Missed Me?

702 41 6

{April 2011}

You leap off of your web and climb onto the side of the apartment building. You scale the wall, reaching one of the windows at the top floor. You try to open it, but it doesn't budge. You look through the glass, and see Clementine at her dining table typing on her laptop.

You knock, alerting her of your presence. She sees you through the window, and laughs to herself. She walks over and opens the window.

Clementine: You know doors exist, right?

You: Yes, this is the twelfth thousandth time you told me.

She lets you inside, and you shut the window. You take off your mask and take a deep breath in.

Clementine: You look exhausted.

She grabs a cloth and goes over to wipe your face.

Clementine: Something happened?

You: This bus by the bridge almost fell into the river. I may have super strength but carrying that much weight still makes my arms sore.

Clementine motions you to the couch, where she helps you take off the top part of your suit. She looks at your biceps.

Clementine: Looks like somebody needs to hit the gym some more, then. Here, let the masseuse to the work.

You laugh as she begins massaging your shoulders. You grab her wrist, then look into her eyes.

You: No matter what I go through out there, I know that you'll always be here afterwards.

Clementine places a hand on your cheek.

Clementine: You know I always will be.

You lean in and kiss her. After several seconds, you stop only to look at her once more. The two of you kiss again, more passionately. She throws the top part of your suit on the floor and continues kissing, where you begin lifting up her shirt as well. She lays you down onto the couch and straddles you as the passion continues.

She was right. She will always be there.

• •

{Present Day}

You begin to open your eyes. It hurts a bit to do so, as if you've had your eyes closed for a while. You let out a groan, and start looking around. Your vision begins to focus, and you see Clementine looking at you in disbelief. A man is beside her as well.

You: Ugh...Clementine? What's going on?

Clementine immediately begins to cry. She leans over to kiss you, wrapping her arms around your neck. You feel a little soreness and groan at the embrace.

Clementine: Sorry...sorry...oh my god...you're awake!

You: Yeah...I'm awake. What happened? Where am I?

You look at the man in a suit near Clementine.

You: Who is this guy?

Aaron: Mr. L/N. I'm Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. We've been trying to get in with contact you for a while.

You: Really? Is this some timeshare opportunity or something?

Aaron: No, sir. We know you are Spider-Man.

Your eyes widen. You don't know how they found out.

You: Heh, you're crazy. I don't—

Clementine interrupts you.

Clementine: It's okay, Y/N. This guy saved your life.

She explains to you what has happened the past month. How you went into a coma after the venue attack, how AJ has been trying to find out more about the mercenary that attacked, the double agent who Aaron killed to save you. Everything sounded insane.

Aaron: AJ and a couple of our finest agents went to go take the New Frontier down for good.

You: I have to go help AJ.

Clementine: Are you crazy? You just woke up! Just rest for a moment.

You look at Clementine.

You: Clem...I can't let anything happen to him. I was in this coma for weeks and AJ took it upon himself protect the city and stop the New Frontier. What am I if I just stay back and let him do it himself?

There's a momentary silence. Aaron just stays quiet, leaning against the wall. Clementine sighs.

Clementine: You're such a amazing man, Y/N. You're the best of us. This city is lucky to have someone like you.

Aaron chimes in.

Aaron: Not just the city...the world.

You nod and hold Clementine's hand.

You: I'll be back. I promise.

Clementine: I know, tiger.

You pull out the tubes from your arm, and start to think about out how you'll leave the hospital unnoticed. Clementine stops you and shows you a backpack she's been bringing with her every visit.

Clementine: I always had it with me just in case.

You grab the bag.

Clementine: You better come back to me like you said. I have something I have to tell you later.

You open the bag. There, you see your spider-suit.

• •


AJ uses his venom blast to knock two goons away. The Winter Soldier shoots his rifle but AJ dodges the gunfire. He swings up towards the railing above. Hawkeye deploys his staff and knocks a goon down. Another one grabs him from behind, but he elbows the man and acrobatically backflips over him. He kicks the goon away and then redeploys his bow.

The Black Widow slides under one New Frontier goon and shoots the man in front of him. She turns around and roundhouse kicks the man she had just slide under. She quickly looks at the Winter Soldier and fires her pistol, but the mercenary quickly runs into cover.

AJ punches one goon and then does a spinning back kick at another, knocking him down. The Winter Soldier, joined with a few others, fires in the direction of AJ. He leaps into cover, and sees his other colleagues behind their cover as well.

Joan simply stands near her table on the platform, watching the battle ensue.

They continue firing in their direction. Hawkeye tries to peak out to shoot an explosive arrow, but is almost shot in the head. He crouches back down.

The Winter Soldier motions at three New Frontier goons to advance. They start making their way forward, when suddenly there's a thud at their feet. They look down, and see a small cylinder.

It explodes, and they are launched to the wall engulfed in webbing.

The other goons look around in confusion. The Winter Soldiers glares beneath his mask, knowing who it is.

You drop down from above, in your spider-suit. You face the goons and the Winter Soldier. Joan behind them snarls in anger.

AJ peeks out of cover and sees you. He mumbles to himself.

AJ: Y/N...

You clear your throat and speak to the enemies in front of you.

You: Missed me?

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt