

102 2 4
By ilovecoffeeXOXO


Aurora's POV

Two Months Later

I was snuggled under dozens of blankets layering me like a tiramisu cake, soft and warm as a lamb's coat I felt as though I was underneath an incubator from the heat captured in the sheets......until I felt an unpleasant sensation tingle along my nipples, tightness. I knew the tightness was my bodies way of telling me it was ready to give my loves some food, but I wasn't ready to wake up. I wish I could lie the morning in bed since I haven't been able to sleep a night without crying, but the more I ignored my bodies signals the more intense the tightness became as painful as though my breasts were being twisted by a clipper, obeying my bodies to awoken from my slumber.

Maybe if I pump real quick I can go back to sleep......

Transitioning into awake mode felt as difficult as trying to jump out of the water without any handles since drowsiness and grogginess gulped my veins.....and the longer I resisted only provoked more strain to tense in my breast as painfully as feeling a bundle of thorns stab my flesh, motivating me the most to rise.

I better get up.....  Erwin's probably up and finished his workout by now....

Every morning I had a routine which was to pump my breast milk into bottles because during the night as I slept my body had replenished enough food for my sons, but sadly if the milk isn't drained or used tightness conquered my flesh as painful as frostbite eating away my tissue away.

On my nightstand rested a machine used to help squeeze out milk from my nipples to be stored in a bottle. Once I was somewhat aroused, I remove my shirt to expose my chest grabbing the machine where I set the rubber suction cups to stick onto each of my nipples allowing the plastic tubes to be twisted on a bottle as its cap. The main pump itself used to squeeze milk rested in my palm, more than ready to remove my milk to release some pain. I squeeze down onto the pump reminding me of a blood pressure cuff to feel its rubbery shape chafe against my fingers to feel the suction cups compress down on both of my nipples extracting my milk to be transferred into the bottle feeling less tightness confound my veins.

"Aahhhh....that feels so much better." I cried in relief, continuing to withdraw the food for my sons, and from each squeeze against my breast withdrew any pain to feel lightness as I once was before any pregnancy.

I love my both of my sons and I would do anything for them, but sometimes I wish my breast didn't feel so hard.....

The moment I felt all the heavy milk removed from my breast, more ease was relaxed in my veins to generate a smile since I had food for my babies and now I could prepare a tasty meal for the love of my life.

Perfect! Let me get dressed, and I'll make some breakfast.

I remove the machine from my body setting it back on the nightstand, and putting the cap back on the bottle stored with breast milk, directing my attention to clothe my skin from this chilly air which starts with undergarments to keep areas secluded. I grab one nude color bra out from my dresser, putting the wire's garment to rest upside down underneath my ribcage as the straps pulled around back to my shoulders where the clip rested on my spin, leaving my arms to hook the clasp but I couldn't reach it, it felt as though I was trying to tie a string around a balloon.


I continued to force each hook towards one other, but each pull felt as though I was trying to attract two magnets that have the same reaction, feeling irritation invade my bloodstream as agitating as pesty ants bites, leaving me what I do best with my problems.

"Erwin!" I called, constantly trying to force the strap together to feel numbness grow inside my fingers as though my fingers were pricked by needles from the strain of trying to clasp a hook behind my shoulders. "Please help!?"

Promptly Erwin entered the room within a blink of an eye, and easily I recognized his workout was intense. His entire hairline was ruffled and out of place like a ball of yarn even some locks of his stood straight on top of his head like the crown on a rooster's head, facial muscles were pigmented in my pink to scatter along his snowy white as though he had a sunburn though the color palate along his face brightened his eyes to dazzle like sapphire's from his return.

"What is it my love?" he questioned, lifting the bottom of his shirt to expose his define abdomen and beefy chest, cleansing his sweaty forehead dripping with water, wiping himself clean to notice a large puddle of water stained on his shirt almost as though he came out from the rain.

Hearing my husband's voice as calming as listening to water stream down a fountain instantly removed all my frustration and anger to drain in me like flushing a toilet, repositioning myself to allow my backside exposed to my little teddy bear.

