At War

964 38 3

{Ten Months Later}

In a remote research facility, Dr. Erik Selvig leads a team experimenting on the cosmic cube known as the Tesseract. Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Paul "Jesus" Rovia, stands with the lead scientist and his agent, Daryl Dixon, as they look at the sudden energy beginning to radiate from the cube.

Within its confinement, the cube suddenly shoots a beam towards the platform several yards behind it. It starts creating a portal, where it quickly dissipates and emits a large wave of energy.

As the people nearby un-shield their eyes, they see somebody rise from the platform. Blue energy is radiating from him. Agents raise their rifles at the man as he slowly raises his head.

 Agents raise their rifles at the man as he slowly raises his head

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He hold a scepter with a glowing blue orb in it. Jesus notices this and shouts.

Jesus: Sir, please put down the spear.

He simply glances at his scepter, then shoots a blast out of it towards Jesus. Daryl pushes his boss out of the way and they both fall on the floor.

The man then leaps off the platform as agents shoot at him. Bullets seem to not faze him, and he stabs into one of the agents.

Two more agents shoot at him from behind, but he simply looks back and throws two small daggers at their necks. He then turns back around and blasts at the scientists nearby.

Daryl gets back up and begins shooting at their assailant with some backup. The man shoots from his scepter again, hitting and disintegrating one agent and causing an explosion that knocks Daryl back.

The man looks around at the chaos he's caused, bodies are scattered around the area and sparks shoot from damaged equipment.

Daryl slowly gets up holding a pistol. The man runs towards Daryl and subdues him before he can shoot by grabbing his wrist.

???: You have heart.

He places the tip of his scepter at Daryl's chest. Dark blue lines go up his neck and his eyes turn black, only for them to turn back to normal albeit now having blue irises.

The man lets Daryl go. Daryl then holsters his pistol and stands at attention. He was now under the enemy's control.

Jesus sees this, and quickly grabs the Tesseract from the machine. He places it in a briefcase and tries to slip away while the man places surviving agents under mind control.

???: Please don't. I still need that.

He catches Jesus trying to escape, and he stops.

Jesus: This doesn't have to get any messier.

???: Of course it does, and I've come too far for anything else.

Jesus turns around and faces the man.

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