Complex || YoonKook (Comple...

By hay_bangtan

19.3K 1.6K 478

Complex (adjective): consisting of many different and connected p... More

Doe Eyes and Pout
Piled Up
You Again
Under Control
Banana Bread
Those Eyes
Bad Friends
Wake Up
Don't Care
Christmas Lights
Good Side
Locked Door
Why Not Both?
Your Hope
The Song
Sleepover 🔥
He's Back
Min Yoongi
Mother Dearest
I Accept
Agust D
Burn The Shirts
Frustrated 🔥
Fan Meet
The Song
Strange Dream
Cranberry Vodka
Pop Princess
He's Not Fine
She Knows
I Miss You
Kink 🔥
Don't Leave
I Prefer Wine
I'm Sorry
Change Of Plans
New Best Friend
Believe Me
Bliss 🔥
I Remember
Let's Talk
I Know
Let's Talk Later
Lunch Date
Gummies and Squid Chips
Medical Record
Almost Perfect
I Do Exist
Hi From Author Nim

I'm Waiting

215 21 10
By hay_bangtan

Jungkook's POV-

I cut my shower short when thoughts of Yoongi started compounding in my mind. Well, not really thoughts, but questions.

The questions that puzzle me most are stemming from my skepticism.

I still don't get how Yoongi trusts Chanyeol so much.

He really just went along with him finding some guy he met for the first time today?

He had about a ten minute conversation with that mostly consisted of himself breaking the news about me no longer having a place to stay, and he decides to recommend the guy to Yoongi as the perfect guy to watch his luxury apartment and he just says yes?

I'm sure this place costs a sickeningly large amount of money, and he is leaving it in the care of some college freshman because he trusts Chanyeol's judgement... It can't be that simple.

I just have way too many questions about this guy and Chanyeol and exactly how this worked out the way it did.

So many questions to ask but I have not formed a good enough relationship to ask any of them. Especially not with Yoongi.

All of these thoughts go through my head as I throw on my fresh clothes and make my way out of the bathroom to the living room.

I don't hear Chanyeol talking and I don't see any lights on in the room, just the city lights showing through the windows.

When the couch comes into view I see that he is there, his phone illuminating his profile while his thumbs move rapidly across the keyboard.

He must have sensed me looking at him like a creep because it doesn't take long for him to look over at me. Curious face at first before breaking into his dimply smile.

He's very handsome and I don't know why I didn't realize this before, but he is very animated.

People comment about my doe-like eyes and my expressions, but I don't think mine are nearly as charismatic as Chanyeol's.

I'd say the list would go Tae, Chanyeol then me last on the "Most Charismatic Man" scale.

He opens his mouth as if he's about to speak but his phone suddenly rings. He looks down at the screen and his eyebrows crash together as he quickly answers.

"Baek?! Where have you been?"

He's quiet while he listens to the caller.

His eyes looking toward the ground in front of him as they move back and forth anxiously. Suddenly he stands up and starts walking towards the window.

"Well where did you end up? Where did they move you to?"

He's silent again as he now leans his arm against the window, resting his forehead on his forearm.

I find myself again looking at Chanyeol, only now I'm admiring his body shape. Yep, he's attractive... and I'm a creep.

First I was checking out that guy at that café and now Chanyeol? What, do I just go around gawking at guys now? I turn my head quickly and avert my stare to the side, the couch coming into my line of sight.

I move to sit down and decide to answer some texts. Looking at my inbox the first of the unopened messages that catches my attention were from my mother. I forgot that she had reached out earlier today

I open her messages, the first one asking if we had any troubles during the drive and if the three of us were getting along.

This makes me chuckle lightly. She gets so worried about Jimin and I gaining up on "sensitive baby" Tae but little does she know that Tae is not the one she should worry about.

He is the one that goes out of his way if he's bored enough to rile Jimin and I up to start debating and bickering with each other over nonsense. The "K" in K-Drama stands for Kim Taehyung.

The next message says that she got called into work to cover for a co-worker and wouldn't be home until after eleven. She added that if I'm still awake to give her a call and if she doesn't hear from me she will check in tomorrow.

I expected her to be freaking out that she hadn't heard from me. I don't know if it was mother's intuition or what, but it's like she was aware that the last thing I needed was for her to flip out on me right now.

I'm so thankful for her. It's been just the two of us. I know me being gone is going to be hard on her. I'll try to make sure to call her later. I send back a short response.

We had a safe drive and
made it to Seoul.
It's been a long day but I will
try to be awake to call you when
you're on your break.
I love you!

Just as I exit her contact to go back to my inbox I feel the couch dip beside me.

I turn to see Chanyeol with his elbows on his knees as he is leaned forward. He keeps his gaze out the window for a moment before turning his head towards me. His eyes are soft as they travel around my face as if inspecting me.

"You look much more relaxed. Does that mean you're feeling a little better?" He asks in a soft concerned voice while holding eye contact with me.

"I am feeling much better. Thank you." I pause for a moment before adding, "And thank you for today and getting this place lined up for me and, just everything. I don't know what I would have done without your help. It's crazy to say, but it may have been for the best that I lost my room."

He turns his upper body so he is facing me and looks directly into my eyes with what I can only describe as genuine concern and care as he says, "Don't worry about it. I am glad that I could help you in any way I could. And don't sugar coat it, Jungkook-ssi. That fucker stole your dorm, that you worked hard for, because he was a selfish prick."

"It's not your fault." I say quietly while looking at my lap.

"It's just not fair. You seem like a nice person and I know how stressful freshman year is. You don't really have any sense of direction in life and you don't know what to expect out of college. Everyone expects you to know what you want to do and not everyone is like that.

"I started school because my dream didn't work out, which is okay. I've come to terms with it and I like school and I'm excited about it, but everyone expects you to know how to be an adult the moment you leave high school even though they don't teach you how."

"Yeah it's definitely not an ideal way to start my college career. I was hoping to have new adventures and make happy memories, but it kind of started out as a shit show.

"I still don't know if I'm one hundred percent sure with the major I've chosen. I've always wanted to do something in music, but I want to be able to support my mother and my family someday and that isn't a sure thing."

He laughs bitterly at that. "Music was my dream too."

I turn to him with surprise. Music was his dream? The one he just said didn't work out?

"Wha-" I start to ask but my words get cut off.


He reaches for his pocket and pulls out the ringing device.

"Y-yes?" Chanyeol answers while looking at me.

I try to focus my attention out the window at the buildings across from us as not to eavesdrop. Until I hear Chanyeol speak again.

He pauses to listen before saying, "Yeah, why?"

Chanyeol doesn't speak again as he locks and lowers his phone to his back pocket.

He stands up from the couch and once he's up on his feet he reaches his hand out to help me stand next to him.

Once I'm standing his phone starts going off again. He takes it out of his looks at the screen. He answer and puts the phone to his ear.

"Hey yeah, hold on just a sec okay." He pulls the phone away from his ear and looks at me

"Yoongi wants you to pick up your phone."

My eyes widen as I move to get my phone out of my pocket and when I don't feel it there my eyes scan the couch and I see it's wedged between the cushions.

As I reach for the device my screen illuminates as the phone vibrates. I see a single notification has come in and it's from Yoongi.

I open the text and I never imagined that two words would make me so annoyed and so nervous at the same time.

I'm waiting.

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