"I can't get it to clasp, could you please help?"

Suddenly I felt his hands cover mine as warm and tender as feeling a blanket, transferring the clasp into my husband's grip where I started to feel the straps secure the sides of my ribcage, as the wires underneath my breast dug into my flesh as roughly as being impaled, making me lose my breath from the sudden restrain.

I don't remember these bra's being this tight?

"Hhaahh." Erwin huffed sounding as though he was having a workout trying to button my straps together. "Darling this bra might be too small for you." he replied feeling the straps sling back to fall along the sides of my ribs. "Did you pump yourself this morning, before getting dressed?"

Hearing my husband's observation blow into my ear left surprise to flicker in me feeling as though confetti was squandered in my face. I felt my stomach drop to the bottom of my abdomen from wonder, I felt as though my head was obscured as though I was gazing into direct sunlight shocked to hear the sudden news.

"I just did."

Wow.......I did gain weight then.....but I didn't even recognize it. I just hope I didn't gain it in places that don't need it.

I felt a touch of worry specter over my shoulder like a shadow because out of all my gifts beauty is the one feature I want to please my husband the most and I can't do that if there are rolls flubbed on me like frosting on a cake, praying if I did gain some weight it would be a fraction.

A few pounds is okay because I'm still breastfeeding and I need the fat to transfer into milk, but if it's more than a few.....then I'm worried.

I race to the bathroom to divert my attention to the mirror on the wall, reflecting an image of myself to see a woman I've known since childhood flourishing into a woman dressed in her panties alone. Green eyes like color of a forest I recognized, hair golden as wheat, legs standing at a normal height with a chunk of muscle curved along my quads, curving upward to expand out for my hips, but then reaching my waist to slant in a peak forming the shape of an hourglass, feeling instant relief sooth my veins. Satisfied with my current shape left my gaze to be focused on my breast to notice the circumference of the tissue itself was enlargen.

Hmm......well that's new.....I wonder if there is evidence that it grew?

Curious to investigate further about my body I shift my gaze to look at each of my breasts examining the roundness hanging from my chest curving into two perfect circles resting along the top of my ribs, but at the edge of my tissue I spotted a few marks almost invisible to see since the lines were white blending in with my skin tone in the shape of a wiggly snake instantly recognizing the mark.

Stretch marks. They happen when your skin grows or expands to fast. In my case, I've been holding milk almost for a year straight. I'm sure I'll have more because I want more children......and as much as I adore my skin, using my body to produce life I don't mind gaining some battle scars.

The more I thought the gift of life my body could produce was the greatest accomplishment I'd ever hope for, growing a smile along my lips pleased knowing I could give all my offspring a chance to live.

Erwin chilled against the entrance of the door, with his shoulder blades relaxed on the wooden frame while his arms thick as two axes tucked over one another folded across his chest while his attention was locked on the mirror.

"There's something the matter, Aurora?" he questioned with a voice as calming as hearing a violin strung, I could listen to his handsome voice talk for hours straight.

"I think my breast grew, Erwin." I reply, turning my attention back towards the handsome blonde to notice his gaze was locked on my chest.

Immediately redness started to blush all along his cheeks, nose and ears as dark as a cherry looking as though he was left in the cold for long, though from the color differentiation protruding in his skin inspired his eyes to sparkle as astonishing as a sapphire, nodding his head in reply to pass a faint moan. "MMhmmm." where his hefty body started to shift forward towards me.

"I have to take a shower before work, care to join me Mrs.Smith." he breathed as low as blowing out a candle, lifting each of his hands to reach my breast to feel his massive hand grope my skin as secure as handcuffs causing my heart to skip a beat from his sudden grip.

How divine....but he needs to eat a good meal since he has a long day ahead of him.

"But what about breakfast Mr.Smith?" I reply slipping a giggle seduced by his sudden request, feeling his hands pulse my breast to create ease to flow in my veins. "I had it all planned out. Eggs, bacon and some biscuits." I ended repeatedly feeling his hands squeeze and tighten around my breast a few times to massage pleasure in my veins before removing his hands.

