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{Later That Day}

Rick and his family were still at home as dusk approached. You had left a while ago. Rick was helping Lori clean up the trashed living room. They then hear the doorbell.

Captain Grimes: I'll get it.

Rick goes over and looks through the peephole. He sees Shane, which angers him.

Captain Grimes: It's fuckin', Shane.

He begins opening the door, ready to basically arrest him for harassment.

Captain Grimes: What did I say—

Shane transforms into Carnage as he's opening the door. He uses his tendrils to launch Rick back, and he crashes into a coffee table. Lori screams.

Carnage: Retribution has come, Rick.

Rick looks up at Carnage.

Captain Grimes: Shane? You're that monster?

Carnage lifts him up from his collar.

Carnage: We are Carnage!

He throws him aside and Rick crashes into the dining table. Carnage looks over at Lori. He grabs her with his tendrils as she screams.

Carl runs in with Judith, and shields her when he sees Carnage.

Carnage: Hello, little ones...

Lori: Don't touch them, Shane! If you want me, just take me.

Carnage looks at her, then back at her children. He doesn't need all of them for what he's about to do...just Lori.

Carnage carries Lori out of the house and they flee.

Judith: Mom!

Carl runs over to his dad, who's slowly getting up.

Carl: That thing took mom!

Rick is helped up by Carl, and then looks at his two children.

Captain Grimes: I'm going to get her back, no matter what.

He goes over to the nearby table and picks up his phone. He was going to call every unit in the force for this.

• •


You heard about incident through the dispatch. Captain Grimes made sure to get the point across of his wife Lori being Carnage's current victim.

Police were surrounding an apartment building in the Lower East Side. You land near the police barricade and see Captain Grimes with other officers.

You: Captain?

Captain Grimes: That son of a bitch has my wife. It's Shane.

You: Lieutenant Walsh is Carnage?

Captain Grimes nods and then pulls out his radio.

Captain Grimes: Is the building evacuated?

Officer: Yes, Captain. But we still see one heat signature in a room on the sixth floor.

You wonder if it's either Shane or Lori, but then Carnage appears on the rooftop. He screeches. This answers your question.

You: Lori is in the building.

Captain Grimes: I'm going to go get her.

You: That's pretty dangerous, Captain.

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