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{Three Weeks Later}

It's been about 23 days since the Battle on Titan and the vanishing of your friends. You and Nebula got the Guardians' ship, the Benatar, to work and were in route back to Earth, but the fuel cells had been damaged.

Now, you both just floated in space with no way to get back home.

You used your knowledge in engineering to try and repair the ship with the help of Nebula, which is what you needed since you only had one arm. This didn't do much though but prolong the inevitable.

Soon enough, the oxygen supply would run out.

You try to get your mind off of things, and are currently playing paper football with Nebula on a table. You couldn't really form a goal with your hands, but tried your best with the one arm you had.

Nebula flicks the piece of paper over your fingers, which makes her win the game.

You: Well, you beat me. Congratulations.

You extend your arm, and she looks at your hand then shakes it.

You: I lost mostly because I had no other fingers to help flick the paper, but hey...fair game.

After a couple hours of sitting around or having small conversation with Nebula, you go over to the front of the ship and lay against the wall. On the console, you see Tony's arc reactor that held his nanobots. You grab it and run your fingers along the metal.

You remember the first time you met Tony and how helped you defeat Doc Ock. You helped found the Avengers along with him, and he even offered you a job at Stark Industries to help you better your career as Spider-Man along with providing for your family.

He cared about them, he was an uncle figure to your children, and even despite the two of you falling out for the last couple years you still felt like you had a bond.

Now he was gone. Pepper is without her fiancé and their unborn child is without a father...if they even are still alive.

You place the reactor down and then take out your spider-symbol containing your own nanobot suit. You press on it and form your armored mask. You look at it, and activate the HUD so that it can record you. You place it on the floor and lean back on the wall.

You don't know if this will ever be seen, but you want to do it anyway. You want to give your final words and thoughts to Clementine and your family.

You: I hope this thing records audio too.

You take a deep breath.

You: It's been 23 days...about 12 more hours before this ship runs out of its oxygen supply. Me and the cyborg tried our best...she's cool though, and kicks major ass.

You continue.

You: Clementine...I don't know if you'll ever see this...or if you're even still alive...God I hope so.

You rub your face with your one hand and start getting emotional.

You: I know I said I'd come back..but I guess not this time. I never thought I'd break that promise. I always did come back...to you, to Ben, to the twins...

You sigh.

You: I feel like I failed. I failed the mission...the world...my responsibility...I failed you. Now I have to live with that...for the remaining 12 hours of my life.

You wipe away your tears and continue on.

You: But...it won't all be sadness I feel. When I drift off...I'll be thinking of you...

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now