Erwin glided his hands over towards his hips lifting his shirt over his head to expose his light skin as flawless as snow with dozens of thick muscles perked under his skin leaving temptation to fire me as hot as standing next to a fire.

He's so handsome.

Staring down at his flesh thick as the inside of a tree's stump while carved with muscles as solid as though stones formed his body, provoked temptation and desire to charm my veins from his, curling my lips into a smile gaining pleasure to stare at his nudity.

"Hmm.....that does sound like an ideal breakfast." he began, shifting himself forward leaving me to back up against the wall to feel the concrete textile block my back. "And I would meet all my requirements for a sufficient breakfast......carbs, protein, fats."he paused, placing each hand above my shoulders to lean himself on top of me to pin me like a sandwich where I felt his breath whisk against my skin. "But it won't give me the same satisfaction as eating your creamy white's Aurora." he lastly breathed with a snooty smirk curled along his lips, feeling instant soft emerge from my neck as his lips kissed and nibbled all along my skin to leave ease to soothe me.


Constantly his lips would soak my neck as gently as a paintbrush scrubbing my skin to elevate bliss to swim in my veins from his love, lifting his hands back up towards my chest to connect his palms with my breast feeling his hands massage my tissue out thoroughly , tempting me even more to feel his bulky body stacked on top of me a book.

"Mmhhhhm." I called to him feeling nothing but delight exalt me as though I was laying on a field of flowers, feeling more tight squeezes compress my flesh from his sturdy grip more than ready to give my love to him.

This is a perfect way to start the morning.

"WWaaahhhh!" cried Eustace as helpless as an injured bambi, instantly numbing any pleasure to arouse in me knowing my love was in pain, instantly pulling myself out from my husband's grip to aid my son's cry.

Oh no! My baby!

"Agghhh...." Erwin sighed in annoyance hearing aggravation projected in his tune I knew he was equally displeased, but then to an unexpected surprise, I felt my wrist restrain me nailing my feet to the floor as though I was chained, curious to know why the sudden halt.

Erwin's long face handsome as a prince softened with bliss, eyes melted like a stick of butter in a frying pan and lips curled into a smile as peaceful as staring at a meadow, pulling me towards him using my arms as though I was roped cattle, greeting his tender body to collide my breast into his beefy chest.

"I got this Aurora." he answered as peacefully as hearing water drain from a faucet, hooking his hefty arms around my shoulders making me feel as though I was a fish caught in a fisherman's rope."Go ahead and start the shower......I'll meet you once I put the baby down." he finished, hunching himself towards my level to feel a lovely kiss peck along my forehead, blooming more desire and passion to proceed with this morning.

Erwin had removed his hunky body off of mine as heart aching as peeling off a bandaid, but as my husband departs from our grip with his back turned against me, my attention remained glued to his backside ogling upon his brawny shoulders the length of a forest molded from marble, skimming down towards his back, buttocks, hamstrings and calves admiring his strength build in his flesh.

He's such a good man.......I just wish he doesn't have to work so hard to gain so little in the end......but maybe in the future once our sons can remember more he'll be here to watch them grow and have more memories with them.

I really need some new bras because I have larger breasts that need support, I need them to be made well.....and that means I'll be taking a trip to see Mr.Magnus. I'm just worried about how I will pay for it because I know how expensive his clothes are, and I don't want to take Erwin's hard earned money and spend on it me......

Maybe Mr.Magnus will give me a deal. He's known me since a little girl or hopefully I can make some sort of bargain.

Later That Morning.

Edwin was locked on my hip and strapped around my arm as though he was a koloa bear hanging on a branch, as my other hand held Eustace nestled in a woven basket bundled up in blankets like a tortilla with a few toys accompanied his side, hoping this would be a good enough distraction for the both of my sons while I get my measurements fitted.

Promptly I entered the tailor shop to hear a tiny bell ring as adorable as hearing a kitten's collar announcing my arrival, easily recognizing every perimeter of the shop. "Mr.Magnus, it's me Aurora!"

"In here!" the tailor called from the second section of the shop where the dressing room was located, eagerly making my way toward the back.

