The Time Heist

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{Two Days Later}

The team was assembled and prepping for their mission.

The Time Heist as Omid coined it.

Nebula and Rocket arrived to the facility along with Rhodey. Thor, who had gained a considerable amount of weight the last five years, came along too with the promise of beer.

Even Daryl arrived. Andrea had to travel to Tokyo to convince him, as he was there taking down a Yakuza gang as Taskmaster. He resumed that mantle after losing his family to the decimation.

Louis introduced himself to the rest of the team and got to know some of them throughout the last couple of days. It felt nice seeing them warm up to your best friend, along with seeing him work with other heroes.

You worked with Rocket on the Quantum Tunnel. Thor offered to help, but mostly stood around watching and drinking, which you didn't mind.

In another part of the compound, Bruce Banner, Nebula, Omid, Rhodey, and Louis are testing out the suits they are going to wear during the mission.

Louis has never seen Banner in person, and it kind of tripped him out finally seeing him...since he was now a morph between Hulk and Banner.

Smart Hulk.

Rhodey examines the suit they are fitting onto Omid.

Rhodey: Time travel suit, not bad.

Banner tries to insert a Pym Particle capsule into the suit's belt. Omid stops him.

Omid: Hey, hey, hey! Easy! Easy!

Bruce: I'm being very careful.

Omid: No, you're being very Hulky.

Banner raises his hands.

Bruce: I'm being careful.

Omid holds a capsule between his fingers.

Omid: These are Pym Particles, all right? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more.

Louis: Lang, calm down.

Omid: Sorry. We've got enough for one round-trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs.

Omid places the capsule into his belt as the suit fastens. He suddenly lets out a yell and shrinks into nothingness.

Nanoseconds later, he grows back to normal size and retracts his mask.

Omid: One test run.

Rhodey sighs.

Omid: All right. I'm not ready for this.

Suddenly, Daryl walks into the room. He is out of his Taskmaster gear and wears a rugged tank top.

Daryl: I'm game. I'll do it.

Omid is perfectly fine giving the responsibility of the test run to somebody else. They then fit Daryl with the suit.

Bruce: Daryl, now you're going to feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift. Don't worry about that.

Rhodey: Wait a second.

They all listen to the colonel.

Rhodey: Let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know...go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos? You know, and...

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