Party at Avengers Tower

670 31 16

{Three Days Later}

You are at your apartment. You had came back from the lab a few hours ago. You've been working with Tony and Banner on trying to assimilate the Scepter's gem into the Ultron program, but it hasn't progressed as well as you'd hope. Still, Tony kept trying.

Now, you start getting ready for the party at Avengers Tower. You leave the bathroom after doing your hair and see Clementine by the mirror fixing up. She wears nice attire, and you go wrap your hands around her waist.

You: You look beautiful.

Clementine laughs.

Clementine: I'm just happy I get to finally wear this.

You: You remember our wedding day? How amazing you looked?

Clementine: I don't look amazing all the time?

You: Oh, of course, just that day you passed a tier I didn't think could be possible. It's the same today.

Clementine: You're such a dork.

You remember that day. You had a regular wedding with family and friends. The only Avenger that went to the ceremony was Tony, who brought along Pepper.

Afterwards though, Tony did throw a separate party in which the rest of the team came. He threw it under the guise of him just being happy for a fellow friend and worker of Stark Industries.

You laugh at Clementine's remark, then suddenly your three year old son Ben runs in. He holds his Iron Man toy, which is something Tony gifted him for his last birthday. Funny guy.

Ben: Ma! Can we go to auntie now?

Clementine: In a minute.

She turns to you.

Clementine: Can you put the twins in the car seats, please?

You nod, and go over to the living room. Ben follows.

You go over to the crib containing the two year old twins, May and Aaron. May is the middle name of your aunt, while Aaron was named after Agent Coulson, the man who saved your life years ago.

You: Let's get you both ready.

After the kids get ready and Clementine finishes up, you all leave the apartment and get into the car. You are all now on the way to your aunt's place in Forest Hills.

You and Clementine talk in the front while your kids sit in the back in their car seats. The twins sleep while Ben plays with his toy.

Clementine: So...Thor's gonna be there?

You chuckle as you continue driving.

You: You talk about him way too much.

She laughs.

Clementine: I'm just pulling your leg. Anyways, you think Y/A/N will be fine with the kids?

You: When I asked her she was basically jumping for joy. You know she loves them.

Clementine: That's until May and Aaron wake up and start crying.

You: Eh, she's dealt with me for 14 years.

You make it the house, and your aunt was practically waiting outside. She walks over to the car as you and Clementine exit.

Clementine: Hey, Y/A/N.

They both hug, and Ben leaves the car to hug her too. You aunt goes over and looks at the twins.

You: Am I ghost now?

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