Complex || YoonKook (Comple...

By hay_bangtan

19.3K 1.6K 478

Complex (adjective): consisting of many different and connected p... More

Doe Eyes and Pout
Piled Up
You Again
Under Control
Banana Bread
Those Eyes
Bad Friends
Wake Up
Don't Care
Christmas Lights
I'm Waiting
Good Side
Locked Door
Why Not Both?
Your Hope
The Song
Sleepover 🔥
He's Back
Min Yoongi
Mother Dearest
I Accept
Agust D
Burn The Shirts
Frustrated 🔥
Fan Meet
The Song
Strange Dream
Cranberry Vodka
Pop Princess
He's Not Fine
She Knows
I Miss You
Kink 🔥
Don't Leave
I Prefer Wine
I'm Sorry
Change Of Plans
New Best Friend
Believe Me
Bliss 🔥
I Remember
Let's Talk
I Know
Let's Talk Later
Lunch Date
Gummies and Squid Chips
Medical Record
Almost Perfect
I Do Exist
Hi From Author Nim


205 20 3
By hay_bangtan

Jungkook's POV-

"I'd like you to be my assistant."

I sit completely frozen, questions immediately flooding into my mind, the first being why me?

He said he hasn't considered offering the position to anyone else before, but he's asking me. Making an exception for me. Why?

"What makes you think I'm qualified?" I ask, eyes still wide in disbelief. "You don't even know me..."

Hoseok shifts uncomfortably as he interjects, suggesting that he and Chanyeol leave the two of us to talk.

Chanyeol agrees, saying he will talk to Yoongi tomorrow before following Hoseok out.

After they had left Yoongi made his way over to the couch to sit.

I shift a little further away and turn my body slightly so I can be facing him more fully.

I stare at him expectantly, waiting for an answer to my previous question.

"I meet a lot of people, Jungkook. I am very selective with who I allow into my life. Into my circle. I have become very good at seeing people for what they are. I had to with the type of business I am in. Everyone seems to want something from you.

"That's one of the reasons why I was so adamant about you not getting too much information about me. Even though Yeol vouched for you countless times, neither he or Hobi would shut up about you honestly, I still was hesitant to bring you in," he pauses, looking down at his interlaced hands.

"It's true, I don't know you, but as previously mentioned, you said and did some things during our talk that displayed quite clearly the type of person you are. Your character." He says as he brings his eyes back up to mine.

"What were they?" I ask slowly.

I still can't believe this. We spoke for fifteen minutes, if even that. What did I say?

"There were a few things but I'll share two main ones. The first was that you sat on the ground." He chuckles.

"I was not expecting it at all. Not only was it amusing, it showed that you are someone that doesn't back down. I've been told I can be a bit unnerving, but you demonstrated that you aren't so easily intimidated.

"The second one requires a little more of an explanation on my part. When I first saw you today I recognized you, but not just from the café..."

He pauses again, clearing his throat, "You thought I was an asshole that day, right?
Well, it's not a very good excuse, but I reacted the way I did at the time because I recognized you. I didn't mean to be rude, it just took me by surprise because I hardly ever remember faces enough to recognize someone. Especially when it comes to people I don't see consistently.

"I was trying so hard to think how I knew you that I ended up ignoring you. I apologize for that. So, please allow me now to belatedly express my gratitude to you for returning my wallet." He says with a kind smile.

I nod, not quite having my emotions together enough to say anything.

He recognized me at the café?

"It was driving me crazy that I couldn't place you. It took patience, but days later I was finally able to figure out where I had recognized you from." He pauses and takes a sharp breath in as he rubs his palms together.

He looks uneasy and the feeling comes across in his tone as he speaks slowly.

"It was from a picture. A picture of you and Namjoon."

Yoongi's POV-

I wasn't sure what to expect and I wasn't sure how much to reveal that I knew.

I didn't want to upset him as I could tell earlier that he doesn't want to talk or hear about Namjoon.

It's been silent for quite a while.

Jungkook has turned himself away from me to be facing frontwards on the couch, palms gripping the edge of the cushion tightly, looking down at the floor in front of him.

Then I hear a muffled "I know what picture you are talking about..."

I turn my head towards him as he leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees before dropping his head with his eyes closed.

I haven't said anything. My heart clenches at the site of him looking as if he was about to fold in on himself.

I don't know what to say to help him.

Shit, I shouldn't have brought this up.

"Unless he has another I don't know about, I believe the one you saw was our last picture together... When we were friends."

He slowly raises his head before turning to me with teary eyes. "Where did you see it?"

I gulp at his pained expression before answering. "He has it in his studio at the company."

He blinks and a single tear escapes. I have to fight the urge to run my thumb across his cheek to wipe it away.

He quickly wipes it away himself, moving his eyes back to the ground in front of him.

"If I worked for you... would I have to see him?"

"I have plenty that can be done outside of the office. You wouldn't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with."

He nods again. A quietness settles again until he breaks it with a mumbled question.

"What was the second thing?"

I'm confused at first but within seconds I realize what he is referring to.

He means the second point in our conversation earlier that impacted me in seeing his character more clearly.

I'm quiet again as I try to search for the right words to say.

"You used to be friends... He hurt you, yet you still support him. That shows an incredible amount of loyalty and I know first hand how difficult it is to remain loyal when you've been hurt." I say softly.

"He has told you the story of the boy in the picture then? Told you what happened." He says, an edge apparent in his tone.


"He told you how naive I was?" He continues, his voice gradually raising with every word. "How reckless and impulsive I was? How stupid?! How he lied to me-"

"He told me that the two of you were best friends until he became selfish and began thinking of his own happiness over yours. He told me how much of an asshole he was and... how he regrets deeply to have lost a friend like you."

His bottom lip starts to tremble as he brings his hands into his hair while his elbows were moved to rest on his knees.

Deep, shaky breaths could be heard coming from him as he is trying to keep it together.

He is acting just like me when I get upset. He doesn't want people to see when his mask is crumbling.

I rest my hand on his arm, trying my best to offer some sort of comfort but I haven't the slightest clue how.

He must have sensed this somehow as he instructs exactly what I can do in this moment for him.

"I don't want you to be uncomfortable, and you don't have to say anything, but will you please sit with me? Just for a while? If I'm with someone I think a bit more clearly. When I'm alone I overthink. I don't want to overthink about this right now," he whispers.

"You don't have to explain. I'll stay."

So we sat, me leaned back into the couch still facing forward, while Jungkook lays down on his side, hands tucked under his head that's rested close to my leg, not on or touching it.

We are both looking out at the view in a comfortable silence, content to just be with someone rather than alone.

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