Spider-Man vs Iron Man

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After sticking War Machine's leg to the floor, you run over to Black Panther who's currently fighting Steve. You do a flying kick at T'Challa, who drops forward. He quickly kips back up and swipes his claws at you, which you dodge. Steve helps out and does a spinning kick to launch T'Challa back near Rhodey.

Omid runs up to the two of you.

Omid: Guys! Heads up!

He hands you a miniature tanker truck and brandishes a small disk.

Omid: Throw it at this.

Omid throws it, and you throw the miniature truck as well at the disk. It grows into a full sized tanker truck, and it explodes near Rhodey and T'Challa upon hitting the ground. You and Steve look at Omid. Turns out it was a gas truck.

Omid: Oh, man. I thought it was a water truck. Sorry.

You shake your head and the three of you run off.

Rhodey gets up.

Rhodey: All right. Now I'm pissed.

Tony flies over and helps Andrea up. He has just come from encountering Wanda and Daryl, who fled.

Andrea: Is this part of the plan?

Tony: Well, my plan was go easy on them. You wanna switch it up?

You and Steve continue running with Omid. Daryl and Wanda catch up with you, and you see Sam and Bucky to your right. You also see the hangar in the distance.

Daryl: There's our ride!

You: Come on!

They all follow. You start getting close, but a large yellow beam shoots down and cuts into the pavement in front of the team. You look up, and see Vision hovering above.

Vision: Y/N L/N. I know you believe what you and Rogers are doing is right. But for the collective good you just surrender now.

The rest of Tony's team arrive. War Machine drops T'Challa off. Tony lands in the middle near Andrea. War Machine lands on their right, and AJ swings onto the scene landing beside him. Vision starts to descend.

Both sides face each other.

Team Spider-Man.

Team Iron Man.

Sam: What do we do, L/N?

You glance at Steve, then back at the opposing side.

You: We fight.

The two sides starts walking forward. It then leads to a run, then to a full on sprint. Sam activates his wings and glides, along with Wanda using her powers to fly. Vision, Tony, and Rhodey fly forward as well.

The two sides clash, and Tony flies at you and punches down. You block the attack with your forearm, and engage in combat with your friend.

T'Challa fights Bucky, and Steve joins in to assist. Sam gets in an aerial battle with Rhodey. AJ swings as he dodges crates being thrown by Wanda. Omid fights Andrea, but is quickly taken down before Daryl comes in and helps.

Daryl pins Andrea to the floor using his bow.

Andrea: We're still friends right?

Daryl: Depends on how hard you hit me.

Andrea grapples Daryl with her leg and gets him to roll over. She initiates a roundhouse kick, but Wanda comes in and makes her freeze using her psionic abilities. She tosses her aside and looks at Daryl.

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