Complex || YoonKook (Comple...

By hay_bangtan

19.3K 1.6K 478

Complex (adjective): consisting of many different and connected p... More

Doe Eyes and Pout
Piled Up
You Again
Under Control
Banana Bread
Those Eyes
Bad Friends
Wake Up
Don't Care
Christmas Lights
I'm Waiting
Good Side
Locked Door
Why Not Both?
Your Hope
The Song
Sleepover 🔥
He's Back
Min Yoongi
Mother Dearest
I Accept
Agust D
Burn The Shirts
Frustrated 🔥
Fan Meet
The Song
Strange Dream
Cranberry Vodka
Pop Princess
He's Not Fine
She Knows
I Miss You
Kink 🔥
Don't Leave
I Prefer Wine
I'm Sorry
Change Of Plans
New Best Friend
Believe Me
Bliss 🔥
I Remember
Let's Talk
I Know
Let's Talk Later
Lunch Date
Gummies and Squid Chips
Medical Record
Almost Perfect
I Do Exist
Hi From Author Nim


169 18 13
By hay_bangtan

Jungkook's POV-

After I left his room I made my way into the kitchen.

I was getting some glasses set out when I heard the shower turn on, as the kitchen is on the other side of the wall from the shower.

Hearing this made me realize that I had a little more time before he would be ready to get into bed so I decided to fill a glass generously with wine for myself.

I sipped it for a while until I heard the shower stop running, signaling to me that he was finished. So I downed the rest of my glass before taking the second glass I had set out to walk back to Yoongi's room.

I am hoping he can tell me if he wants wine or if he would rather have an overflowing glass of whiskey to wash the day away with.

"Yoongi?" I raise my voice so he can hear me in the bathroom from where I'm stood near the foot of the bed.

I hear him start to brush his teeth, then the pad of feet as he coming into the room brushing his teeth with a towel wrapped carelessly around his hips.

My mouth is drawn up in a half smile as my jaw is slightly agape.

"Damn." I say in utter appreciation.

I move my eyes from his shoulders to his chest then down his abs to just below his belly button, having to fight the urge to walk closer and rip the towel off of him.

He begins to laugh while still brushing his teeth before he turns to head back into the bathroom, presumably to rinse his mouth out.

"You need to learn how to check someone out a little more subtly. Have some shame." He says, still laughing, while the sink begin to run.

"I was told that you appreciated people being direct with you. Was that incorrect?" I call out in a cheeky tone as I roll the glass between both of my palms.

He continues laughing as I now hear the sound of hangers being moved on metal rods. Not long after he comes back into view, unfortunately, fully clothed.

"You horny little shit, you can't just look at people like that." He smiles at me. "And yes, it is true in a general sense that I prefer when people are direct with me."

"Okay, let me directly state that I think your body is stunning. I'd like to second what you said that night in your studio. When you said you wanted to run your tongue over every inch of mine. I second that readily." I smirk.

"You really are a horny shit aren't you." He smirks at me.

"Hey, I'm a nineteen year old. What did you expect. Besides, you and I both are going to benefit from my overactive libido Mr. Min."

He groans as he walks up to me and takes the glass out of my hand then looks up at me, "Don't remind me. I am four years older than you Kook."

"Oh right. Sorry, let me rephrase. You and I both are going to benefit from my overactive libido... Oppa."

He tilts his head slightly as he smirks, "Are you trying to seduce me?"

I run the tip of my tongue across my bottom lip before answering. "Sure am."

He narrows his eyes at me, giving me a dirty look. "You can't look like you and say things like that to me. It's just cruel."

He then slips the glass out of my hands before he takes a step around me on his way out the door.

"It's not cruel because now you can act on it. In fact, it's encouraged."

He lets out an exasperated "Fuck me" as he continues down the hall.

"Gladly!" I yell after him.

I laugh to myself as I too make my way back to the kitchen.

When I get around the corner I see Yoongi has set two taller glasses and two shot glasses on the counter.

He is reaching into the fridge and when he shuts it with his elbow I see he's balancing a bottle of cream and two beers.

"Can you grab the bottle of Jameson out of my cabinet please." He says as he sets the bottle and cans on the counter.

"Wait, you just brushed your teeth. Why did you do that if you are going to drink." I ask as I walk over to the small liquor cabinet in the corner of the kitchen by the dining table and grab the bottle.

"I was debating drinking before bed or just trying to go to sleep. I decided in the shower that I'd just get some sleep so I brushed my teeth as soon as I got out. Then you appeared with your seductive words, gawking at me and I decided drinking with you sounds much better than sleep." He says with a smile.

"I can't say that I disagree." I chuckle. "What are you making?"

"Have you ever had an Irish Bomb?" He asks as his smile widens. "I had forgotten about the drink until I was talking to Hoseok and Jimin about alcohol and Jimin reminded me of these. I was craving it so I bought the stuff to make them."

