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Venom leaps at you, but you roll to the side and dodge his attack. You shoot a web at the pillar behind him and pull yourself, using the momentum to kick him into the wall.

Venom growls, exposing his teeth. He shoots his black web at your chest and pulls you towards him, punching you. You are launched backwards into crates of tools.

You lay on your back when you notice Venom running into another leap. His claws retract and is ready to attack. You quickly shoot a web at a nearby metal beam and pull. It drops onto him, pinning him down.

Meanwhile, the taxi cab Clementine is in begins to fall. The black webs suspending it cannot hold the weight anymore. The car jerks left, and she falls out. She grabs onto a string of web, which begins to rip.

Louis notices this as he continues his fight with Sandman. He yells at you.

Louis: Y/N! Up top!

You look up and see Clementine. Without hesitation, you swing up through unfinished floors to try and get to her. Louis quickly glides in your direction to help. You get onto the glider with him, riding the front while Louis maneuvers the glider.

You: Can this go any faster?!

Louis: I'm sorry, Vin Diesel, I don't have any NOS in this thing!

Sandman in his monster form tries to grab the two of you with his large hands. Louis maneuvers the glider and dodges his attacks as the both of you glide upwards.

You are close to Clementine, but the web rips. She falls and begins to scream. You shoot a web to try and catch her, but miss.

You: Clem!

Louis makes a sharp turn and begins to glide down. Clementine continues to fall.

Louis: Hang on!

You: To what?!

Louis speeds up and dodges more of Sandman's attacks, finessing his way around his large arms. Clementine is a few stories away from hitting the ground.

Louis: Go, buddy!

You: I got her!

You leap off the glider and dive towards Clementine, and grab her.


You shoot web at Louis's glider. He flies back up, pulling you and Clementine to safety. The crowd cheers at the sight of your heroics.

You both land in one of the unfinished floors of the skyscraper. You let her go.

You: You okay?

Clementine looks at you, seeing your torn mask that exposes your left eye and mouth. She grabs your face with her two hands and kisses you.

That is the best feeling you've had all year.

Clementine: Yeah, I'm fine.

You smile.

You: Good.

Louis: Hey, Y/N!

You look back, and see Louis outside gliding around Sandman, continuing the fight.

Louis: Am I interrupting?!

You quickly leap out of the skyscraper and swing towards him. You kick Sandman's large hand that's about to crush Louis. You loop around Sandman, but he uses his other large hand to hit you. You are launched several stories up, crashing through a window pane and rolling on the floor.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now