I Am Spider-Man

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You and the rest of the Avengers let out a yell and charge towards the opposing army.

Wakandan ships soar through the air beside other flyers like War Machine, Falcon, Iron Man, and Louis.

Giant-Man stomps towards the incoming leviathan. AJ uses Omid's large arm to swing into the battlefield.

Both sides clash and the Wakandan soldiers combat the Chitauri with their vibranium weapons. Giant-Man lands a left hook across the nose of a leviathan, bringing the large serpent down.

Black Panther and Okoye join Shuri in fighting the aliens. Drax jumps onto a Chitauri gorilla's back and stabs his knives into it.

Tony flies in the air with Pepper and shoots down incoming ships with their beams and blasters. Pepper blasts a few more aliens on the ground and lands, Tony joining her moments after.

They both retract their helmets and look at each other.

Tony: Pep...

Pepper immediately wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. It's been far too long.

Nearby, you and Thor continue fighting the aliens on the ground. After a mix-up where you have Stormbreaker and Thor holds Mjölnir, Thor looks at you.

Thor: No, no. Give me that.

Thor takes back the axe and tosses you the hammer.

Thor: You have the little one.

Bucky and Rocket shoot down Black Order soldiers with their guns. A lot more of them try to flank them, but AJ leaps into the area and slams his fist on the ground. His bio-electricity shocks and sends the soldiers flying away.

Bucky: Great work, kid.

Louis glides around the battlefield throwing pumpkin bombs and razor bats at the Chitauri. Proxima Midnight sees the Goblin and shoots a blast from her spear, but Louis evades the attack and flies down with his sword in hand.

He attacks but the child of Thanos blocks the attack her spear. Louis flies up again, but Proxima shoots him off the glider and he falls onto the ground.

Proxima runs up to him, but is suddenly hit in the back by Cap's shield. Steve retrieves it and slides over to Proxima, hitting her knee and distracting her. Louis takes the chance to get back up and slash her across the back. He kicks her away and she lands on her stomach.

She scowls as she gets back up and brandishes her spear.

Proxima: Humans in costumes...how embarrassing.

Louis holds his sword forward and Steve brandishes his broken shield. Suddenly, Judith lands to her left and looks at the Black Order soldier.

Judith: It's going to be embarrassing when you lose to three of them.

Proxima bellows as she shoots at Judith, but the young lady evades the attack. Steve and Louis run up and engage Proxima with the help of Ghost Spider.

You are fighting off the Chitauri. Cull Obsidian runs in and throws you into a pile of rocks, preparing to stab you with his blade. AJ swings in and shoots a web at Obsidian, pulling him down. This gives Omid the opportunity to crush the Black Order alien with his oversized foot.

AJ: Woah!

He lands in front of you and helps you up. The two of you retract your masks.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz