Big Change

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On the ride back home, you felt very ill. You started getting cold sweats and chills. Louis looked over at you as he was steering.

Louis: What the fuck's up with you, bro?

You: I don't know man, probably coming up with a fever.

Louis: Remind me to wipe down the car when you get out, I've already missed school one too many times.

You: Heh, fuck off.

Once Louis stopped in front of your house, you give a simple wave goodbye and leave his car.

You open the front door, and see your uncle and aunt in the dining room.

Aunt: Y/N! Did you have a great time?

You: I don't feel well, I'm gonna go to bed.

Uncle: Are you hungry? Have you ate?

You: No thanks, I had a bite.

Uncle: You sure?

You: I'm very tired...good night.

You keep walking up the stairs and enter your room.

You quickly undress to try and stay cool as you start feeling hot. You start getting a headache, and you immediately plop yourself onto your bed.

You start to shut your eyes, and fall asleep.



This time you shut your alarm off before the third beep.

You feel much better than the evening before, that was probably the best sleep you've had in a while.

You get up and pick up your glasses to wear them, but as you put them on, you notice your vision is blurrier than usual.

You take them off in confusion, but notice that you have perfect vision without your glasses.

You: What the hell?

You then look at yourself in the mirror, and see that you've gained muscle. The plans of getting a gym membership with Louis should be off the checklist, you guess.

How did all this happen?

You then hear a knock on your bedroom door.

Aunt: Y/N? You alright?

You: Yeah...I guess I am.

Aunt: So you're feeling better? Any change?

You: Change? Yup...big change.

Aunt: Well hurry up, you're going to be late again!

You quickly change into your clothes, and you basically fly down the stairs with your newfound energy.

Your uncle smiles as he drinks his coffee.

Uncle: I thought you were sick?

You: I got better.

You start to leave and wave goodbye.

Aunt: Are you going to eat? Have any lunch money?

You: Yeah. I got it.

Uncle: Hey Michaelangelo, don't forget we're painting the kitchen when you get back from school.

You: I'll be here. Don't start without me.

You share smiles with both your aunt and uncle, and start going off to school.


You're in gym class, stretching with Louis before starting a game of pickup basketball. Your teacher, Coach David, left his class in the gym to play.

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