Complex || YoonKook (Comple...

By hay_bangtan

18.7K 1.4K 474

Complex (adjective): consisting of many different and connected p... More

Doe Eyes and Pout
Piled Up
You Again
Under Control
Banana Bread
Those Eyes
Bad Friends
Wake Up
Don't Care
Christmas Lights
I'm Waiting
Good Side
Locked Door
Why Not Both?
Your Hope
The Song
Sleepover 🔥
He's Back
Min Yoongi
Mother Dearest
I Accept
Agust D
Burn The Shirts
Frustrated 🔥
Fan Meet
The Song
Strange Dream
Cranberry Vodka
Pop Princess
He's Not Fine
She Knows
I Miss You
Kink 🔥
Don't Leave
I Prefer Wine
I'm Sorry
Change Of Plans
New Best Friend
Believe Me
Bliss 🔥
I Remember
Let's Talk
I Know
Let's Talk Later
Lunch Date
Gummies and Squid Chips
Medical Record
I Do Exist
Hi From Author Nim

Almost Perfect

161 13 6
By hay_bangtan

Jungkook's POV-

The day has finally arrived for this elusive date I've been trying to get information about.

Ever since Yoongi brought it up on Monday when he got back from work I have been dying to get information but he hasn't let any details slip.

No amount of bribery or seduction has gotten me anything.

It's almost as if he didn't have any details to give... Which then caused me realize that Tae and Jimin both had been asking me random questions, which wasn't in itself what was strange, but the fact that they all had to do with activities I would or have always wanted to do was.

By about Thursday I realized that it wasn't that Yoongi was so great at keeping secrets, it was that he didn't have all that many details to give. Which made me smile.

It takes a lot for Yoongi to ask for help, although I'm sure Tae offered his help without giving him much choice otherwise.

Now Yoongi is supposed to pick me up in thirty minutes and I've basically done nothing to get ready.

I completely procrastinated getting dressed– ironically too excited to do anything but pace around the apartment, thinking about the date I was supposed to be getting ready for– so now I'm rushing and am probably going to look shitty and thrown together.

It's fine. I'm fine. Totally fine.

It's only my first ever date. A date that isn't just with anyone, but Min Yoongi... No big deal.

Oh God, I may just pass out...

I jump into the shower quickly, throw a towel on when I'm done before running to my closet.

The longer I've known Yoongi the more I think I've adapted my style to be more like his.

Lots of white and black t-shirts, black ripped or darker wash denim jeans.

I throw on some dark ripped jeans, a white t-shirt and a dark YSL hoodie he gifted me over top.

I then head back into the bathroom to run the blow drier over my hair quickly then finger comb some product through it.

Finally when I think it's looking okay I grab my toothbrush, squeeze some toothpaste onto it and start brushing as I run to the living room to double check that the boots I plan to wear were left out there somewhere since I didn't see them in the closet.

Just as I round the corner I hear a knock on the door.

Fuck. That's got to be him!

I change my course, pivoting towards the door to go let him in. Once I get the door unlocked and open I nearly choke on my toothbrush.

Yoongi is standing in the hallway leaning his back on the wall opposite from my door, one hand in his pocket, the other holding his phone up to his ear.

He looks unbelievably sexy. Fuck the date, I want to stay here.

He's got a black hat on along with a black mask pulled down off of his mouth. His outfit consists of a black leather jacket, a black turtleneck, black jeans and boots.

He flashes me a crooked smile as he runs his eyes over me and ends his call.

"H-hi.... m'almost ready." I say trying not to drool toothpaste all over as I motion for him to come in.

As he gets closer I notice the hair that's poking out from under his hat seems lighter.

Before I can ask any questions I need to spit out this toothpaste so I shut the door behind both of us, scurrying back to my bathroom.

When I come back into the entryway just outside of the hallway he isn't there.

I turn towards the direction of the kitchen and main living space, seeing his hat and mask sitting on my counter.

I walk further into the living room but stop dead in my tracks when my eyes land on him.

Standing with his back to me is a blonde Yoongi.

He must have dyed it today at some point because it was not like this this morning.

My feet subconsciously move in his direction and I am finding it hard to blink my eyes for fear that this is all a dream.

As I get closer he turns to face me. That's when I really about fucking die.

Jesus Christ, he has his glasses on.

I never thought of glasses being a kink. The thought never even crossed my mind until that day when I saw him in the café. But, I truly think I have a glasses kink.

Or a Yoongi kink... Who knows.

Either way, he looks mouthwatering.

I have stopped a few feet away from him and am staring at him from head to toe in awe.

"Fuck. Do we have to leave?" I say moreso to myself than to him as I continue staring.

He lets out a breathy laugh at my statement. "I'm afraid your friend would kick both of our asses if we don't stick to the schedule." He says as walks closer to me.

Once he's in front of my he trails one of his hands over the fabric of my hoodie, up my abs to my chest where he rolls one of the drawstrings between his fingers.

"This looks great on you Kook." He says looking down at the hoodie before bringing his eyes up to meet mine with the most seductive smirk and look in his eyes I've seen from him in a while.

I gulp before I manage to stutter out. "P-please don't look at me like that or I may just take you to my room and gladly endure Tae's wrath tomorrow."