There Magnus Rabasca stood hovered over his standing mirrors communicating with a customer rather intensely, though he managed to break eye contact to glimpse at my arrival.

"Rory darling!" exclaimed Magnus as festive as hearing fireworks had gone off, removing himself from his previous customer as though he was yesterday's paper, scrambling towards me as fast as a cheetah with his arms spread far apart as an eagle's wing.

A smile forms along my lips from delight, witnessing Magnus's sudden excitement from my arrival, setting aside baby Eustace on the ground to allow some space to exchange my happiness to see Magnus once more.

With a free hand Magnus embraced me from the side, though it wasn't a long exchange since his attention was lured by someone even more precious than my existence.

"My word.......are these your children?" he gasped sounding as light and airy as though he inhaled helium, grazing his attention back and forth from each boy like skipping a pebble in a pond. 'But didn't you just get married?"

Amused and flattered by his comment I slip a laugh, finding more ease to relax in me as though I was taking a nice warm bath being able to reunite with an old friend.

"Yes, but Erwin and I couldn't wait."

Magnus too released a light chuckle full of humor, focusing his gaze on the baby strapped on my arm like a purse, though Magnus's previous client was itching with wonder since his attention was apprehended causing his body to lure toward us like fish finding bait on a hook.

"Your boys..... their eyes are so unique and rare...... especially the one you are holding." he complimented with a smile as glowing as a lantern as his pulis the color of caramel dilated with wonder. "I've never seen eyes so blue yet white at the same time."

Edwin on the other hand stared at Magnus as though he was some sort of criminal, eyes focused and stern like a snipper, lips parted open from stun even he angled his head to the side looking as perplexed as though he was given a puzzle to solve.

Awe....he doesn't know Magnus yet.

Engaged in my son's behavior using my free hand, I use the back of my hand to stroke his chubby cheek to feel as soft as though I was petting a lamb's skin, instantly causing Edwin to release some giggles full of happiness as adorable as a baby chicken chirp. "Hehehe...."

"Thank you.....the boy I am holding is named Edwin, he was named after Erwin's father, and to a delightful surprise he inherited his Grandfather's eyes." I introduce feeling as blissful as though I was soaring in the sky to talk about my loves. "And this one nesting in the basket is Eustace.....he was just born a few weeks ago, and he has an eye color mixed between the love of my life and myself."

Magnus's entire face squished into a marshmallow from delight, eyes glistened like glitter, lips parted open to hear an "awe" escape from his tongue. "How lovely, Rory. I'm so happy for you!" he squealed as happily as a pink oinking. "Now I believe you came here for a reason? Do you need some dresses perhaps? If I remember correctly your pallet choice as a little girl was mainly soft colors? Pinks, blues, greens?"

Yes, I remember, Bianca and I had dresses for every day of the week. Papa was wealthy enough to afford such a luxurious lifestyle......but now I hardly have enough for one.

"Oh....yes I need a fitting, but I think I had someone before me!" I mention with a smile growing along my lips, cherishing the past I experienced. "You were busy with someone else before I arrived." I mentioned eyeing my attention toward the customer hiding behind Magnus, hinting that he needed to be served first.

"Nonsense!" Magnus boomed as loudly as hearing a firecracker burst in the sky, lifting his smile to expose his teeth. "This is Mr.Ruby, Ruby and I are business partners, and we were just discussing numbers and fabric....nonsense sorts of things!"

Hearing Magnus's reply I instantly felt relief lift from my shoulders as I though I was carrying a dead corpse from worry darkening me, now pivoting my gaze to meet Magnus's partner whom I was keen to meet.

Mr.Ruby was on the taller side, slim like a twig though he wore a black tux fabulous enough for a wedding. His features were normal nothing extraordinary popped out from his appearance though I instantly detected his hair since it reminded me of my love, neatly straighten without a hair out of place to be neatly parted to the side, dyed in grey like a storm cloud having strips of white highlighted into his locks like marble indicating he was much older.

