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AJ: What are you guys? Like...Agent Coulson on steroids?

Andrea: That's an interesting way to put it.

Daryl looks around at the bodies of the New Frontier goons they took down. He holsters his bow on his back as he looks down at one of their necks.

Daryl: What is this?

AJ knows he's asking about the brand.

AJ: It's a brand of theirs. They're New Frontier.

Daryl: Never heard of these assholes before.

AJ: I interrogated one of them a couple days ago. He mentioned how they're connected with some group named HYDRA.

That statement causes both their ears to perk up.

Andrea: HYDRA?

Daryl gets up and looks at Andrea.

Daryl: That explains the Winter Soldier.

Andrea: I never thought he'd come out of hiding again this soon.

AJ overhears their conversation.

AJ: Um, hello? I'm still here.

Andrea looks at the teenager.

Andrea: HYDRA is a group hell-bent on world domination. They've been active since even before Dixon here was in diapers.

Daryl rolls his eyes as she continues speaking.

Andrea: They have an asset they can activate to assassinate those they deem a threat to their cause. He's a ghost...they call him the Winter Soldier.

AJ takes in the information. HYDRA must've seen you as a threat, and are now trying to come after him too.

AJ: So they saw my friend, Y/N, as a threat? That's why he went after him at the venue.

Andrea: They must've found out he was Spider-Man the same time S.H.I.E.L.D did.

Daryl: My guess is that Ava was a mole for these guys. It explains why she went to go kill him.

Andrea: That makes sense.

AJ: So what now? Do we go after Soldier?

Andrea shoots a look at Daryl, then back at AJ.

Andrea: That's for us to handle. I think it's best if you stay far away from this.

AJ scoffs.

AJ: I don't think so. I've been chasing this guy for weeks now.

Daryl: And how many times have you run into him?

AJ: This would be my second time.

Daryl: Did you find him or did he find you?

AJ rubs his neck.

AJ: He...found me.

Daryl: I bet you narrowly escaped the first time like you did this time.

AJ remembers how is invisibility saved him from death the first time, like how his bio electricity did today.

AJ simply shrugs.

Andrea: Good news is we don't think the New Frontier or the Winter Soldier knows L/N is alive. Bad news, his mission is to kill the second Spider-Man, you.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now