Mind Games...Again

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{Later That Day}

Ultron stood with Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, the robot having just completed his transaction with Klaue at the Salvage Yard in South Africa.

He had just transferred the money into Klaue's offshore accounts.

Ultron: Finance is so weird. But as I always say, Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which.

Klaue looks up, having heard this saying before.

Klaue: Stark.

Ultron: What?

Klaue: Tony Stark used to say that. To me. You're one of his.

Ultron begins to laugh.

Ultron: What? I'm not...

He suddenly grabs the dealer's arm, holding it tightly as he gets angrier. Klaue's men go for their guns but Wanda used her powers to keep them in place.

Ultron: You think I'm one of Stark's puppets? His hollow men? I mean look at me. Do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing!

Ultron heats up his metal appendage and swipes down, cutting off Klaue's arm. The dealer groans in pain and stumbles back.

Ultron: I'm sorry. I'm...Oh! I'm sure that's gonna be okay. I'm sorry. It's just that I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark!

He kicks Klaue down the stairs, and a couple of his men follow to aid him.

Ultron: Stark is...He's a sickness!

Tony: Ah, Junior.

Ultron turns around when you, Tony, Thor, and Steve arrive. You wear your spider-suit and Tony is in his Iron-Man suit. Thor wears his Asgardian armor while Steve wears his Captain America attire and holds his shield.

You notice his new form, the robot having used scrapped parts from the research facility in Sokovia to build himself a new, towering body.

Tony: You're gonna break your old man's heart.

Ultron: If I have to.

Thor: We don't have to break anything.

Ultron: Clearly you haven't made an omelette.

Tony turned to Thor, acknowledging the joke Ultron rebutted with.

Tony: He beat me by one second.

You: You really programmed your stupid quips into this thing?

Tony turns to you.

Tony: You're one to talk.

Pietro decides to speak.

Pietro: Ah, yes. He's funny. Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable?

He looks over at the missles below.

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