"Mr.Ruby this is Aurora formally known as Aurora Sinclair, who is wed to our Commander Erwin Smith." Magnus introduced as optimistically as hearing a little birdy chirp in the morning, wearing a smile as bright as moonlight.

Mr.Ruby was stiff as marble since he didn't move a single inch, his eyes the color of a log scanned me up and down as though he was reading the morning paper, growing a smile unpure and holy as a warlock to expose all his crooked teeth like an old rotten baseboard that sent shivers down my spine from his strange behavior.

Disturbance crept through my veins as though spiders were crawling up my leg the longer I stared into Mr.Ruby's eyes noticing his pupils
started to flame like a torch reading desire to be the gasoline of his light.

I'm not one to judge people, but I'm getting a weird vibe from this man.

"Pleasure to meet you sir, I am Aurora Smith." I began well knowing this was the proper form of a greeting, holding out my free hand where Mr.Ruby instantly inserted his palm with mine feeling as though I was shaking hands with a slime from the disgust rising up my flesh.

"Aaah! A Sinclair.......Magnus goes on and on about your family. He adores how your family is originated on beauty and wealth....." he hissed as lowly as a snake, removing his palm from mine as his eyes continued to gawk at me as though I was some sort of prize. "And might I say how accurate he was........" he expanded his grin as widely as a hyena's smile revealing more of his teeth as zigzag like a scarecrow. "In fact." he paused as he started to rotate around me like a ballerina in a music box with his eyes constantly glancing at me to hear his footsteps echo throughout the floorboard like dropping a pebble down a whell. "I would state that you are the most beautiful woman I've met......"

Hearing Mr. Ruby's compliment flow through my ear slowly started to dissolve some of the repulsive sacred in my veins, reconsidering himself as a person as I found myself flatter from such a statement.

That's very nice of him.....but beauty can be found all over in woman what's inside of them to their physical appearance. There isn't one way to define a beautiful woman.

"Thank you sir, that's very kind of you to say." I reply lifting a smile along my lips from bliss to hear such praise. "But I'm sure there are much prettier girls than me."

After a few spins of Mr.Ruby rotating around me like a ballerina he pivoted back to the front where our gaze become one.

"I would beg to differ....." he lowly muttered like a kitten yelping, swiftly changing the subject like a broom collecting dust." I am a fashion business, and specifically market lingerie for upper class women. I think you would be a perfect fit Aurora for one of my models. " he mentioned with a smile glowing along his lips as brightly as a firefly looking as though he had won the lottery. "Each lingerie is fitted to your curve, and after your work is done you get to keep the clothes you wear."

Hearing his sudden offer breeze through my ear as wishful as though I had wished on a genie generating surprise to dazzle my veins. My heart felt as though it was about to leap out from my chest from joy hearing his generous offer, as my brain felt as though it was fogged with clouds astonished I could obtain all my desires........until my little teddy bear soared across my mind like a shooting star, putting myself into his shoes revealing a thought I wouldn't know if Erwin wouldn't come to my mind.

This is exactly what I needed, new undergarments that will support my body through everyday life, but if Erwin was here I could already imagine the disapproval he would have using my body to gain advantage for money.

He's Commander of the Survey Corps, and his title comes with a lot of respect and nobility........I have to honor his title and make sure I present myself as an elegant woman.

As mystifying as Mr.Ruby's offer was, strangely I wasn't as enchanted as I was before, since my husband had managed to show me a different perspective.

"That is very kind of you sir." I mention with a smile stained along my lips pleased to have been given such a chance. "But I'm not sure that modeling would be appropriate for me, because I know I have to uphold a standard for my husband."

Mr.Ruby lingered in silence as though his tongue had been cut off, pivoting his gaze onto Magnus before resuming our conversation.

"Pity....." he replied, folding his arms along his chest and keeping his gaze locked on me. "I know you would boost my sales since not only your face is alluring but your body is seductive......and with such an exquisite woman I would have to pay her double the rest of my girls......" he paused once again scanning me from head to toe looking as though he was checking the time on his watch. "It would be around 400.00 € at the very minimum, for only sketching you.....I'm not even considering the additional coverage you would be wearing."he offered as tempting as a leprechaun rewarding me with a pot of gold.

