Complex || YoonKook (Comple...

By hay_bangtan

19.3K 1.6K 478

Complex (adjective): consisting of many different and connected p... More

Doe Eyes and Pout
Piled Up
You Again
Under Control
Banana Bread
Those Eyes
Bad Friends
Wake Up
Don't Care
Christmas Lights
I'm Waiting
Good Side
Locked Door
Why Not Both?
Your Hope
The Song
Sleepover 🔥
He's Back
Min Yoongi
Mother Dearest
I Accept
Agust D
Burn The Shirts
Frustrated 🔥
Fan Meet
The Song
Strange Dream
Cranberry Vodka
Pop Princess
He's Not Fine
She Knows
I Miss You
Kink 🔥
Don't Leave
I Prefer Wine
I'm Sorry
Change Of Plans
New Best Friend
Believe Me
Bliss 🔥
I Remember
Let's Talk
I Know
Let's Talk Later
Lunch Date
Gummies and Squid Chips
Medical Record
Almost Perfect
I Do Exist
Hi From Author Nim


171 15 12
By hay_bangtan

Taehyung's POV-


"Did you make it to Jungkookie's? Is Kookie awake? How is he feeling? Did you get to meet Yoongi?!" I fire out my questions nearly in one breath as soon as Mrs. Jeon answers.

She lets out a giggle. "Yes I did I made it their. I actually just left and am on my to the hotel." She pauses for a moment and then sighs before continuing in a more serious tone. "Bunny is awake and feeling better it seems. And I did meet Yoongi. He is lovely, Chanyeol as well. Although, I am more interested in another person I met tonight. What can you tell me about Yoongi's ex-girlfriend?"

My heart nearly stops and I'm barely able to keep the gasp quiet enough for my receiver to not have picked up.

How does she know about Irene! Did one of- wait... Did she just say she met her?

Met her as in she showed up at Koo's place? What?!

"You met her?"

"She stopped by to quote 'make sure he was okay.' There seems to be a little more to things than her being concerned for his well-being."

Fuck.There's no use in trying to find an excuse or lie about the situation with Irene.

Mrs. Jeon is the one who taught me everything I know about distorting and manipulating the truth. She would see right through it.

There's no point in telling her anything but the truth.

"Her given name is Bae Joohyun, but her stage name is Irene. She grew up in Daegu and met Yoongi as well as Chanyeol when they were trainees together. After Yoongi was dropped by the company, she and Chanyeol stayed with the company until he was dropped as well months later.

"She was mentally and emotionally abusive to Yoongi for years and has an obsession with maintaining co-dependency. When he brings someone into his life who she thinks is too close to him she tries to get them away from him by either blackmail or bribery."

I pause to give her a chance to ask any questions or say anything at all. When she doesn't, I go on.

"In the past she and Yoongi have been in an on and off relationship, but in this last fight she let it slip that she has been ruining all of his potential relationships. Now that this secret is out and he knows he himself isn't to blame for his past failed relationships, they are officially over. This is why this time has the potential to be more dangerous.

"Before she was almost guaranteed to get Yoongi back as she would come back into his life when he was in a depressive and vulnerable state after she had drawn away someone he grew fond of, but now that is unlikely. It could potentially turn into an 'if I can't have him no one can' scenario."

The line is silent for about thirty seconds before she speaks.

"Her surname is Bae? And she is from Daegu?"

"That is correct."

"Born and raised?"

"As far as I know."

"And what tactic has she tried with Bunny; bribing or intimidation?"

"The latter."

"How does she intimidate those she deems as a threat?"

I went on to explain to her what Irene had done in the past and that she has been trying to get her investigators to get information about Koo.

"There was a package delivered today that I was told was delivered to the wrong apartment by Yoongi and that boy Chanyeol. Do you think it was from her?"

"Most likely, but you said she showed up in person?"

"Yes... Which makes me wonder why she came in person if she also sent the package. Do you think she must be that desperate?"

"Like I said, she hasn't seemed to have issues finding information on people in the past. Koo seems to be the first person giving her such trouble."

She hums. "And have they asked you to help with all of this then? With getting information about her and her plans?"

"Yes, I've been recruited to help."

"I'm glad they are able to see how intelligent you are Taehyungie." She says kindly and I can hear the smile in her voice. "Does Jimin know about all of this too?"

"He knows the basics, but his knowledge on everything isn't as extensive as mine."

"Okay, well how about you and myself meet for lunch tomorrow instead. Just the two of us. I'd like to hear everything you have learned so far."

"Of course, I'll be there!"

Right after I speak a wonderful idea comes to mind.

"Actually, do you mind if I invite a new friend? I think you will be very interested in talking to her. Especially since you met her Unnie earlier tonight," I suggest with a smirk.

"Oh, so they have you not just assisting with info but working on the inside? You must be having a blast!" She laughs. "Of course you can invite a friend. We can run into each other while I am in town visiting my son.

"That way if her lovely Unnie has said anything about Jungkook's mother being in town we won't have to go through the trouble of lying about how you know me."

"Perfect! And just to get you on the same page, she thinks I have fallen out of touch with him since I moved away in school. That we are no longer as close of friends as we used to be."

"Noted. How about you reach out to the girl and let her pick the place, then let me know. I'll be sure to get there before the two of you so that I will already be there and settled in when you arrive."

"Oh my God, great idea! Then we will meet up with everyone else later in the day?"

"Yes, for an early dinner. Think they'll mind the change of plans?"

"Does it matter if they do or not?" I chuckle.

"Of course not!" She laughs along. "Alright dear, I will see you tomorrow."