He takes a step closer, keeping his eyes fixed on mine. "There will be plenty of time for that. I plan on this date going very well." He places a very light kiss on my lips before he takes a step back.

"Well enough that it won't be over even after we've stepped foot in your, or my, apartment again," he grins mischievously, "Now, go finish getting ready. Make sure you put on a jacket over that. It's rather cold and one of the activities will require a short walk outside." He grins at me.

I spin on my heel, running towards my room to do as he says.

Once I'm back I sit at the dining table to quickly lace up my shoes before I stand to follow Yoongi to the door.

He holds his hand out to me, intertwining our fingers together the second our palms press together, as we make our way out of the apartment and to the elevator.

When we get downstairs a black SUV is waiting at the curb.

Yoongi pulls me toward the vehicle, opens the door to the backseat. I climb inside, big smile in place, with him right behind me.

As we pull away from the curb I look out the window excitedly, "Now can I know where we're going?"

"Well, there will be three activities. The first is a surprise. After that we will be going to one of my favorite restaurants and lastly I was thinking we could take a walk by the river."

I grin at every word, eyes sparkling with fondness and joy.

I can hardly contain my giddiness!

I've never been on a date before. Who better to be my first than Min Yoongi.

When we arrive at the first venue I am nearly jumping up and down with excitement.

A couples painting class!

Weeks ago when Yoongi asked me to help him hang some of his canvas paintings I had commented on how beautiful one of the larger pieces in particular was.

My jaw nearly hit the floor when he said he'd painted it.

I made sure he knew how impressed I was and shared with him how I too enjoyed painting. That although I didn't get to do it very often I enjoyed it very much.

He told me he remembered our conversation so he and Tae looked into how they could incorporate the activity for the two of us to do into the date.

My eyes teared up a little at his thoughtfulness.

We end up spending over an hour doing a Bob Ross inspired painting with a few other couples.

We had wine at our disposal for the time we were there and shared plenty of smiles and laughs with each other.

I got to giggle at how cute Yoongi looked when he scrunched his nose and stuck his tongue out slightly as he concentrated on creating the shape for the skyline of the forest that he wanted, while he got to laugh at my competitiveness with the older gentleman that had his canvas next to mine.

In my defense, the man really had no business being in this intermediate painting class.

If I hadn't seen him start with a blank canvas and see his process start to finish I would have thought he was trying to pass off the sample painting we were to be recreating as his own.

It was beautiful, much better than mine, and it was infuriating.

After that we got back into the same SUV and taken to an expensive looking restaurant.

It was modern looking with sleek interior and low lighting. A very romantic atmosphere in my opinion.

We walked hand in hand as we made our way to where the hostess was stood.

Once in front of her, Yoongi let her know the name on the reservation.

As I scanned every inch of the interior of the restaurant I was mesmerized.

It was beautiful. Like something out of the Great Gatsby.

The high ceilings had intricate crystal chandeliers coming down which cast a mesmerizing soft, yellow ambient lighting around the space that made it seem almost like you'd stepped into a different world.

A different time where fancy balls and other types of fancy parties would be held.

It wasn't until someone bumped my shoulder that my attention was brought to the people surrounding us. Looking at us.

I found myself subconsciously moving closer to Yoongi, placing my hand that was previously in my pocket on his arm as I pulled him closer to give me a sense of security.

This action only made the stares morph into glares of judgement and disapproval.

Thankfully not long after that we were led to our table which was located in a separate part from the main dining area.

We were brought into a private dining area with a single table and fairy lights overhead while soft music played in the background.

It was beautiful, the sight immediately putting me at ease.

Yoongi helped me out of my jacket, draping it over the back of my seat before pulling my chair out for me.

"Everything here is delicious so get whatever you'd like. And if you can't narrow the options down to just one dish just get a few. That's usually what I end up doing." He smiles as he picks up one of the menus that's been left at the table.

The waitress comes back with our waters and we place our orders for appetizers as well as main courses, getting a couple dishes each.

We kept our conversation light and at one point I confessed to Yoongi that this was my first real date.

He laughed at that, answering that he was glad he hadn't known that beforehand or he would have been even more of a nervous wreck.

The night was going perfectly. The food was delicious and we just enjoyed being together.

It was a much needed escape for both of us.

When we were done with our food Yoongi asked for the check while I excused myself from the table to go to the restroom.

The waitress directed me to where the restroom was and unfortunately I had to walk back through the portion of the restaurant we had walked through previously.

After I had finished and was washing my hands a gentleman came in.

I heard the door open and shut but never heard footsteps. I looked up into the mirror and startled a bit when my eyes met with the strangers.

He wasn't moving, just leering at me in the mirror with a creepy, extremely forced smile.

The emotion in his eyes definitely was coming off as anything but friendly.

This judgement was confirmed when he spoke after what felt like an eternity of thick, tense silence.

"Hello there Fag."

My jaw dropped in a gasp.

I spun around so quickly I almost lost my footing, eyes wide and wild, as I gaped at him.

"What did you just say?" I blink dumbly.

Did he really just say that to me?

"People like you and your friend are a waste of life. You should both be ashamed of yourselves."

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