Suddenly all my doubt and hesitation had evaporated from my skin into thin air from astonishment, my head leaked with fascination feeling as though I was sitting on a cloud from charm, witnessing how much income I would receive just for posing to be drawn I knew I couldn't let this offer slip away.

Wowziers........with that kind of money it would last us a year's worth of food.....and I could give my love meat every day to nourish him.....

It's just lingerie Aurora, it's not like I'm going to pose naked in front of him.

Erwin's POV

One Week Later

After a brutal morning of paperwork and meetings, I decided to give myself a fifteen minute lunch break, and what better way to relax than to indulge in a stimulant that replenishes my energy. I headed my way towards the kitchen eager to fix myself a cup of black coffee plain and bitter as it should be. Every footstep I took was one second closer to the kitchen feeling a droplet of excitement grow in me the closer I reached, but oddly enough the travel to the kitchen made me feel as though I was walking on a red carpet.

Numerous soldiers I would pass in the hallway lurked like bats in a cave on the edges, expressing light chuckles loaded with please in their tone., and the more I walked I would receive friendly pats on the back as though I was a good boy receiving a stick, even I heard some hoots and hollers the sound of whistles echoed through the walls making me feel as though I was some sort of hero.

Odd....why the sudden formality of appreciation? I haven't enacted any time off, or enabled a pay raise?


I reached the kitchen only to hear more twiddlers and chuckles repeat in the room as constantly as frogs croaking in the night, provoking curiosity to taunt me like a clown since I could not unravel this sudden mystery of glee possessed in my comrades like a demon....moreover, it was all the men cheering me on.

There is something that is impacting everyone to be frivolous out of the blue.......and I haven't had the slightest clue what is it.

I need to figure out this ridiculous riddle.

As I was making my way towards the stove to start brewing some coffee, a familiar face had the same idea though instead of coffee it was tea.

"Furlan." I called redirecting myself toward him to feel curiosity itch my skin as annoyingly as misquotes bites wanting to investigate more of the lower class soldier's sudden optimism. "May I have a word?"

Furlan's attention was occupied on the kettle boiling over the stove, using the tip to pour out the steaming liquid elegantly flowing into his cup to hear a graceful swooshing noise.

"Commander Smith!" he chirped as merrily as a little sparrow gobbling up a worm, setting aside the pipping pot kettle to insert his leafy tea bag into his cup. "What do I owe the pleasure?" he asked while mending his tea, allowing the herbs to dissolve in the boiling water.

"I was wondering if you have any insight as to why all my soldiers here are rather amused by my sudden appearance?" I question already having a few reasonable ideas as to what may be the origin.. "Is there some holiday rising, or perhaps something to do with a new law that passed associated with the military?"

The moment I finished my sentence Furlan recklessly dropped the tea bag to spill boiling water all over the counter as disruptively as throwing a rock in a lack, noticing his pupils had enlarged the size of a lemon while his body remained stiff as stone.

"Ooohh.....you don't know." he breathed as lowly as hearing air deflate from a balloon, spurring more urge to flame in me as aggravating as a bee sting desperate to know what was kept hidden from me. "Maybe it's best if we would take this conversation back into your office." Furlan unfroze his movements as though he an ice cube defrosting in sunlight, lifting his cup of tea to pass a friendly smile as warming as a crackling firepit, redirecting our chat back to the office though we had a pit stop before we entered my office.

We stopped at Furlan's dorm where he hastily grabbed some sort of book out from underneath his mattress which I found highly odd because why would you keep a book hidden if there wasn't any value to it? It wasn't even a thick book, flimsy like a feather it looked as though a few pieces of parchment paper were bound inside? Why the sudden secrecy?

Strange indeed.....if I were to hide a book the only reason why is because money was stored between the pages, otherwise books are made out of paper and leather with no financial expense to it.

Promptly Furlan and I had reached my office, finding my seat at the head of my desk as Furlan took the other side still looking rather optimistic as though he was called upon for his good behavior.

