Broken Bonds

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{The Next Day}

Clementine enters her apartment. She walks in as she checks her phone, and sees a missed call and a voice message from you. She presses play and puts it on the table and starts putting things down and away in the kitchen.

You: Hey, Clem. I wanted to talk...about last night. I don't know what got into me. I know you were just there to help. I'm sorry for being an asshole. I just want to see you. Call me back, alright?

Clementine smiles and begins to walk out of the kitchen to grab her phone. But, she's suddenly grabbed by the throat and pushed up against the wall.

It's Louis, on his glider and donning Goblin gear. His mask is down, so Clementine can see his face.

Louis: If you want Y/N to're going to have to do something for me.

• •

{Later That Day}

Clementine told you to meet her in Central Park.

After taking down Sandman, you felt happy for the first time this year, even though it's only been a week into the new year.

You see Clementine by the pond. You're holding the pink flowers you bought her. You walk up to her, smiling.

You: Hey.

Clementine: Hey.

You show her the flowers.

You: They're called sweet peas. For my sweet pea.

You smile again as you hold them out for her to take. She doesn't.

You: You okay?

Clementine: No...there's something I have to tell you.

You: Okay.

Clementine takes a breath. Inside, she doesn't want to do this.

But she needs to or else you will die.

Clementine: I've been thinking...I think it's best if we...end this. You and me.

Those words hit you like the subway train you almost got hit with in the battle with Sandman.

You: ...W—what? What are you talking about?

Clementine: I don't know...

She begins to tear up. You are about to as well.

Clementine: We need to go our separate ways. I gotta follow my path...what I want to do. You have to follow yours.

You continue to listen.

Clementine: You've changed since that New Year's party...I think you need to... sort things out too. God, I'm sorry...but it's over.

You: No. Please don't say that...I know I've been selfish...but I can change.

Clementine: It's not that simple. You have things you need to do.

Out of nowhere, you spit it out.

You: I can give up being Spider-Man.

Clementine's heart drops at that statement. She couldn't believe she was doing this. But she had to.

You: I love you, Clementine. We can work things it out. The city can...handle itself—

Clementine: Stop. Please.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now