Newfound Knowledge

595 36 2

{Two Days Later}

AJ finishes texting Tenn, who's currently hanging out with their blind (but very cool) friend, Henry Murdock. Tenn says that Henry offers his condolences.

Clementine walks into the room carrying a foam food container from the cafeteria downstairs. She greets AJ before sitting down.

Clementine: Hey, AJ. Did you want something?

AJ: Nah. I'm fine. Thank for asking, though.

She sits down by the bed near a table and begins eating. AJ looks at her, then at your comatose self on the bed.

Clementine: So, have you gone out patrolling?

AJ: A little. Mostly been helping people get their cats out of trees and such...

Clementine: Getting jitters thinking of the big-scale things?

AJ shrugs.

AJ: I just don't know where to start. I've done everything with Y/N. A part of me is scared, I'm not going to lie...but then the other part of me wants to go out and find who the hell did this.

Clementine nods, giving a glance at you on the bed.

Clementine: Whatever you do, Y/N would be proud. He understands your potential...not only to be a good Spider-Man...but possibly become a better one.

AJ appreciates her words. Suddenly, a knock is heard at the door. Omar opens the door and walks in holding flowers. Clementine is elated to see him finally visit.

Clementine: Omar!

She gets up from her seat and goes over to greet her friend with a hug. Omar puts the flowers down near the others.

Omar: I'm sorry I didn't come earlier...

Clementine: It's okay. Y/N appreciates it no matter what.

Omar looks at you on the hospital bed. He looks at the tubes used to feed you I.V fluids, then at the heart monitor nearby. He also sees the bandages around your torso.

Omar: Jesus...this happened to him at the ceremony?

Clementine: We still don't know who bombed the venue. He was the only one they recovered alive.

Omar remembers that night. The bomb went off soon after hearing you warn everybody. Sophie was knocked unconscious, and he was trying to help. He then saw you fighting a masked man with a metal arm in the middle of the destroyed ballroom. You saved him and Sophie. The shock of the situation didn't let him comprehend it at first, but after many days of reflecting and thinking, he realized you are Spider-Man.

Omar: I'm sorry about all of this, Clem...

Clementine: What?

Omar puts a hand on his face.

Omar: He saved my life...and Sophie's.

AJ starts to listen in as he sits on his chair. He was staying silent at first to let Clementine catch up with a friend. Now it was time to eavesdrop.

Clementine: Omar...what happened at the ceremony?

Omar: After the first explosion, Y/N started fighting this masked dude. He had a metal arm and a shit-ton of guns. The guy looked at me trying to carry Sophie out, so he shot at us. Y/N leaped in front of us to take the gunfire.

Clementine continues to listen in awe.

Omar: I thought he would've been dead there...but he just got back up. He told us to run before shooting a web at the that moment I didn't realize it...but now it all makes sense. He's Spider-Man.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now