"Before I show you this Commander, I just want to clarify that this is an issue for this month's porn magazine." he began, immediately piecing together the whole mysteriousness of the issue feeling as though I'd uncovered the last segment to a puzzle, furthermore untying the sudden optimism present on my comrades.

Of course.....I should have known about males and their susceptible traits to females......I'm guilty just like them.

All my men are jacked up on desire, therefore constructing a pleasing behavior.

"But there is someone particular posed in the magazine that is making everyone arosued." he mention with a voice as serious as hearing a grenade had gone off, fully exposing the front cover of the page finding myself inclined to see what was all the excitement about.

Drawn on the cover of the page displayed the establishment of gentleman's pleasure knowing what is the purpose and sales, but what caused my stomach to drop to the bottom of my abdomen was the angel posing in her naked skin, feeling startlement convulse my focus off. Perfect round face, eyes shimmering like emeralds softening as innocent as looking at a doe to have her silky blonde hair gracefully flow down her body like vines on a tree to reach her waist, but that wasn't making men hard like stone. Two succulent breasts proportional and juicy as a cantaloupe hung from her chest large enough to almost cover her upper torso topping it off with a light pink nipple the color of a rose's petal rimmed on her tissue. Curving down her ribcage slanted a waist small enough the size of a rubber band could fit around her, extending outward to expose her large hips, but as my eyes persisted to follow down her naked skin I was becoming heated and swarm with desire to see her most seductive spot sketched. Aurora was sitting on a chair with her perky quads spread outward in the shape of a V to expose her pubic area in the shape of a mountain patched with her dirty brownish hair patched together like a bush, I couldn't determine what I felt.....

Lust swarmed me like a hornet of wasps thickening my bloodstream, shock fried my head feeling as burned as though I was cooked in oil, my gaze was clouded with alarm as though I was blindfolded from the sudden, appall knowing dozens of other men have seen this and performed unspeakable actions......but the strongest sensation igniting me question.

What in the world is she doing in this magazine?

I don't want to speculate a theory on this issue because I know how naive Aurora is.....and this wouldn't be the first time her gullible behavior has been abused.

I can't leave this dilemma unresolved. This is highly inappropriate not only because she is my wife, but she represents my name and title, if higher rank officials were to see this I know there would be consequences...... though there is only one positive to this situation. If governor officials obtain such an image it's most likely in private since the majority of them all have wives and children.

I can only hope whoever sees this issue is only mere common folk.

"Hhaaagghh...." I sigh in frustration already visualizing all the trouble I will face if other Commanders or governors would see this. "Thank you Furlan." I replied feeling as though I was talking through a mouth guard trying to remain serene about this whole issue. "Now if you don't mind, I will be keeping this sort of illustration to inform my wife about this issue."

I can't even begin to describe my feelings about this issue, disturbed knowing how many pairs of mouths drolled and moaned to these images, frustrated how much trouble I will be in if this is leaked to an official pair of eyes, but most of all I feel disgraceful of myself because I am responsible for this image. If I wasn't always pinned to my work I could have thwarted this scandal.....

This is what happens when I'm not around. Problems occur in my family and I'm not there to resolve it.

Ten Minuties Later

"Erwin?!" called Aurora hearing surprise spark in her tone. "Your back home early, is everything alright."

As much as I value my words, and know how influential they can be, it's best to allow her to do all the talking because I know my tongue can be vulgar and I don't want her to get overwhelmed and start crying from my wrath.

"Care to explain Aurora, since you left me utterly speechless." I replied, revealing the pornography sketch needing no further to dig since she was the face of the brand.

Aurora's entire face blushed as heavily as though she had been running for hours straight in the hot sun, her nicely shaped eyebrows climbed to her forehead from alarm, lips open widely to pass a gasp full of stun, I partly was gathering new evidence that there was more to the story.

"What? I don't understand." she cried as frail and gentle as a baby lamb, hastily flipping through the pages as terrified as though a gun was put to her head. "I didn't pose for this....." she wept noticing pain started to swim in her pupils, lips quivering up and down like a seesaw, I started to feel more compassion flow in my bloodstream to listen to her from her reply.

