Back In Action

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You are in the Sanctum Sanctorum. You also reunited with Bruce Banner, and were glad to see him. He gave a little insight to what he went through the last couple years and how a warlord named Thanos attacked him, Thor, and the rest of the Asgardians. This guy sounded like a true threat.

You stand alongside AJ as the two of you talk. Doctor Strange said he had to go pick one last person up.

You: Is Judith on her way?

You knew about Judith Grimes and how she was Ghost-Spider.

AJ: No, I told her to stay back. If things get bad though, she's the first person I'm calling.

You nod. AJ continues.

AJ: Maybe I can call up Henry too if he ain't busy. Haven't heard from him the last few days.

Henry Murdock is the Daredevil. You knew that too.

Doctor Strange comes through a portal, and a familiar looking man follows.

It's Tony Stark.

He looks around and sees you. The two of you just look at each other until he calls out.

Tony: Y/N?

You don't answer, and simply give a nod. It's been a while since the two of you seen each other. It's as if the Avengers Civil War between you and him two years ago caused a rift in your friendship.

AJ: Mr. Stark.

Tony: Morales. Do you know exactly what this wizard is talking about? I was with Pepper and he just showed up. Banner also seems shaken up.

AJ: This guy is taking over worlds. Ours is next, and I don't want to stick around to see what he does after that.

Tony looks at you again, and tries to talk to you.

Tony: Seems Gandalf wanted all the help he can get, huh?

You nod.

You: Seems like it.

Wong calls all of you over and starts showcasing a projection using his magic in the middle of the room. He starts to explain what is happening.

Wong: At the dawn of the universe. There was nothing. Then...boom. The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe.

You all look on at the six stones in the projection. He continues.

Wong: These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence.

Doctor Strange: Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind.

He starts to open up the Eye of Agamotto, showing the stone within it.

Doctor Strange: Time.

Tony: Tell me his name again.

Bruce: Thanos. He's a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population.

AJ: Christ...

Bruce: He sent Loki. The attack on New York, that's him.

You: Loki was just a puppet...I had a feeling that was the case. Thor was right, there was always somebody orchestrating this.

Tony starts to think. He remembers his vision that Wanda gave him in Sokovia. The planet at war, in ruin, his friends dead. It was all possible now.

Tony: This is it.

You: What's our timeline?

Bruce: No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones. That already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six stones...

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