"Now," he says as he begins to pours the whiskey and cream in the shot glass, "Pour these beers in the those." He nods towards the glasses on the counter near me.

I do as I'm told.

Once the shot glasses are dropped into the beer he lifts his cup up and I do the same.

"To crazy ex-girlfriends."

"And finding someone to replace them," I add with a grin.

"Someone better." He smiles as he brings the glass to his lips to begin gulping down the liquid as I do the same.

I thought it was really good so I downed the whole glass, but regretted it instantly.

I had more wine than I should have earlier and combined with this drink I might be feeling mildly drunk shortly and will wake up feeling like absolute shit tomorrow.

"I already had like a glass and a half worth of wine and now this. I hope you can handle drunk Jungkook again."

"I like him. He tells me secrets." He chuckles mischievously.

"Again with that damn dream." I roll my eyes.

"Yes." He chuckles. "So I'll get my questions ready for when he shows up."

"Ha Ha very funny." I say sarcastically as I reach my arms out with grabby hands, wanting him to give me cuddles.

"Oh he's already here." He grins.


We ended up back in Yoongi's room, cuddling on his bed.

Yoongi had warned me earlier that he was going to be drinking much more whiskey than he should and that either drunk me or mildly drunk me would need to take care of him and he was right.

I'm glad that I wasn't feeling as dazed as I thought I would. And hopefully because I'm not quite so drunk I can look back on and remember every single detail of this night without trouble.

I think this is the first time I've been around him when he's drunk. I've discovered that he becomes unexpectedly chatty. Or at least he has been tonight.

We are sharing happy memories with each other, laughing together.

I told him about my mother and her dramatics, the things my two best friends and I would get up to as well as some of the mischievous plans Jimin would come up with that he would rope Tae and I into.

Yoongi, like Hoseok did, was telling me a lot about memories he cherishes from his childhood as well as about the trips he's taken to various parts of the world.

He talked about snorkeling in Hawaii (which surprised me and I demanded photographic proof that he not only went in water but that it the actual ocean) as well as when he got to meet President Moon.

He also raved about going to a professional basketball game in the United States.

The subject he talked most about though was his friends.

He has a deep love for those around him. He was going on about each one of his closest friends. Namjoon, Hoseok, Chanyeol and Jin.

If he were sober I don't think he would bring up or talk about Jin so casually with me, but I'm kind of glad he did.

He talked about how they both get along so well. How they bicker back and forth and people often tease them that they behave with each other like an old married couple, which he's not too fond of.

He told me that he had a talk with both Namjoon and Jin separately. That they both stuffed him with food while they asked about me to get updates on how I was doing.

That they both are so glad that I am closer to them now so that they don't have to wonder if I'm being taken care of.

He said that he told them I wasn't ready to see them during their conversations and they understood.

They told Yoongi about Tae and Jimin's prank and that it happened just before I went to that café. I told him that the prank was why I was even at the café that day. To get away from the house to gather my thoughts.

Then he went quiet, tearing up a little.

We are laying on our sides face to face as we have talked and he has now grabbed both of my hands, bringing them to his lips.

"I wasn't aware that you had all of those things happen to you on the same day. How traumatic it must have been. I'm so sorry. I wish I could've helped you sooner. Or at least was a bit nicer when you returned my wallet," he sniffles a little as he presses light kisses on my knuckles.

"I am so thankful that you're in my life now Kook. We have a very complex story you know. The way we turned out to have so many connections with your past with my close friends and Yeol finding you.

"Actually I've thought a lot, as much as I can before my head starts to hurt at least, about how out of the dozens of students Yeol had to help rehouse you were the one he offered the job to. It's incredible."

I smile softly as I watch this gorgeous man in front of me talk in his pouty way with his brows just slightly drawn together as he again starts to think about how incredible the circumstances have been with us finding each other.

I've resisted the urge to cut his talking short with a kiss for what feels like forever, but I can't do it anymore. He looks too cute.

So I wiggle myself a little closer to him while he is still pouting in thought with his eyes closed, and give him a kiss.

It's not a peck but it isn't an aggressive kiss either. It's a kiss full of... love.

We stare into each others eyes after we've ended the kiss, both smiling softly.

"I've never been this happy before. Not even in my best times with her. You make me so happy Kook." He smiles as his eyelids get heavier.

"I will stay with you for as long as you'll let me. I'll make sure you're happy and taken care of. Where you go I go."

He keeps that same smile on his lips as his eyes close and he begins to fall asleep. As his breathing deepens I continue to admire his features.

I may never be able to understand fully the extent of how incredible it was for us to have found each other, but I am forever grateful that I have this man in my life now.

He makes my heart soar and although he won't be able to hear me, I need to say what I'm feeling anyway.

"I love you."

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