"I visited Mr.Magnus a couple of days ago for a fitting, and met one of his business partners. He said he owns an enterprise that sketches models in lingerie and promotes them to upper class females to promote his line, his name was Mr.Ruby. " Aurora tossed the papers back on the table where she lowered her gaze to the floor looking as though her spine had been fractured even her shoulders slumped down like rocks in the sand from humiliation destroying her. "Mr.Ruby gave me 400.00 € after I wore his product and sketched a few poses, plus I got to keep all the undergarments I modeled for." Aurora paused lifting both of her palms to shield her eyes like a mask hearing sniffles release from her nose. "I don't know what went wrong."

Observing Aurora's embarrassed behavior and explanation, turned the wheels in my head to think of any possibilities of the truth, furthermore fueled to uncover and aid the pretty blonde.

This Mr.Ruby kept part of the bargain, but it seems as though he lacked to fully disclose the truth, the owner of gentleman's pleasure.......

"I'm so sorry Erwin" Aurora cried as delicately as hearing an injured doe, passing more sniffles to escape her nose noticing tears drizzling down her elbows like ice cream left in the sun. "I only accepted his offer because I wanted to get some extra income so we could have more food for you  and I......I just wanted to please you because you work so hard, and yet we have so little."

Aurora......I shouldn't be harsh on you my love......people in this life are cruel and will abuse you because your too innocent and they'll do whatever it takes to benefit themselves.

Pity thickened my throat feeling as though I was stung by dozens of wasps to watch my wife sob her eyes out, agony tormented my heart as though I was stabbed by a knife, encouraging more of a reason to comfort the love of my life.

I inch my way closer to her knowing exactly what she needed, comfort, pulling her tender body into a hug to feel her face burry in between my perks where my sternum rested as tears trickled from her cheeks.

"Did I ruin everything?" she muttered sounding as quiet as a mouse lowly since her face was glued into my chest like a neckless, while feeling her hands wrap around my waist to tighten our grip. "Are you going to be in trouble?"

I love how you always think of others before yourself.........that's why I always knew you were the one, and you're going to be such a wonderful mother.

Hearing my wife's reply generated a smile along my lips pleased to hear her sweetness express on her tongue, transporting my arms to rest along her shoulders.

"Don't worry about me Aurora, accidents happen because we are human and we are prone to making mistakes. I'll always protect you, especially when things go wrong and when I can help."

I just wish I could do more for her, she's so delicate and sweet to everyone......it makes me sick knowing how twisted this man is......

The more I dwelled on the unfairness of this situation the more anger and wrath started to conquer my veins, torching any sympathy I had instead feeling a taste of justice consume me whole.

Wait a second......Aurora should not be treated like this, she deserves justice not misery.

She is the victim in this case.

I'll intimidate this scumbag for tricking her, and depending how easy he'll fess up depends whether or not I'll get physical. Aurora deserves an apology and I'm gonna get it for her.

Tomorrow I have the whole day off for Edwin's first birthday. First thing in the morning I'll clear this mess up.

"Aurora......." I called feeling as energized as though I drank my morning coffee, simulated with energy I could lift a house from the amount of strength I felt to obtain justice for my wife. "I simply can not accept this verdict. You where scammed, and I won't let this man treat you like this. I insist an apology from this man."

Suddenly all the sniffles of pain slowly had come to a stop, feeling her skull removed from my chest to notice an angel's gaze was focused on mine, drowned in tears though still an artwork to find pleasure in.

Her lips full and plump like a cream puff started to rise into a smile as breath taking as a crown full of gems, finding happiness to grow inside of me like a seedling to gaze upon her bliss.

"Oh, Erwin."she smiled, exposing her large straight teeth as enchanting as a gazing upon a sky full of stars. "How can I ever thank you for everything you do for me."

A smile forms along my lips from her reply, trailing my hands further down her back to grab each of her buttocks thicker than bread dough itself, feeling softness emerge from her skin.

"I can think of a few ways Aurora......and it all starts with your openings."

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