Leap of Faith

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{The Next Night}

You are in your office sitting at your desk. You continue tinkering with your Spider-Man gadgets as your favorite television program plays from your desktop.

You dust it off and place the gadget down, then get up from the seat and walk over to a shelf containing more parts. As you grab the trinket, you see a picture frame on the shelf. Picking it up, you see that it's of you and AJ. The photo was taken after his graduation from Alexandria Visions Academy, the both of you doing funny faces as he holds his diploma.

You smile, but then a feeling of sadness engulfs you.

You let him down. You let his family down. You let a lot of people down with your failure.

He is gone. Your aunt is gone. Many of your friends are gone. You try to move on, spending the last few years continuing your work as Spider-Man to make up for the failure.

You continue looking at the photo, and to try and regain some solace, you think back at the times from before...

• •

{Thirteen Years Ago | 2010}

Gazing upon the skyline of Manhattan, you have your arms crossed as you take in the sight. You wear your original spider-suit and are standing on the edge of the Empire State Building.

You hear footsteps behind you. Your new protege stands beside you, wearing a store-bought Spider-Man mask with his Alexandria Visions gym shirt.

AJ: Geez...this is pretty high up.

You snicker under your mask as he looks over the edge.

You: What? You afraid of heights now?

AJ: I've always been afraid of heights.

You: Well...you'll get used to it.

You bend over and take something out of the satchel you brought. You hand AJ a set of web-shooters, and he's in awe as he looks at him.

AJ: Whoa! Are these for real?

You: They sure are. I made them just for you. They're very essential, especially in your case.

AJ: What do you mean?

You: I've noticed you don't have organic webbing. When I first started, that was all that I had. It was only a few years later that I developed them so I can do more things.

AJ starts putting on the web-shooters.

AJ: So web literally comes out of your body...that's interesting.

You: Be grateful. So, do they fit?

AJ: Feels fine. So what now?

You: We swing.

AJ: Swing? Already?

You: Gotta do it sooner or later. Might as well be soon.

AJ takes a breath as he looks over the edge again.

AJ: When you first started, weren't you scared? Being so high up?

You think back at when your first web-slinged, which was when you went after the burglar who killed your uncle.

You: I just didn't think about it. I just jumped to it. In this business, that's basically all it is...a leap of faith.

AJ takes in the words as he exhales. You turn to him again.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now