Like Father, Like Daughter

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{One Month Later}

You insert the key into your loft door, and enter. Upon entrance, you see Louis on the couch. He had just got off the phone.

You: Hey, Louis. Something up?

Louis gets his face out of his hands and looks straight at the television.

Louis: Violet broke up with me.

You put down your bag near the coffee table and sit with him on the couch.

You: What? Why?

Louis: You know....she doesn't think she can handle a relationship right now. Especially after her father died last week.

Violet's father was killed in prison over a week ago. She has been pretty distant after that. His death hit her hard.

Louis: She told me she's got things to do....and that she's going to finish up the year at ESU, then go move with her mom back to The Bronx.

You nod as he speaks.

You: You know how she's feeling now, don't blame yourself. She'll get through it, and you'll get through it too.

Louis: I really liked her, man....she was one of the few people that made me feel normal after my father died.

You pat Louis's back.

You: You got us man. Clementine, Aasim,

Louis looks up at you and smiles.

Louis: Thanks, Y/N. You're probably the only family I have left.

Louis gives you a hug, and you hug him back.

At that moment, the memory of Mr. Osborn's death hits you. They come in flashes. You remember the glider coming at you, then dodging it, and letting it impale him. The guilt of indirectly causing Louis's father's death comes back.

You continue hugging Louis.

You: Yeah man....I'll always be here.


{The Next Day}

You are sitting on the ledge of a building. Your mask is halfway up as you eat a hotdog and talk on the phone with Clementine.

You: What are you watching again?

Clementine: Family Feud.

You continue to talk while you're eating.

You: I love that show. I pretend I'm in it whenever I watch it myself.

Clementine laughs.

Clementine: Dork.

She can hear you eating on the other end.

Clementine: Are you eating right now?

You: Yeah, a man's gotta eat. These patrols make me hungry.

You then hear an alarm in the distance. Must be a break in.

You: Welp. There goes my lunch break.

Clementine: Talk to you soon?

You: Yup.

You hang up, and pull your mask all the way down.


You swing down and to the scene.

A couple blocks down, there is an office building. One of the windows on the fifth floor is broken. You swing through the window, and look around. It was empty.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now