"Bye Mrs. Jeon."

With that the line ends.

Mrs. Jeon. My mastermind mentor.

When I was younger I was rather simple minded. People would bully and take advantage of me while I was oblivious to it.

For example; the time I thought the neighbor girl made a few valid points when she explained how a pack of neon pens she would trade to me would be much more useful to have than my new scooter was.

Or when Jimin went through an especially bratty phase in third grade and he started copying my homework to then turn his papers in before me, standing by to let me be the one to get in trouble for cheating off of him.

It wasn't until Mrs. Jeon overheard Jimin and Koo trying to talk me into doing something they knew I would be nice enough to take the fall in case we were caught that she took me under her wing.

She taught me how to stand up for myself. Taught me that it was okay for me to say no.

All the lessons and advice she gave helped me tremendously as I got older, but I still found myself getting taken advantage of more than I should have.

I was sick of feeling weak and having people see me as such so when I was about to be going into middle school I went back to her and asked if she could help me.

Elementary school was one thing but I was about to be surrounding by teenagers instead of kids. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't get lost in the crowd or stepped all over.

She explained to me that sometimes appearing weak can be someone's biggest strength. That if used properly, that perception of weakness and vulnerability can be more powerful than being outwardly intimidating.

She helped me use my looks and personality to my advantage. She taught me how not to be weak.

Her most effective method of teaching was through her own first hand accounts and examples.

She used herself and her experiences to show me what to do and what not to do, which also taught me a lot about her.

One of the most notable things I've learned about her is that she knows more than she lets on. This means that she usually asks questions she already knows the answer to.

Judging from the call today though, for the first time since I've worked with Mrs. Jeon, this doesn't seem to be the case.

She didn't know about Irene until for whatever reason she showed up at Koo's door.

Irene must be getting really desperate if she put herself out in the open like that. And because of this decision she has consequently exposed herself to the worst person she could.

Irene has made herself a very unfortunate enemy. One I don't think even she is prepared to face.

With my phone still in my hand I send a text to Yeri.


Hey, are you awake?

She responds back moments later.


Hi Oppa! Yes I'm awake.

What's up?

I have to cringe a little at that. I've never liked being called Oppa.


I was wondering if you would want to go to lunch tomorrow around noon?

I don't have a place picked quite yet, I was hoping you could recommend somewhere if you were available to go

it would be my treat of course :)

Not ten seconds after pressing send I get a response.


Yay I would love to! There's a French café close to your campus.

I've heard people talking about that I've been wanting to try.

I'll send you the address.

See you tomorrow!

I smile at her reply and wait for the link to come through. Once it does I forward it to Mrs Jeon, then send a quick reply back to Yeri.


Sounds good! See you tomorrow

I lock the phone and place it on the bedside table next to me before turning over to get some rest, already getting butterflies at the anticipation for this lunch date.

Tomorrow just got a whole lot more interesting.

Jungkook's POV-

"Okay, are we in agreement then?" Yoongi asks as he works to keep his eyes open.

"I believe so. This should be detailed enough to suffice. I don't know what kind of follow up questions she will ask for sure, but leave those to me to answer." I yawn as I run a hand through my hair.

"Right, well it's getting close to curfew and I'm exhausted so I'm going to go. I'll see you both tomorrow, if I can make it. Let me know when you get a for sure time and place." Chanyeol says as he stands up and goes to the door.

Yoongi stands up to walk him out, me following behind them both, but part from them when we get to the entrance of the hallway to head to my room.

I can't spend one more minute thinking about Irene or my mother.

I hear the door shut and the locks being turned just as I walk through the doorway to the bedroom.

I stumble into my room, tossing my phone onto my bed before pulling my shirt off. I then rip back the covers and dive in, grateful that the bedding still smells like lavender and laundry detergent.

"Kook?" I hear Yoongi call quietly from the doorway.


"I have some things I need to finish in my studio. Would you like to stay here and sleep though? I can come back later if you want?"

"Yeah, you go ahead. Thank you for everything." I mumble into my pillow.

"Night Kook." I hear him say just before the door closes.

What a fucking day.

Just as my eyes begin to close I feel my phone vibrate from the bed beside me.

I reach my hand out, keeping my eyes closed, until I feel it make contact with my finger tips. I pick it up and let out a groan as I read the message.


Hey Bun, I think I'm going to have to cancel lunch tomorrow.

Let's try for dinner instead okay?

Tell the others and I'll be in touch.

I love you and get some rest.

I'm glad I'll get to sleep in longer, but I almost wish she would just cancel the get together entirely.

I am doubtful that what we have prepared to tell her will be enough. There's no way she isn't going to fish for more information.

She's going to want in depth details, things that I won't think matter but that she somehow already knows are vital pieces of information. And those details I am not willing to give right now.

I don't know how, but she already knows something. More than we think she does.

What she wants us to tell her tomorrow isn't going to be so she can know what is going on, it is going to be so she can fill in the blanks on what she already knows.

Additionally, she isn't going to leave until she gets answers.

If not from Yoongi, Chanyeol or myself than most likely from Tae, if she hasn't resorted to that already.

The more I think about this get-together and the conversations we will be forced to have, the more annoyed I am becoming.

All those hours of telling my mother that Seoul will be good for me, that she won't have to worry about me and that I can take care of myself, will be undone.

It will all have been for nothing because now she may actually have a legitimate reason to be worried about me.

All those times I had to work so hard to convince her that no one was following her or told her she was overreacting when thinking someone was watching us, that someone was watching me... it was all for naught.

All thanks to fucking Irene.

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