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{Two Days Later}

You and Clementine were on the roof of the Bank of America tower. Clementine was near the edge taking footage and pictures of the skyline. You stood idly by in your spider suit.

Clementine: Don't you ever get...you know...freaked out being so high up?

You: Trust me, I was scared shitless when I first started. It took some time to getting used to.

Clementine continues to take pictures. You walk up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist. She giggles.

Clementine: I'm in the middle of something here.

You: What's this even for? Facebook? MySpace?

Clementine: No, dork. It's for Channel 4 New York. My supervisor wants some new shots for the broadcast.

You: And you offered to take some?

Clementine: When he sees these shots, he'll want them for sure.

You: Remember to credit Spider-Man on the broadcast.

She turns back and gives you a look. You let go of her waist and put your hands up.

You: I'm kidding. But what if Mitch or somebody asks how you got these shots?

Clementine: Simple. I walked up 30 flights of stairs. Needed a workout.

You chuckle, and stand beside her overlooking the city.

You: It's pretty nice up here. You know what? One day, we should have a picnic on a skyscraper.

Clementine: Really?

You: Like...who does that? I might be the first guy ever to think of that idea.

Clementine: Well...other people don't have the powers to climb a skyscraper, let alone the energy or time.

You get close to Clementine and hold her.

You: Then I'm one of a kind.

She chuckles.

Clementine: Smooth.

She lifts up your mask and the two of you kiss.

You: Now, where to next?

Clementine: Let's check out the view from the Rockefeller Center.

You nod, and grab Clementine by the waist.

You: Hold on tight.

You leap off the building with her.


You swing to the Rockefeller Center.

In the distance, one of the New Frontier henchmen looks through his binoculars. He phones Shikata.

Man 1: I think we have a way to lure the Spider, ma'am.

• •

{Later That Night}

Clementine and Minerva were walking down the sidewalk on Madison Avenue. They had just finished catching up for the first time this summer.

Clementine: So how's Sophie and Tenn?

Minerva: They're both fine. Sophie is about to return from her trip in Oregon. Tenn is pretty excited about starting middle school.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now